IB Computer Science year 2 - Frankfurt International School - Dave_Mulkey@fis.edu - 2016-17
 Next graded assignment : Pseudocode Quiz on Monday 20 March - about HASHING
  Links :  IBCS Course Guide  Pseudocode   Processing Lessons  
             Java Tutorial   Java Notes by Eck  McFadyen Java Textbook  Wu Java Textbook 
             Internal Assessment Project Notes 2017   IGCSE Vocab  CS-Dictionary 
            Notes and Review Page (for 2017 exams)                      Last Year's Blog

Suggestions for Exam Review - 10 Apr 2017

Here is a complete set of review notes: Notes and Review Page (for 2017 exams)
Basically - the stuff at the top is most important, and the links below are less important.

Here are the most significant and useful links:

Past Papers :   May2016  Nov 2015  May 2015  May 2014  Nov 2014   Specimen Exams

PAPER 1 = Core Syllabus+Notes

   Topic 1.1 - System Fundamentals       Briefer version of 1.1 with vocabulary markup
   Topic 1.2 - System Design                  Topic 1.2 - System Design (Wikibooks)
   Topic 2 - Computer Organization      Version of Topic 2 with Vocabulary Markup   
   Topic 3 - Network Basics            Briefer version of Topic 3 with vocabulary markup
   Topic4 - Algorithms          Pseudocode Practice Tool 

HL PAPER 1 - HL extension =  Syllabus Notes for HL

   HL Topic 5Stacks and Queues     Trees Intro      Tree Traversals  (Mulkey)
                          Topic 5 - Abstract Data Structures (Michael Brookes)  

   HL Topic 6 & 7 :   Topic 6 - System Resources        Devices Vocabulary  (Mulkey)
                              Topic 7 - control - Student Booklet (Micahel Brookes) 

Paper 2 -
Option D Notes (Mulkey) - OOP Option
   OOP Design Notes      JETS Java Specification

PAPER 3   Case Study  (HL Only)
   Case Study [HL] for 2017 = Medicine 
Vocabulary  -   Old Glossary   Vocab Interactive(download, run .jar file) 

====  Read the textbook - Computer Science Illuminated  ====
 Read this book "lightly" - don't try to memorize every word - focus on vocabulary

  Ch 1 - 1.1, 1.3
  Ch 2 - All
  Ch 3 - all except compression
  Ch 4 - 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 until p 104
  Ch 5 - 5.1, 5.2     HL = 5.3, 5.4
Ch 6 - 6.1, 5.2, 6.5
Ch 7 - All (7.6 is HL only)
Ch 8 - HL only 8.1 - 8.6
          8.7 is for SL and HL
Ch 10 - SL - 10.1, 10.2, 
          HL all sections of Ch 10
Ch 13 - Optional and interesting
Ch 15 - All
Ch 16 - All
Ch 17 - 17.2, 17.3
Ch 18 - Optional

Last Day of Class - 6 Apr 2017

Try this Vocabulary Review : Vocab Interactive(download, run .jar file)

We can finish Paper 2 Nov 2014

Although tomorrow's class is cancelled, there will be some last minute
review suggestions on this blog tomorrow.

Paper 2 from Nov 2014 - 5 Apr 2017

Paper 2 Nov 2014

Specimen Paper 1 - 4 Apr 2017

Specimen Exams

Exam Review Plan - 3 Apr 2017

Look at this link: Notes and Review Page (for 2017 exams)

The teacher will explain which links are worthwhile and which are not.
Basically - the stuff at the top is most important and the links
below are less important.  But here is a quick synopsis:

Top Page :

   PAST EXAMS - take an exam, WRITE solutions on paper,
        check your solutions against the mark-scheme
        or ask the teacher to look at your solution

2nd Page :

    Syllabus Notes with Teach Explanations -
read the notes for each syllabus section
       FOCUS on vocabulary that is new or unclear,
       and find out what it means.

       You may find the versions with VOCABULARY MARKUP
        very helpful for review.

3rd Page :

     Paper 2 OOP  -  Option D Notes (Mulkey) - OOP Option 

     Paper 3 Case Study -
Case Study [HL] for 2017 = Medicine

====  Read the textbook - Computer Science Illuminated  ====
 Read this book "lightly" - don't try to memorize every word - focus on vocabulary

  Ch 1 - 1.1, 1.3
  Ch 2 - All
  Ch 3 - all except compression
  Ch 4 - 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 until p 104
  Ch 5 - 5.1, 5.2     HL = 5.3, 5.4
Ch 6 - 6.1, 5.2, 6.5
Ch 7 - All (7.6 is HL only)
Ch 8 - HL only 8.1 - 8.6
          8.7 is for SL and HL
Ch 10 - SL - 10.1, 10.2, 
          HL all sections of Ch 10
Ch 13 - Optional and interesting
Ch 15 - All
Ch 16 - All
Ch 17 - 17.2, 17.3
Ch 18 - Optional

Further Down  

Vocabulary  -   Old Glossary   Vocab Interactive(download, run .jar file)    Animated General CS Vocab
           The Old Glossary is probably about 90% useful - which makes it a lot better than the non-existent new glossary.
           It has been updated to be as close to the new syllabus as possible, but it's not perfect.
           The Interactive vocabulary test is probably about 75% useful. The Animated General CS Vocab
           is probably about 75% useful.

CS and IT General Notes - originally written for ITGS, but contain lots of useful explanations of general computer concepts

Other Stuff

Past Exams from Old Syllabus (pw needed) -    Nov 2013    May 2013     Nov 2012    May 2012 
            Note that these past exams have about an 80% overlap with the new syllabus.
            So there may be some questions that are not useful, but most are useful.
            Answers are provided in the [Marks] folder.  Keep in mind the Markschemes give "good" answers.
            Other answers are possible and will receive marks, so don't assume your answer is wrong
            just because it does not match the Markscheme exactly.  The case study questions
            at the end of paper 2 do NOT apply to the new syllabus, so ignore them.

