... these notes are for FIS students and others who will
... write a Java program for their Internal Assessment Project
The Internal Assessment Project forms a significant part of the overall
IB grade -
30% for SL students and 20% for HL students.
It involves solving a real problem by using software development
The solution should be designed for a specific intended-user (CLIENT)
and produced using good, reliable development techniques.
The IBO recommends spending at least 30 hours on the project,
but a more realistic expectation is probably 50 hours or more.
There are no particular skills that the student must use in the Project,
but the solution is expected to demonstrate "a high level of
complexity and ingenuity",
which can be accomplished by implementing a significant amount of AUTOMATION
and using sophisticated programming techniques - using
arrays, loops, methods, classes, etc.
None of these techniques are required, but it is difficult to achieve a
high grade without them.
== Overview ==
== Deadlines ==
May 2 , 2017 - Choose Project and
Client (intended user)
the Project - Suggested Topics
May 8 , 2017 - Interview with Client - submit notes
May 16, 2017 - User Stories - at least 8
with corresponding goals
Design Principles
May 29, 2017 - Visual Prototype - as
Powerpoint Presentation
Tic Tac Toe Prototype Starting
Aug 24, 2017 - Functional Prototype
(All sample project programs could just as easily be written in Java)
More samples, especially Java programs, are available
Support Material Overview
-- Mulkey's Notes and Suggestions --
Starting the Project -
Suggested Topics (ignore dates)
Simple Big Tic Tac
Toe Prototype
Software Design Principles Iterative Techniques and Decomposition
Guidance Notes (from old syllabus -
ignore details)
.... further notes may be added later ....
-- IBO Guidelines --
Support Material Overview
Step by Step (IBO) Frequently Asked Question (IBO)
Criteria (IBO) Checklist
= required folder structure for submitting the project