Using Substring and Integer.parseInt

We can use .substring(start,end) to copy part of a String.

We can use Integer.parseInt to change a String to an int.

Assume that the String now contains the current time in
the format "hh:mm".  Use substring to copy the hh part and the
mm part into separate Strings.  Use Integer.parseInt to convert
these to int values.  Then use if commands to decide whether
this time is earlier than 10:30 or not.


String  now  =  "09:45" ;
String  hh  =  now.substring(0,2);
String mm =  now.substring(3,5);

int  h  =  Integer.parseInt(hh);
int m  =  Integer.parseInt(mm);

if (h > 10)
{  output("later than 10:30"); }
else  if (h == 10  &&  m > 30)
{  output("later than 10:30"); }
{  output("not later than 10:30"); }