A good answer might be:

The competed program is given below.

Complete Fleet

Of course, you will copy this program to your editor and run it.

class Fleet
  // data
  Car town;
  Car suv;

  // constructor
  Fleet( int start1, int end1, double gal1, 
         int start2, int end2, double gal2 )
    town = new Car( start1, end1, gal1) ;
    suv  = new Car( start2, end2, gal2) ;

  // method
  double calculateMPG()
    double sumMPG; 

    sumMPG = town.calculateMPG() + suv.calculateMPG() ;

    return sumMPG/2.0;

class Car
  // data
  int startMiles;   // Stating odometer reading
  int endMiles;     // Ending odometer reading
  double gallons;   // Gallons of gas used between the readings

  // constructor
  Car(  int first, int last, double gals  )
    startMiles = first ;
    endMiles   = last ;
    gallons    = gals ;

  // methods
  double calculateMPG()
    return (endMiles - startMiles)/gallons ;


class FleetTester
  public static void main ( String[] args)
    Fleet myCars = new Fleet( 1000, 1234, 10, 777, 999, 20 );
    System.out.println("Fleet average MPG= " + myCars.calculateMPG() );

This is not a practical program because it only works with the particular numbers that main() uses in the constructor. User interaction can be added, but let us keep it simple.


(Review: ) Mentally mark as private all instance variables(of both classes) in the program. Will the program still run?