Graphics Programming in Processing  -  Lesson 2  Olympics  -  Dave Mulkey, Germany 2012



Circles and Ellipses

Processing contains a command for drawing ellipses:

    ellipse( x , y , width , height );

The x,y values tell where the center of the ellipse is.
For a circle with diameter 100, the command would be:

    ellipse( 50 , 50 , 100, 100 );

An ellipse can have a different width and height.
For example, the blue ellipse below has a height of 40,
so it looks like it has been squashed.

Olympic Rings

The Olympic Rings consist of 5 circles - 3 in the top row and 2 below.
Since the top 3 rings are set apart at equal distances,
the x value of their centers should be 3 equally spaced numbers,
like  100 , 200 , and 300.  To make them touch each other,  we
would make the width 100 to match the distance between the centers.

Here is a first try:

Now we need to make them thicker by using strokeWeight,
and add colors by using stroke(R , G , B);


We can make the circles overlap by moving them closer together -
by changing the x-coordinates of the centers.

Unfortunately, each ring is filled with white.  That hides the ring behind.

We can tell Processing that it should NOT fill in the circles with white:



Complete the Olympic Rings program that was started above.
You need to do the following:

Sports Icons

To deal with the international nature of the Olympic Games,
the organizers invented very simple icons that are easy to understand
no matter what language you speak.  Very simple "stick-figures" were
used so that they can easily be printed and displayed in various places.

We will start with the runner.

Runner Program

Make a Plan

Here is a start for the program.  The background command
changes the background of the entire window to white.

- Finish the Program -

Finish the Runner program.  You must do the following:


Notice that the archery icon uses curves rather than straight lines.
In this case, the curves are arcs.  An arc is part of a circle.

Processing has an arc command:

    arc( x , y , w , h , start , stop);

An arc draws part of a circle (an ellipse actually).
(x,y) tells where the center of the whole ellipse would be.
(w,h) are the width and height of the whole ellipse.
(start,stop) are the angle positions where the arc starts and stops.

Processing uses radians for measuring angles - this is the official
mathematicians' system.  Unfortunately, Processing uses these angles
clockwise, which is the opposite of the direction used by mathematicians.

Angle 0 is on the right hand edge of the ellipse.

Angle 3.14 (pi) is on the left edge of the elllipse.

The bottom of the ellipse is halfway
between 0 and 3.14, so at 1.57.

The top of the ellipse is at 3.14 + 1.57 = 4.71 .

The following program draws a circle and then draws an arc on the bottom.

Archery Icon

We will start with the bow on the right side of the icon.
This is a bit difficult, as it starts around 5.0 radians
and continues on PAST the original 0 angle.  To make this
work, we need to understand that an entire circle is 2pi
radians, e.g. 6.28.  After 6.28, it just continues around
the circle again.  So 6.28 is the same angle as 0 .
To go past 0, we go to 6.28 + 0.4 (or whatever number).

That red arc is pretty close to the arc we need for the bow in the icon.

The forward leg is quite similar, but stops at 6.28. 
Also, it has a different center.  In fact, it appears that
the center of the leg arc would be approximately at the
locatio nof the rear foot.  The center of the bow looks like
it would be at the shoulders.  Once again, we should make
a PLAN before writing the program.

So far it looks like this:

That's not bad, but the back leg and body are missing.
This consists of one single arc. 

- Practice -

Add one more arc for the back leg and body and head.
Then add a small piece for the head.

Finishing the Project

The original project was to put the Olympic Rings and 2 sports icons
together on one page.  So take what you have finished so far and
put it all together into a single program.  You may need to change
coordinates to move things around to get them all in one window.

To move an icon, you need to change ALL the x-coordinates
by adding the same amount (or subtracting the same amount)
to each x-value.  For example, adding 100 to each x-value
moves the entire picture 100 pixels to the right.  When doing this,
don't change the y-coordinates or the width or height of any arcs.

More Icons

Add more sports icons, like the following:

You may put the new icons wherever you like,
but fit everything into the window of your program.