The program below shows a picture and some words below it.
When you click on a word, the program draws a circle or a square
around the corresponding part of the picture.
pic; // this must include one variable for each
picture void setup() { size(900, 600); pic = loadImage(""); textFont(createFont("Georgia",32)); background(250,180,250); // background color = pink image(pic, 0, 0); // draws the picture on the screen fill(0,0,0); text("Clear Waldo odlaW Bear Clown",0,580); } void draw() { } void mouseClicked() { if(mouseX < 100) { image(pic, 0, 0); } if(mouseX > 100 && mouseX < 180 && mouseY > 550 && mouseY < 580) { stroke(255,0,255); strokeWeight(10); noFill(); ellipse(410,260,50,50); } if(mouseX > 300 && mouseX < 380 && mouseY > 550 && mouseY < 580) { stroke(255,0,255); strokeWeight(10); noFill(); rect(520,0,50,50); } } |