Lots more below

Continue with Specimen Exam Paper 2 - 31 Mar 2017

Specimen Exams

More with LinkedLists and Arrays - 30 Mar 2017

We will look at this solution program (Lists) for yesterday's practice:


We will also look at Paper 2 in the Specimen Exams

Using Arrays and LinkedLists - 28 Mar 2017

  1. Write a Java method that converts a LinkedList to an Array of Objects.
    Assume the LinkedList already exists.
    For testing, use a sample() method to produce a LinkedList:

        public LinkedList<Object> sample()
        {    LinkedList<Object> result = new LinkedList<Object>() ;
              return result;
  2. Change your program so that it treats the LinkedList like a STACK,
    so it reverses the order when it converts to an array.
  3. Describe 2 different ways that you can store a list of Names and Ages
    in a LinkedList, storing the ages as int values.
  4. Change your conversion method so that it REMOVES DUPLICATES.
  5. Write a method that SORTS a LinkedList that contains names.

Dynamic BST

Formula Trees - 24 Mar 2017

FormulaTrees in Arrays (Processing)

Programming Trees - 23 Mar 2017

Binary Search Tree in Arrays

Oracle Info Base - 21-22 Mar 2017

IA Form - Each student needs to fill in this form
and give a PDF copy to the teacher as soon as possible.

You may find this link helpful:

Read the Group 4 assignment here.


Once you have finished and submitted your form,
you should read these notes and answer the questions on page 3 (#1-10).
Write your answers as brief notes - we will discuss them tomorrow.

Case Study Test Return - 20 Mar 2017

Sample Test for Medical Case Study (with solutions)

Tree Traversals

Batch Delete Problem - 16 Mar 2017

Here is a more realistic, real world problem - called Batch Delete.

An array, DATA, contains a bunch of names (Strings). 
Another array, BAD, contains names that should be DELETED from the array.

The straightforward way to do this is:
-  take the first BAD name
-  search through DATA
-  if the BAD name is found, then DELETE it from DATA,
   moving remaining items ahead one position
-  then delete the second BAD name, etc

This involves lots of "shuffling" of items in DATA.

Here is a more efficient algorithm, very little "shuffling":
-  take the first BAD name
-  search through DATA
-  if the BAD name is found, then simply erase it
    by replacing it with ""
-  after you have done this with ALL the BAD names,
    you will have an array with lots of "" entries
   Now copy all the NON-BLANK entries into a new array.
   Then you have an array containing only the GOOD names.

Take a pen and a sheet of paper and write one of these algorithms.
When you are finished, show it to the teacher.
Then type it into the Pseudocode Practice Tool and get it working correctly.
Needless to say, your program needs to print out
all the remaining GOOD names.

Standard Algorithms - 15 Mar 2017

Here are some standard algorithms that you should be able to write quickly (in Pseudocode).
Using the Pseudocode Practice Tool, write code for each algorithm.  Work quickly!

  1. Sorting
    - Sort an array of numbers into decreasing order, largest to smallest
    - Starting with parallel arrays for name and age, sort both arrays
       to put them in order from oldest to youngest age
  2. Copying
    - Starting with an array of numbers, copy all the numbers that
      are larger than 50 into another array
    - Starting with a 2D array of prices:
         1.50    2.50    5.75     6.00
         3.50    5.00   10.95    0.95
         4.00    8.00    7.25     9.50
       copy all the prices into a normal linear array.
    - Starting with a Collection containing String values,
       copy all the values into an array
  3. Searching
    - Starting with a Collection containing numbers,
      search for all the numbers that are larger than 50
      and output those numbers
    - Starting with 2 arrays of names, find all names
       that appear in BOTH lists and output them
    - In an array of numbers, find the largest 3 numbers
       and output them
  4. Inserting/Deleting
    - Starting with an array of names, delete the 5th name in the list,
       moving all subsequent names down one position
    - Starting with a sorted array of numbers (smallest to largest)
       insert a new number into the correct position in the list,
       moving all subsequent numbers up one position
    - Starting with an array of names, find a specific name
       and then delete that name from the array

More Data Types in Pseudocode - 14 Mar 2017

You should have a copy of this Pseudocode specification -
you will NOT receive a copy of this during the exams,
but you may find it useful while reviewing.
Pseudocode Specification

Today we will discuss the Data Structures described
in the Pseudocode Specification document.

*** Yesterday's 2D Array ***********************************
Here is the correct way to create an array with 24 rows and 7 columns:

  TEMPWEEK= new Array(24)
  loop R from 0 to 23
      TEMPWEEK[R] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
   end loop

This is not important for the exams, as you will never need to "create" an array -
questions will always assume the array already exists.  But if you are trying
to use the Pseudocode Practice tool to test some code, you might need to do this.
Keep in mind that after that array is created, all it's entries are UNDEFINED,
until the program puts a value into that position.


//--- Here are solutions for Problem 11 about Temperatures ---

TEMPS = new Collection()

//--- Create random temperatures and store in Collection ---

T = 10

loop C from 1 to 24*7
   T = T + Math.floor(Math.random()*3-1)
end loop

//--- Print all TEMPS from Collection ----


loop while TEMPS.hasNext()
   output TEMPS.getNext()
end loop

//---- Create 2D array TEMPWEEK

TEMPWEEK= new Array(24)
loop R from 0 to 23
    TEMPWEEK[R] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
end loop

//--- Copy all TEMPS from Collection into 2D array ----


if TEMPS.hasNext() then
  loop C from 0 to 6
     loop R from 0 to 23
        T = TEMPS.getNext()
        TEMPWEEK[R][C] = T
     end loop
  end loop
end if

output  "First = " , TEMPWEEK[0][0]
output "Last = " , TEMPWEEK[23][6]

