A good answer might be:

x = 3; y = 5
x = 45; y = 83

Mutable MyPoint

As the example program shows, a MyPoint object can be changed by any method that has a reference to it.

Note: If a reference to a MyPoint object is passed as a parameter, then the invoked method can use that reference to change the public instance variables of the object.

Here is the example program with another class:

class MyPoint
  public int x=3, y=5 ;

  public void print()
    System.out.println("x = " + x + 
        "; y = " + y );

class PointDoubler
  public void twice( MyPoint parm )
    System.out.println("Enter PointDoubler");
    parm.print() ;
    parm.x = parm.x * 2 ;
    parm.y = parm.y * 2 ;
    parm.print() ;
    System.out.println("Leave PointDoubler");

class PointTester
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    MyPoint pt = new MyPoint();

    PointDoubler dbl = new PointDoubler();


    dbl.twice( pt );



What is the output of the program?

x =   y = 

Enter PointDoubler x = y =
x = y =
Leave PointDoubler
x = y =