/*** Overdue Library Books
************************** Sheila works in the school library. She needs a quick way to calcuate a fine for overdue books, based on this table: 0.25 per day, up to 6 days. 1.50 for 7-13 days 3.00 for 14-20 days etc, 1.50 per week for each week The logic is not difficult, but it's much simpler if she can type in the original due date and the current date, and the computer tells the appropriate fine. *****************************************************/ public class OverdueBooks { public OverdueBooks() { String today = input("Today's date (dd.mm)"); String another = ""; while(another.equals("")) { String dueDate = input("Due date (dd.mm)"); int days = daysLate(today, dueDate); System.out.println("Today = " + today); System.out.println("Due = " + dueDate); System.out.println("Days overdue = " + days); if(days<=0) { System.out.println("No fine"); } else if(days<=6) { System.out.println("Fine = " + (days*0.25)); } else if(days<=13) { System.out.println("Fine = " + 1.50); } else if(days<=20) { System.out.println("Fine = " + 3.00); } else if(days<=27) { System.out.println("Fine = " + 4.50); } else { System.out.println("Over 4 weeks late - talk to librarian"); } another = input("Press [Enter] for another book"); } } int daysLate(String today,String dueDate) { int td = Integer.parseInt(today.substring(0,2)); // today's day int tm = Integer.parseInt(today.substring(3,5)); // today's month int dd = Integer.parseInt(dueDate.substring(0,2)); // dueDate's day int dm = Integer.parseInt(dueDate.substring(3,5)); // dueDate's month if(tm == dm) { if(dd >= td) { return -1; } // not overdue else { return td-dd; } // days overdue } else if (dm > tm) { return -1; } // not overdue else { // tm > dm, due last month return (tm-dm)*30 + (td-dd); // count 30 days per month } } public static void main(String[] args) { new OverdueBooks(); } public String input(String prompt) { return javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,prompt); } } |
Today = 15.07 Due = 01.07 Days overdue = 14 Fine = 3.0 |
The program
inputs two Strings that represent dates, in the format dd.mm, e.g. 25.12 for 25 Dec, or 01.01 for New Year's day.
If the user types a different format, like 12/25 for Dec 25, then the
program will not function correctly. A really good program
would check whether the date is VALID (in the correct format) before
processing the data, but that part is left as a practice
exercise for the reader.
The program parses each date
String. Parse means to take apart the String into smaller meaningful
pieces. Each String
starts with 2 digits for the day, followed by a period '.', and finally 2
digits for the month. The substring
method extracts
part of a String, for example:
String S = "29.10";
String D = S.substring(0,2); ==> "29"
String M =
S.substring(3,5); ==> "10"
Converting from String to Integer
After extracting the small Strings containing numbers, the program uses
the Processing int( ) function to
change these
to actual numbers that can be used in a calculation, to determine the
number over due days, or be used in a comparison
if(D >
{ output("The day part of the date is too
large"); }
if(M < 0 || M > 12)
{ output("The month value is not valid."); }
Complex Logic
Calculating the overdue charge is not a simple calculation, but rather
uses various categories to
determine the cost.
The correct category is determined by a complex if..else if..else
if..else command.
This sort of complex logic is known as business rules. It has nothing to do with natural
laws or mathematics,
as these rules are determined by a business and can be changed whenever
they wish. In this program, books that are
over 4 weeks overdue require a human consultation with the librarian to
determine the charge (the else part).
The calculation of DaysLate is done in a separate method.
This calculation could have been done inside
the main setup method, but
writing a separate method makes the program a bit easier to read. It
creates a method that could be re-used in
other programs, or called more than once in this program. Notice
the method uses return to send an
answer back to the main program.