//--- Find MINIMUM temp in TEMPWEEK ----


  loop C from 0 to 6
     loop R from 0 to 23
         if TEMPWEEK[R][C] < MIN then
             MIN = TEMPWEEK[R][C]
         end if
     end loop
  end loop

  output "Minimum = " , MIN

//--- Count days when TEMPS dropped below 12 ---
//  Use a Collection COLD to record Day,Time,Temp when below 12

COLD = new Collection()

  loop C from 0 to 6
     COLDDAY = false    
     loop R from 0 to 23
         if TEMPWEEK[R][C] < 12 then
             COLD.addItem(C)                                // Day number
             COLD.addItem(R)                                // Hour number
             COLD.addItem(TEMPWEEK[R][C])     // Temperature
             COLDDAY = true
         end if
     end loop
     if COLDDAY = true then
        output "Cold on day # " , C
     end if
  end loop

// Notice that the exam question does not require you to write Pseudocode,
// but rather to DESCRIBE the COLD collection and the use
// of a boolean variable to keep track of whether a day was cold.

Collections and 2D Arrays in Pseudocode - 13 Mar 2017

You should have a copy of this Pseudocode specification -
you will NOT receive a copy of this during the exams,
but you may find it useful while reviewing.
Pseudocode Specification

We will discuss problem 11 in paper 1 in

Start with this simplified program:

//=== Temperatures Collection Simulation ======

TEMPS = new Collection()

T = 10

loop C from 1 to 24*7
   T = T + Math.floor(Math.random()*3-1)
end loop


loop while TEMPS.hasNext()
   output TEMPS.getNext()
end loop

Practice with Pseudocode and 2D Arrays - 10 Mar 2017

Here is a simplified Battleship game, written in Pseudocode:

//=== Battleship ======================
// This is a very simple version of Battleship,
// using a 6x6 board. It also only has one player -
// the person - who is trying to shoot the
// ships on the hidden target board.
// A better version would have 2 players and 2 boards,
// and would be played across a network.
// But this is just simple programming practice.

               [ 2,2,0,0,0,1 ] ,
               [ 0,0,0,0,0,0 ] ,
               [ 0,3,0,4,0,0 ] ,
               [ 0,3,0,4,0,0 ] ,
               [ 0,3,0,4,0,0 ] ,
               [ 0,0,0,4,0,0 ]

ROW = -1
COL = -1

loop while  NOT(ROW==9 AND COL==9)
   SHOW = ""
   loop R from 0 to 5
      loop C from 0 to 5
         if TARGET[R][C] < 0 then
            SHOW = SHOW + " " + (-TARGET[R][C]) + "  "
            SHOW = SHOW + " -- "
         end if
      end loop
      SHOW = SHOW + "\n"
   end loop


   input ROW
   input COL

   if ROW!=9 OR COL!=9  then  
   end if

end loop


(1) Note that the player is "punished" if they are stupid enough
      to attack the same square a second time, as this changes
      a negative back to a positive.  Fix this so that doesn't happen -
      attacking a negative entry has no effect.

(2) Write code to detect whether all 4 of the Battleship pieces (4)
      have been hit, meaning the BATTLESHIP is sunk.
      If so, then announce this.

      Then change this so that it counts ALL the negatives.
      If there are 10 negatives, then announce the game is over.

(3) Write code that adds another submarine (1) by choosing a
     RANDOM location and place a 1 in that position.
     It must check whether that position is free before
     placing the 1 there.

(4) Remove the 4's from the array - e.g. there is no Battleship.
     Then add code that chooses a RANDOM location for the Battleship.
     It must also choose a random ORIENTATION (vertical/horizontal)
     and then place all 4 pieces into the array.  This should happen
     at the beginning of the program, right after the array is declared.
     It should not overwrite any existing ships.

(5) Add a "BIG BOMB".  That hits 9 squares (in a 3x3 square).
     Allow the player to only use the "BIG BOMB" once during the game.

Topic 4 - Computational Thinking - 9 Mar 2017

We begin our review of the course with the CORE topic - Computational Thinking.

We will use these notes to review key concepts and vocabulary.

IA Meeting with Teacher to Run Program

10-15 min

Friday 10

lunch 11:45 Rodion
lunch 12:05 Barak

Mon 13

lunch 11:45 Etienne
lunch 12:05 Julian

12:45 Swastik
13:30 Tommy

Tue 14

lunch 11:45 Angelo
lunch 12:05 Harsh

Wed 15
lunch 11:45 Julius
lunch 12:05 Lewis

Thu 16
lunch 11:45 Gabi
lunch 12:05 Jack

Fri 17

lunch 11:45 Kyle
lunch 12:05

Case Study Test - 8 Mar 2017

Last Review of Case Study - 6 Mar 2017

*** The Case Study Test will be postponed until Wed 8 Mar. ***

Today we will mark students' answers to Question 4 answers : A , B , C , D

Another Study Day - 3 Mar 2017

Mr Mulkey is out sick again.

Use today to study for the Case Study test.
You might find it useful to discuss the following sample questions with other students:


We will need to plan on marking Question 4 answers : A , B , C , D
on Monday, when Mr Mulkey returns. 

*** The Case Study Test will be postponed until Wed 8 Mar. ***

Study Day - 2 Mar 2017

Mr Mulkey is at home with the flu today, hopefully returning tomorrow.
We will discuss your Question 4 answers on Thursday.

Spend this class studying the Case Study.
Look through the Google Doc containing all the notes about vocabulary,
watch any of the videos that you missed or did not understand.

Robotics Video - 1 Mar 2017

We will discuss your Question 4 answers on Thursday.
Mr Mulkey is at home with the flu today, hopefully returning tomorrow.
Today you should watch this video about Robotics:


If you wish to watch this on your own computer,
you may wish to find a quiet corner in the atrium.
Otherwise, the class can connect a laptop to the Smartboard
and all watch the video together.

