What does the program print on the monitor when it runs?

A good answer might be:

The variable contains: 123

Simulated Java Program

To get the most out of these notes, copy the program to NotePad (or other text editor), save it to a file called "example.java" , compile and run it with Java. See Chapter 7. For a simulation of running the program, enter an integer in the text box below and click on "Compile", then click on "Run". (Note: if this does not work, your browser does not have JavaScript enabled.)

class example
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    long payAmount = ;    //integer literal

    System.out.println("The variable contains: " + payAmount );

Simulated Monitor

This is just a simulation (using JavaScript), so it is not exactly like a compiling and running a real Java program. Don't take it too seriously. Please do the real thing if you can.


Try entering something like "rats" instead of an integer literal. Does the program compile successfully?