A good answer might be:

The program with the number of lines loop correct is below.

Number of Lines Done Correctly

If there were something in place of "( more stuff goes here )" that printed a line of numStars stars, the program would be finished.

import java.io.*;
class starBlock
  public static void main (String[] args ) throws IOException
    int numRows;      // the number of Rows
    int numStars;     // the number of stars per row
    int row ;         // current row number, number of star in this row

    BufferedReader userin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    String inputData;

    // collect input data from user
    System.out.println( "How many Rows?" );
    inputData = userin.readLine();
    numRows   = Integer.parseInt( inputData );

    System.out.println( "How many Stars per Row?" );
    inputData = userin.readLine();
    numStars  = Integer.parseInt( inputData );

    row  =  1;
    while ( row <= numRows )    

      ( more stuff goes here )
      row = row + 1;

Now you must perform one of the most important tasks in computer programming: ignoring the big problem and looking at a little problem.


Clear you mind of all concern and knowledge of the big program. Just think about the little problem. How would you print a row of numStars stars, one star at a time?