Paper 3 Question 4 Discussion - 28 Feb 2017

*** Is anyone interested in an Oxford Study Course that might be                ***
*** offered in Munich - 2 days in April for 370 Euros (plus room and board)? ***

We will discuss the description and goals of Paper 3 about the Case Study:


Here are some sample questions for question 4 - the big discussion question (12 marks each).
Write answers that are designed to achieve maximum marks, according to the criteria stated above.

Question A: Evaluate the implications of human resources being completely replaced by
                  computer diagnostic systems - include specific examples in your answer.

Question B: Discuss possible computerized equipment/systems you would expect to find in a modern hospital.
                  State specific examples, including reasons why these should be included in a modern hospital.

Question C: Assuming EHR becomes more common, discuss the ethical issues
                 (both positive and negative) connected with REQUIRING all citizens to use EHR technology.

Question D: Using specific examples, as well as general concepts, describe the
                  advantages provide by Telemedicine and the Internet of Things
                  as connected to improved/reliable health care.

Case Study - Medical Imaging - 27 Feb 2017

We will discuss p.4 in the Case Study,
using the following videos for help:

Medical Imaging Videos (#1-7)

We will have more practice questions this week,
followed by a written test on Monday 6 March about the Case Study.

Submit Internal Assessment Project - 17 Feb 2017

IB Reference Documents:  FORMS.ZIP   Assessment Criteria (IBO)    Checklist (IBO) 

The finished project must be submitted on a USB stick,
organized as required in the IBO FORMS.ZIP file.
If you do not have a USB stick, ask to borrow one.

Please note that ALL DOCUMENTS must be submitted as .PDF files.
Don't forget to submit the Record of Tasks document.

All documents must be correctly linked to the Cover Page.

Your finished Java program must be copied into the PRODUCT folder,
in a format that can be loaded, compiled and run by the teacher.
That will NOT be a .pdf document, but rather a folder(s)
containing Java source files, images, etc.

The teacher will be available in room 615 until 18:00.
After that, the IA project is considered late - it has not met the deadline.

EU EMR Issues - 14 Feb 2017

3D Heart Image

Practice Management + EMR

We will discuss the EU plans outline at the top of page 3.

"The most ambitious plan is perhaps that of the European Economic Community (EEC). In 2012, a new action plan for 2012–2020 was adopted proposing a series of measures and expressing a commitment to remove the existing barriers to “a fully mature and interoperable eHealth system in Europe”*. The information in each record will include demographic data, hospital visits, past illnesses, allergies, scans, X-rays and much more. There are obvious potential advantages for the individual, for researchers and also for health care planners, but there are some implications that need to be considered as well.

Doctor Metaxis has been approached by a government representative of one of the countries involved. The representative needs advice as to how they could conform to such a new system. Doctor Metaxis explained that there are many factors to take into account.

Apart from the different languages and health practices across the European Union, there are also hardware and software compatibilities that have to be considered. Implementing such a system is extremely expensive and complex, as has been shown in the UK; attempts in some other countries have allegedly led to clinical mistakes. The attitudes of patients and the impact on medical staff need to be considered. On the other hand, those involved in bioinformatics, are particularly interested in the vast amount of data that could be used for predictive diagnosis and the possibility of including DNA in the records could lead to advances in genomic bioinformatics." (IBO Case Study 2017)

We will discuss the TECHNICAL PROBLEMS involved in create an EHR system that can function throughout Europe, especially considering problems caused by crossing international borders.

Continuing the Case Study - 13 Feb 2017

Web-Based EMR Systems (Short Video)

Semantic Interoperability (video)

Big-Data : Electronic Medical Records (Long Video)

Improvements for Stage C

Most of the Stage C documents were incomplete.
It appeared that most students had not actually finished
their program, so it was not possible to do a complete documentation.
They should be improved before submitting the final version (17 Feb).

- finish the program before writing the documentation
- more screen-shots, just Java and text are not sufficiently clear
  You may NOT assume that the video makes everything clear
- put REAL/REALISTIC data in all screenshots,
   rather than empty boxes
- proper citation and clear explanation for all LIBRARIES
    that you did not write
- cover ALL your Algorithmic Thinking (complexity/ingenuity)
   so include ALL the clever programming that you did
   Basically, each INTERESTING or IMPORTANT feature needs
    - a screen-shot (or several)
    - text explanation
    - code listing
- check for typos before finishing
- export to PDF format
- put your name (and candidate number) in the header on every page

Work on Internal Assessment Project - 7-10 Feb 2017

Work on your projects, ask questions,
get help, get finished.

Some Videos about Medical Informatics - 3 Feb 2017

EHR Story

Health Care vs Sick Care with Technology

Robo-Surgeon in Brazil

What is Gene Editing?

Medical Informatics TedTalk

==== IA Project FORMS ====


Case Study Questions - 1-2 Feb 2017

(@) Medicine's Future (video)

(A) Some more questions:

1. Describe a situation where AUGMENTED REALITY might be useful for a doctor.

2. Outline whether BIOINFORMATICS is most likely to be used in Robotic Controlled Surgery
    or in Diagnosis Decision Support Systems, including a reason for your choice.

3. Explain why CDSS is more likely to be used by a patient (without a doctor)
    while DDSS is more likely to be used by a doctor (not a lone patient).

4. EHR systems are not commonly used in many countries.
    Explain whether this is a technical issue, or an ethical issue, or both.

5. (a) Outline the difference between Fuzzy Logic and Boolean Logic.

    (b) Describe the connection between Fuzzy Logic and Pattern Recognition.
         Start with "for example".

6. Outline the purpose of Genomic Bioinformatics.

7. Describe the connection between a Knowledge Base and an Inference Engine.

8. Outline 3 common examples of Medical Imagery.

9. Describe the connection between Genomic Bioinformatics and Predictive Diagnosis.

10. Outline how transducers are used in Robotic Controlled Surgery.

11. Explain how EHR can connect to "big data".

12. Assuming EHR becomes more common, discuss the ethical issues
     (both positive and negative) connected with REQUIRING all citizens
     to use EHR technology.

