/********************************************************* Susie is a school secretary. She keeps track of students and teachers leaving school temporarily - to visit a doctor, a shop, etc. She calls the list of missing people a "trip list". She writes names and times on paper. Sometimes a parent or friend calls the school and wishes to contact someone. If that person is out on a trip, Susie wants to know this quickly. So she wants a computer program that will look this up quickly. This program uses an ARRAY of OBJECTS to store the information about each trip. Each OBJECT contains the name, times and reason for one trip. At the end of the day, the program prints a list of all the trips. **********************************************************/ class Trip // stores several pieces of data for one trip { String name = ""; String reason = ""; String leaveTime = ""; String returnTime = ""; } public class TripList { Trip[] list = new Trip[1000]; // list of check-outs int count = 0; // number of trips recorded in the list public TripList() { String person = ""; do { person = input("Name"); int found = -1; for(int c=0; c < count; c = c+1) { if(list[c].name.equals(person)) { found = c; } } if(found >= 0) // this person was already signed out { output(person + "\n left at " + list[found].leaveTime + "\n and returned at " + list[found].returnTime + "\n to " + list[found].reason); String now = input("Return time (blank if just checking)"); list[found].returnTime = now; } else // this is a new check-out { Trip t = new Trip(); t.name = person; t.leaveTime = input("Time now"); t.reason = input("Reason"); list[count] = t; // add new Trip to the list count = count + 1; // count 1 more Trip } } while(!person.equals("quit")); // type "quit" to end the program for(int c=0; c < count-1; c = c+1) // print the entire list { System.out.println(list[c].name); System.out.println(" left at " + list[c].leaveTime); System.out.println(" returned at " + list[c].returnTime); System.out.println(" to " + list[c].reason); } } public static void main(String[] args) { new TripList(); } public String input(String prompt) { return javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,prompt); } public void output(String message) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,message); } } |
Anna left at 09.15 returned at 11.30 to visit the doctor Bob left at 09.45 returned at to go home sick Mr T left at 12.00 returned at 13.00 to get lunch at Macs |
A data object is a collection of
data items that are grouped together.
In this program, a Trip is a data object containing
, reason , leaveTime , returnTime.
To create a data object, we write a class.
This program begins with the Trip
class, which contains the 4 data fields.
Then the main program uses the command new
Trip to create a data object. Since there are many Trips
int he list array, the command new
Trip is executed each time that a person checks out to leave
Using a data object makes it easy to encapsulate
several pieces of data and to save the data or move it around as
a single record. The term
record is the database term for a
group of connected data items. In a spreadsheet,
a data object would occupy one row, and the various data fields would be
in the various columns in that row.
To access individual pieces of data, we use dot
notation. For example, the following code puts data into
a new object for the person who is checking out:
Trip t = new
t.name = person;
t.leaveTime = input("Time now");
t.reason = input("Reason");
Since the Trip objects are stored in an array, we also use [index] along
with .dot notation, like this to print all data:
for(int c=0; c
< count-1; c=c+1)
println( list[c].name );
println( list[c].reason );
println( list[c].leaveTime );
println( list[c].returnTime
Each time a name is typed in, the program searches through the array to
see whether a record already exists
for that person - e.g. they have already signed out:
found = -1;
for(int c=0; c < count; c = c+1)
found = c;
This loop searches through the array objects, trying to find a name that
matches the person's name.
It uses the flag found to keep
record the position of the record if it is found. If the name is
it attempts to input a returnTime and to copy that into the existing
record. Otherwise found is -1,
indicating that no record for this person was found.
The if command above may be a bit confusing - here is a clarification:
list[c] ==> look at the object
in position c
.name ==> look at
the name in the record at position c
.equals ==> compare the name to
The fancy name for dot notation is dereference.
Each subsequent .dot dereferences to the next item
inside the previous item. This extended dot notation requires some
practice to acquire competence.