Arrays - Binary Search

The normal, easy algorithm for searching an array is a sequential search.
The algorithm looks at item #0, then item #1, #2, etc, until it finds the target.
This takes up to n steps, where n is the number of items in the array.

A binary search assumes the array is sorted (alphabetical or numerical order).
Then it looks in the middle first and decides whether the target
is in the first half of the list or the last half.  Then it splits that
half of the list in half again.  By splitting the list in half over and over again,
it eventually gets down to a piece with only 1 item, at that is either the
target or it isn't.

TRACE the algorithm when it searches for 50, then searches for 70, then searches for 25.


      int  nums = {0 , 10 , 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100};
      int  size = nums.length;                //================================
      int  low = 0;                                //  search for target = 50
      int  high = size-1;                        //    low    high   middle   target ?? nums[middle] 
      int  middle = -1;                          //     0       10    
                                                       //                        5
      boolean found = false;                 //                                   Equal --> found = true
      while (high >= low  &&  !found)     //  search for target = 70
      {                                               //   low   high   middle  target ?? nums[middle] 
          middle = (low + high) / 2;         //    0      10      5        70 > 50 -> low=mid+1     
          if (target < nums[middle])        //     6      10            70 < 80 -> high=mid-1
          {  high = middle - 1; }             //     6      7        6        70 > 60 -> low=mid+1
          else if (target > nums[middle]) //         7        7        EQUAL --> found = true
          {  low = middle + 1;  }            //============================== 
          else                                       // search for target = 25
          {  found = true;  }                  //  low   high   middle  target ?? nums[middle] 
      }                                              //   0      10     5          25<50 -> high=mid-1
                                                      //   0           2          25>20 -> low=mid+1
      if (found)                                   //   3      4              25<30 -> high=mid-1     
      {  return middle; }                      //        2     ...         stop because high < low
      else                                          //                              found is false
      {  return -1;  }                           //==============================