(B) Sample Paper 3 (written by Ayeshat Awudu)

Finish Mock Exams - 31 Jan 2017

Finish discussing Paper 1 #14.

Then continue working on the Case Study.

Mock Exams - 30 Jan 2017

We will discuss the Mock Exam results.

Case Study - Medicine - 24-27 Jan 2017

Case Study [HL] for 2017 = Medicine  (Google PW required)

You are required/expected to understand all the following terms:

== Terminology ==
Augmented reality
Clinical decision support system (CDSS)
Computed tomography scan (CT scan)
Diagnosis decision support system (DDSS)
Electronic health record (EHR)
Fuzzy logic
Genomic bioinformatics
Inference engine
Internet of health things (IoHT)
Knowledge base
Medical imagery
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Near field communication (NFC)
Pattern recognition
Predictive diagnosis
Radio-frequency identification (RFID)
Robotic controlled surgery

Swastik's Google Doc for Notes

Google Folder with Many Extra Resources
(collected by Dominique Laloux)

Sample Paper 3
(written by
Ayeshat Awudu)

Another link:   http://internetofthingsagenda.techtarget.com/definition/IoMT-Internet-of-Medical-Things

Videos and Testing - 23 Jan 2017

(1) a - Look at some sample IA Project Videos

     b - How to make videos

     c - Video formats

(2) Discuss testing and where it must appear in your documentation
      especially Stage E - Evaluation

Finish Stage C - 9 Jan - 20 Jan 2017

You have 2 weeks to finish Stage C - Development.
We will work on this during class for the next 2 weeks.

The major work is writing and debugging your Java program.
Unfortunately, all 12 marks are awarded for presenting
clear and complete documentation about the program.
You need to read Stage C in the sample programs, especially Sample 7:

Sample 7 received 10 marks out of 12.  The layout and completeness
of the documentation is a good example - it is composed mostly
of screen-shots and Java code samples.  But there is also a sentence
or two of explanation about each section.   You will only get
credit for complexity/ingenuity if it is well presented and explained. 
Only the written explanations count in the word-count total,
so use lots of screenshots and sample code.

But you still do need to finish the program so that it is in
a reliable, working state when you turn it in.

== Submitting Stage C ==
Submit the documentation as a .pdf file.
Submit the finished program in a .zip archive.
Submit both of these in Haiku before 18:00 on 20 Jan.

Finishing your IA Project - 16 Dec 2016

Most of the Beta versions were reasonably good.
You should read the teacher's comments in Haiku.
If you are behind, you might want to spend some
time working on your Java program during the break.

Extended Essay Viva Voce -
- If you did an Extended Essay in Computer Science,
  you need to make an appointment to discuss the essay
  with Mr Mulkey - between 9 Jan and 20 Jan

Looking ahead to 2017:
-- IA Stage C - due 20 Jan (class working time 9 Jan - 20 Jan)
-- Complete Finished IA - due 17 Feb (occasional working time during class)
-- Case Study - 23 Jan - 10 Feb (discussions during class)
-- IA Personal Interviews - 27 Feb - 10 Mar (by appointment)
-- Finish IB Syllabus - 27 Feb - 24 Mar (occasional tests and quizzes)
-- Review work for IB Preparation - 27 Mar - 7 Apr
-- IB Exams - 1 May - 21 May (??)

Nov 2014 Paper 1 - 30 Nov


Paper 2 Old Mock checkEmail - 29 Nov

This is almost correct - fix the last little bit:

public class Emails extends GUI
    public static void main(String[] args)
        new Emails();
    public Emails()
        output(check("abcd@efgh.com"));  // true

 public boolean check(String e)
   boolean result = true;
   int atsign = e.indexOf('@');
   if( atsign <= 0 ) // find @ sign
     { return false; }
   String rest = e.substring(e.indexOf('@')+1);
   if( rest.indexOf('@') >= 0)
     {return false;}    // more than one '@'
   int period = rest.indexOf('.');
   String afterp = rest.substring(period+1);
  {  return false; }

   if(period < 0)
   {  return false; }  // no period after @

   if(period < 2)
   {  return false; }  // less than 2 chars between @ and .    
   if(rest.length() - period < 3)
   {  return false; }  // not 3 chars after .

   if(atsign < 3)
   {  return false; }  // not 3 chars before @
   return true;

Paper 2 Old Mock - 28 Nov 2016

Paper 2 Mock 2014

JETS = Required Java Subset for Paper 2

Parent Class

public class Parent extends Person


      private String businessPhone = “”;

      private String businessEmail = “”;


     public Parent(String n, String p, String e, int i,  String bP, String bE)







    public void setBusinessPhone(String bP)

    {   businessPhone = bP; }


   public void setBusinessEmail(String bE)


        businessEmail = bE;


   public String getBusinessPhone()

   {   return   businessPhone; }


   public String getBusinessEmain()

   {   return businessEmail;    }



REMINDER - the Beta Version of your IA program
is due on Wed 30 Nov at 18:00.  That is a working
version of the program, almost complete, but not "perfect".
COMPRESS the folder containing the program
and upload it into Haiku. 

Vocabulary/Syllabus Review - 22 Nov 2016

 version of 1.1 with vocabulary markup      

Section 1.2 (nice pictures)    

Version of Topic 2 with Vocabulary Markup

Version of Topic 3 with vocabulary markup

Topic4 - Algorithms      Pseudocode Practice Tool  

Paper 1 Mock Exam 2014 - 21 Nov 2016

Mock Exam 2014 Paper 1

Reviewing for Mock Exams - 18 Nov 2016

Review last year's final exam

Last Day Programming in Class - 16 Nov 2016

Starting Friday, we will be preparing for the Mock exams -
learning some new material and reviewing old material.

