<html> <head>
<script src="PJ.js"></script> <script>Initialize()</script>
<h2>Moving with SLIDE</h2> Click the X to make it slide.<br> Then click the O to move the X back again.<br>
<img id="xpic" onclick="xpicClick()" style="width: 55px; height: 55px; position: absolute; left: 50px; top:200px;" alt="" src="ex.gif">
<img id="opic" onclick="opicClick()" style="width: 55px; height: 55px; position: absolute; left: 400px; top: 100px;" alt="" src="oh.gif">
function xpicClick() { Slide(xpic,50,200,400,100,1000,0) }
function opicClick() { Slide(xpic,400,100,50,200,500,0) }
</body> </html>