=== Investigating Algorithms ===

START by watching these TED presentations about ALGORITHMS:

Watch them in reverse order, starting with the lecture about Computer Vision:
Fei-Fei Li  How we're teaching computers to understand pictures

This is a Group Project, to fulfill the Group 4 project requirement.
We will work on this during this week and next,
turning in the finished result on Friday 31 March.
On that Monday each group will give a brief presentation (10 min).

Here are the assigned groups:










The subject is to INVESTIGATE the following question(s):
- What are ALGORITHMS ? How can they affect our lives now and in the future?
- Do we CONTROL these algorithms?  If so, how?  If not, then who DOES control them?
- Is the public AWARE of the importance of algorithms in their lives, or are some of them SECRET (hidden)?
- What new areas involve imlementing algorithms - for example robotics?

CONTINUE for the next few days of class collecting interesting,
informative ideas - especially videos.  You can collect information and ideas from anywhere,
but do think about the RELIABILITY of the sources.

PROCESS - don't feel bad if you are spending time "just" watching videos,
but keep in mind this is a GROUP project, so you should be TALKING
to the other students in the group, ORGANIZING and SHARING work.

PRODUCT - create a brief VIDEO (just one) by cutting together snippets
from various videos.  In your video, include brief TEXT screens
that explain the significance of the various video clips.
If you find useful text resources, you can SCREEN-CAPTURE
some text and present it in the video.  You should probably
NOT spend much time on special effects, but maybe use
nice transitions.

            to collect information, discuss what they have found,
            and finally produce a presentation to
            clearly explain what ALGORITHMS are and
            why they are important for everyone,
            both in the present and future world.
            CHOOSE the most significant SOUND-BITES/
            VIDEO-CLIPS/FACTOIDS that you think
            EVERYONE should know.
             Keep in mind that a PRIMARY GOAL of research
             is to CREATE MORE QUESTIONS -
             not necessarily to answer them.

CITATIONS - you do NOT need to include citations in your
finished video, but you MUST keep track of where the sources
where and submit a BIBLIOGRAPHY containing all the sources
that ended up in the finished video.  

FINISH - on Friday 31 March, present a finished video (5-10 min)
           to your teacher, and some other guests,
           and answer a few brief questions.
           The most significant questions will center around

Resource Videos 

You can START by watching these videos, but you should also do MORE RESEARCH.

TED - The Influence of Algorithms
Al.gorithms are Taking Over the World
Big Data and Augmented Intelligence
Humans Need Not Apply

Are Droids Taking Our Jobs
...when Computers get Smarter than We are
The Ethical Dilemma of Self-Driving Car
You Should Learn to Program
All Your Devices Can Be Hacked
Revealing Informatics - excellent introduction with great pictures,
                                       but French accent requires patience

But don't JUST watch videos
Look stuff up (use Google!)
For example, what about robots, drones, etc.
Here is an excellent TV program about robots (in German).

There are lots of other GOOD VIDEOS worth watching,
but MOST videos on the Web are a waste of time.
Choose your resources and use your time wisely.