If you have programming questions, and you need help,
You should come to room 615 (or the Atrium) between 12:00 and 12:30.
Try in 615 first.

Reminder - a Beta version (working and mostly complete, but not perfect)
is due on 30 Nov 2016.
  You will turn this in be compressing the FOLDER
that contains your program, and then upload the .ZIP archive in Haiku.

One More Day Programming - 15 Nov 2016

Is it easy yet?  - 14 Nov 2016

You already wrote your ideas - now we're doing the real work.
You should ask questions, get help and make progress.

Start Programming! - 8-11 Nov 2016

Time to start writing the program for your project.
You will probably keep at lease some of the code
that you wrote in your functional prototype.
You should compare what you have so far
to the goals (Criteria for Success) that you wrote
in Stage A.  Then, for each feature/goal/task, produce:
- the User Interface
- data-structures (variables, arrays, linkedLists, objects)
- methods (algorithms)

Try to expand your program in pieces that allow
you to test it as it grows.  While doing tests, you
may want to add test-cases to the end of Stage B.

In any case, continue to ADD ENTRIES in the Record-of-Tasks.
Add an entry AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK.

Plan on programming in class on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.

You are permitted to discuss programming ideas and issues
with other students, but:
-  never COPY CODE from another student
-  do not permit another student to type code into your program on your computer

It is not required, but you will probably find it useful
to write COMMENTS (notes) inside your program code.
You may erase these later if you wish, but it is usually
sensible to keep comments in the code.

Try to use MEANINGFUL NAMES for variables and methods -
this will make it easier to manage your program as it grows.

Next Due Date = Working Program (Beta Version) - 30 Nov 2016

More OOP Notes - 2 Nov 2016

We will discuss p.7 and p.8 in OOP / System Notes.

OOP Notes and Vocabulary - 1 Nov 2016

OOP / System Notes 

HOMEWORK : Read page 7 in the OOP / System Notes

Notes about a Car Store

Handing in Stage B - 31 Oct 2016

Try changing one of these programs to save and load data appropriate to your project.


Otherwise, you can spend some time writing/organizing your Stage B documentation.

*** Your Stage B Design is due on 4 Nov at 18:00 (no school that day). ***

*** Submit this in Haiku **************************************

Please hand this in as 2 separate documents:
Record of Tasks (the table with weekly entries - as a PDF document)
Stage B Design (as a PDF document)

Make sure the Stage B Design document contains the following sections:

  1. Overview - the overall structure of the program, presented as any or all of the following:
         Flowchart  ,   Top-down Decomposition  ,   User-interface screens (from visual prototype)
    If you have lots of diagrams, please include at least one sentence
    above the diagram describing what it is.
  2. Data Structures - diagrams (boxes) showing any or all of the following:
        Arrays  ,   Lists (LinkedList)   ,  data files  ,  any significant global variables
    and if you are using Classes/Objects,   present a UML class diagram for each,
        showing properties/variables and method titles
  3. Significant Algorithms (methods), such as sorting, searching, matching, calculating
        probably presented as pseudocode, but may be a flowchart if you wish
  4. Test Plan - make sure you have test-cases that cover ALL THE GOALS from Stage A

If you want to present anything else (such as some User Stories) that's okay,
but keep long text to a minimum, as anything over 1 or 2 sentences (at a time)
counts in the word-count.  Diagrams and pseudocode do not count in the word-count limit.
The IBO documents do not state a word-count limit for this section, meaning
the actual intention is to have NO EXTENDED WRITING here.  That's not a rule,
just a recommendation.  The actual rules are 2000 words for ALL the sections.

Flowcharts - 28 Oct 2016

Here are some introductory notes about flow-charts.

Study this flowchart and predict what it will print:

If you wish to draw a similar flowchart,
you might want to try this tool:   http://www.draw.io

Here is a good example from Sample Project #13 -
the flowcharts are a bit more detailed than expected,
but that's okay. 

This is a better example, and the flowchart shows
the overall function (the "big picture") of the program.

Here is another example, with a very appropriate flowchart
as well as some other diagrams.

Pseudocode is easier to write than flowcharts,
but flowcharts might be easier for an examiner to read.
You must decide how you can make a clear presentation.

Keep in mind, your design documentation should include:
-  overview of the whole program (maybe a flowchart or a hierarchical decomposition)
-  data structures (especially objects and lists) illustrated with real sample data
-  pseudocode for some of the most significant/interesting algorithms
-  test plan - with tests for ALL THE GOALS from stage A

Today you should continue working on your Stage B Design,
or do any other work that you think requires urgent attention.

Data File Storage - 27 Oct 2016

We will study this program:


OOP Diagrams - 26 Oct 2016

We will discuss the notes in this document.

Continue Stage B Design - 19-24 Oct 2016

Write LOTS!  If you run out of ideas, then write some more Java code,
adding to your functional prototype.

Look at Detailed Design Notes - 18 Oct 2016

 Guidance Notes (from old syllabus - ignore details) start on page 15

Continue with Stage B - 17 Oct 2016

Focus first on DATA STRUCTURES.
This is mainly LISTS of data.
Think about any lists of data you will need
and write these in the Data section of your Design Overview.

If you run out of ideas, you might want to write some Algorithms (methods)
in the 3rd column.  Usually, each Algorithm has a matching View (2nd column).

If you cannot think ahead, you may find it helpful to write some Java code
(probably in your Prototype) that implements some of your ideas.
Then go back into "design mode" and think of more pieces that your program needs.

More Stage B - 14 Oct 2016

#1 - Return Networks Test

#2 - Start reading the following:

Sample projects are available at:  Teacher Support Material Overview 

Starting Stage B - 12 Oct 2016

For your IA documentation stages, you should use
the document formats contained in : Forms.zip

Especially important is this table for the Record of Tasks,
as pointed out here: https://ibpublishing.ibo.org/live-exist/rest/app/tsm.xql?doc=d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_1_e&part=4&chapter=5

#0 - Look briefly at this Sample Record of Tasks.

