This prototype implements a basic Tic Tac Toe game for 2 players.
This could be a good start for an IB Internal Assessment Project.
As the Visual Prototype implies, the finished project should include
a fair bit of Artificial Intelligence to provide features like:
(1) display a warning when the player tries an illegal move
(2) the computer chooses moves, so player can play against computer
(3) the computer can give hints, to help a young player learn to play better
(4) ... more possibilities ...

It's difficult to say exactly how much "complexity and ingenuity" the program must have to receive
a top mark in Criterion C = Development, but this program is certainly too simple and too short.
It is about 100 lines of Javascript code. A good project is more likely 500 lines of code or more.
That's not a rule or an exact measurement, but it does give a rough idea of what's expected.