#1 - Today, you should start writing your Record of Tasks.

#2 - From now until next February, you must add entries
       to your Record of Tasks document regularly -
       at least ONCE A WEEK.

#3 - Start reading the following:
       Sample Stage B Design
       Guidance Notes (from old syllabus - ignore details) start on page 15
       Starting Stage B

LinkedList+OOP Scheduler - 30 Sep 2016

Download this Scheduler program.

We will improve it by adding and INSERT method
plus a proper Appointments list for ME.

Abstract Data Types - 29 Sep 2016

The following LinkedList commands are required for the Paper 2 OOP exam.

Constructor: new  LinkedList<ElementType>()
.add(E e) 
.add(int index, E element) 
.addFirst(E e) 
.addLast(E e) 
.get(int index) 
.remove(int index) 

Here is the official documentation from Oracle (if that helps):

JETS - Official Java Subset for IB Exams in OOP

You can use the following program to investigate LinkedList methods:
This program puts some names into a LinkedList,
then prints out all the names from the LinkedList.
It prints the following:


(1) Can you explain why these are in this order?

(2) What command will add "Cat" at the end?

(3) What command puts "Grandfather" between "Grandmoter" and "Mom"?

(4) What will this command do?

(5) Find out why this command does NOTHING:

(6) Write a SEARCH method for the LinkedList.
It should accept a String as a parameter,
search through the list and then print
either "Found" or "Not Found".
You may use a ListIterator or a simple
for( .. ) loop, as you wish.

(7) Find out how all the JETS commands
for LinkedList work.  Do this by
adding commands to this program and
seeing the results.  Do several tests
for each command to make sure you
understand it.
import java.util.*;   // contains LinkedList class

public class Family
    public static void main(String[] args)
    {  new Family(); }
    LinkedList<Person> people = new LinkedList<Person>();

    public Family()

    void sampleData()
        people.add( new Person("Mom") );
        people.add( new Person("Dad") );
        people.add( new Person("Son") );
        people.add( new Person("Daughter") );
        people.addFirst( new Person("Grandmother") );
        people.add(3,new Person("Friend"));
        people.addLast(new Person("Dog"));

    void allNames()
        ListIterator<Person> it = people.listIterator();
            Person p = it.next();
            System.out.println( p.name );

class Person
    String name;
    double size;

    public Person(String n)
        name = n;

OOP Structure - 28 Sep 2016

Download this program

Data Structures - 27 Sep 2016

Download this program 

(1)  Add the checkRoom method.  This should input a room number,
      like 7, and then print the name of the person in that room.
      If the room is empty, it should output "Available".

(2) Add the findName method.  This should input a name,
      like "Donald Duck", and then search for that name
      in the hotel.rooms array.  If it find the name then
      output the room number containing that name.
      Otherwise output Not Found.

(3) The Reserve method (code) is not very reliable.
     Before making a reservation, it should check to make
     sure the room is empty.  If so, it can reserve the room.
     Otherwise, it should say "That room is occupied".

(4) Add another button called [Cancel].
      This inputs a room number, displays the name in that room,
      and asks whether the reservation should be cancelled.
      If so, it should delete the name from that room.

(5) Add a [Neighbors] button.  This inputs a room number,
     and then displays the names in the neighboring rooms.

Study for Networks Test - 23 Sep 2016

Study for your Networks test.  Review any of the notes below,
especially:  Topic 3 - Network Basics

Network Stories - what is NOT a network? - 21 Sep 2016


-  what is the possible role of networks in the computer-controlled intersections?
-  will the cars belong to the IoT ?


-  outline the role(s) of networks in the Amazon + drone system
-  do you think the drone needs:
   -  GPS
   -  a remote-control device
-  how can a drone avoid accidents/crashes?

Pokemon Go  

-  outline the role(s) of networks in the Pokemon Go system?
-  outline the sensors that must exist in the phone used for Pokemon Go

Wireless Sensor Networks

optional videos :  Networks 1         Networks 2       Networks 3

Internet - size, speed, future - 20 Sep 2016

This is the Internet

How Big is the Internet (Live Science)

How Big is the Internet of Things?

How Big Exactly in 2016?

How Big is Google ? (video)

Google's Deep Mind (video)

What is LIFI?

LIFI for 3rd Industrial Revolution

What is the Internet of Things? (video)

OSI Model - Layers - 15-19 Sep 2016

*** TEST NEXT MONDAY 26 Sep about Networks ***

Topic 3 - Network Basics   Section 3.1.3

OSI MODEL Explained

Discussion Questions

(1) Explain 2 differences between the World-Wide-Web and a Wide-Area-Network.

(2) Outline a sensible SECURITY system for use in a Peer-to-Peer network.

(3) The OSI Layers model is supposed to provide standardization for Network communications.
      Explain why other standards like ASCII, UNICODE and HTML are still needed, even though
      they are not part of the OSI standard.

(4) Explain why SOFTWARE is more important than HARDWARE when setting up a VPN.

(5) Explain why WIFI and VPN might BOTH be needed to provide mobility for some users.

(6) Explain the different roles of HTTP and HTML in the World-Wide-Web.

(7) Oultine 2 advantages that make Optical Fibre better than Copper Cables for outdoor use.

(8) Outline the most important difference between how SMTP transfers email
     and how HTTP distributes web-pages.

(9) Explain the importance of check-sums ina packet-switching system.

(10) Explain two essential differences between MAC security and userID security
       in a wireless network connection.


(11) Assume that a bank director wishes to be able to work from home.
     He wants to access secret documents as well as public documents from his bank's servers.

    (a) Outline one advantage and one disadvantage of using a wireless (WIFI)
          connection at home.

    (b) Outline one advantage and one disadvantage of using VPN.

    (c )  Explain why he might be able to work WITHOUT using HTTP.

    (d)  Explain why the documents probably contain ASCII codes.

    (e)  Outline 2 ways that ENCRYPTION might be used in this system.

Networks - Data Flow - 13-14 Sep 2016

Importance of Protocols - How the Internet Works (video)

Follow the Data

Topic 3 - Network Basics   Section 3.1.7

IP Basics with Diagrams

Start Writing Stories and/or Goals - 2-6 Sep 2016

Don't think too much about the stories - just write something down quickly, then another.
Think what the program will look like and how it will work,
and write a story (scenario) about a typical situation - this is also called a Use Case.

Make plans for talking to your client.


Here is another example Project - the FIS Houses Sports Day Scorekeeping Database

Notice that some stories are about reality, while other stories are about the Java program.

It was a sunny day, with lots of kids on the sports picth.  --- NO, don't write that

Each year FIS cancels school for one day, and all the students and teachers
spend a day doing various sports activities - for example:
 -  100 m dash
 -  vortex throw
 -  high jump
 -  long jump
 -  tug-of-war
 -  more activities

The students are grouped into 8 Houses (teams) of about 100 students each.
The students collect points in various events - contributing to their House total.

That could be the first sentence of stage A.  As a STORY, it looks like this:

Sports Day Overview
Each year FIS cancels school for one day, and all the students and teachers
spend a day doing various sports activities - for example:
 -  100 m dash
 -  vortex throw
 -  high jump
 -  long jump
 -  tug-of-war
 -  more activities
The students are grouped in Houses (teams) of about 100 students each.
The students collect points in various events - contributing to their House total.

Goal :  the program must record scores for the events named above,
           plus any other events that are part of Sports Day 

Goal :  in case the events change next year, the program should be
           flexible and changeable allowing events to be added or deleted

Scoring Individual Events
Various events are scored in various ways.  For example:
- High Jump : 1st place = 100 pt    2nd place = 90     3rd place = 80 ....
- Vortex throw : distance in m / 10
- 100 m dash :  1st place = 100  2nd place = 80    3rd place = 60    4th place = 40
                         all other finishing place = 20 pts for each runner

Goal  :  the program must allow a different scoring system for each event

Goal  :  data entry must be quick and easy, and it must be possible to make
            corrections in case mistakes or confusion happen

Computer Usage
One teacher (perhaps with assistants) will sit in a central location and type in data
that has been written on paper sheets at various locations around the sports park.
The computer will not have a web connection, and might not have an electrical supply.
So it must be a laptop and the battery must last at least 6 hours.
The teacher will probably shut down the computer periodically for lunch breaks, etc.

Goal :  data must be saved (backed-up) to disk frequently, so that the computer
          can be shut down and restarted without data loss.

Overall Score and Winning House (or places)
Points are collected from all events and added up.
The house with the most points is the winner, and other placings must be calculated.
There are currently 8 houses (teams), so places 1-8 must be announced.
The places should be announced in the stadium at the end of the day.

Goal : points from various events are automatically collected for each team

Goal : after collecting total points, the program must sort the House names
          into order, from best result to worst result, for example:

                 Harrison     1240     1st
                 Hinkley      1239      2nd
                 Ortel          520       3rd (tie)
                 Carter        520       3rd (tie)
                 Schmidt     360       5th
                 Elliott         200       6th
                 Zoro            0          7th
                 Bozo      disqualified   8th

Goal :  the program needs to run during the Sports Day and produce
           final results quickly.  This requires it to run on a laptop
           with no Web connection, as none is available at the field.

Sample Data and Goals - 1 Sep 2016

Guidance Notes p. 5-7

Sample Projects - 30 Aug 2016

We will discuss some sample projects, specifically:

-- IBO Examples -- 

    (All sample project programs could just as easily be written in Java) 

    More samples, especially Java programs, are available at:
     Teacher Support Material Overview  

Starting IA Stage A - Investigation, Analysis and Planning - 29 Aug 2016

We will take a 1 week break from Networks and do some more work on the Internal Assessment Project.  We will start by reading this document:

Data Transmission - 3.1.6 - 26 Aug 2016

What is the Internet, really?

Topic 3 - Network Basics   Section 3.1.6

Importance of Protocols - How the Internet Works

IP Basics with Diagrams

Network Notes - Ch 7 and IB Notes - 25 Aug 2016

IB Notes :  Topic 3 - Network Basics  with brief explanations and questions 

Self Driving Cars

Self-driving cars would be very convenient, especially during long trips (500 km)
and for handicapped passengers (blind) and children.

Google and Tesla have built some self-driving cars that work reasonably well,
although 3 recent crashes were reported in newspapers.

Google Feb 2016   Tesla June 2016   Tesla July 2016

What EMBEDDED processors and sensors are useful here?
How could NETWORKS improve the performance of these cars?

Network Notes from Ch 7 Understanding Computers - 24 Aug 2016

Questions from Ch 7?

Remember to turn in your Functional Prototype today.
You probably should:

-  make sure your program is in a FOLDER

-  COMPRESS the folder into a .zip archive file

-  upload the .zip file into Haiku

Networks - 22-23 Aug 2016

A good overview in a Video

Reading :  Read Chapter 15 in your textbook Computer Science Illuminated

IB Notes :  Topic 3 - Network Basics  with brief explanations and questions

Prototypes - 17-18 Aug 2016

Internal Assessment Project Notes

Notes about Functional Prototype

We will work on the functional prototype assignment
during class this week.  Students should ask questions and get help

if they are unsure what is required.  

Here are some examples:

Here is a VISUAL prototype for TicTacToe.

Here is a FUNCTIONAL prototype for TicTacToe

Here is a VISUAL prototype for adding numbers 

Here is a FUNCTIONAL prototype for adding numbers

The assignment is due on Wed 24 Aug.




More Questions from Other Students
Ultrasound Video
Medical Imaging Videos

Binary Search Tree in Arrays
