A good answer might be:


Small Change

The change part can be complicated, if you want. It is best to keep it small and understandable. Here is almost the same loop as in the previous example, but now the control variable is incremented by two.

Recall (from Chapter 39) that count += 2 adds the value 2 to the variable count. Try to predict the output before you run the program.

int count;
for ( count = 0; count < 7; count += 2 )  
  System.out.println( "count is: " + count ); 
System.out.println( "\nDone with the loop.\nCount is now" + count);

Here is a JavaScript version of this loop.

The change to count is done at the bottom of the loop body. This means that the last value that count gets is the first one that fails the test count < 7.

Questions like this are common on midterm and final examinations. If you rush, you are likely to get it wrong. But with careful thought they are easy enough.


Show the following sequence:

description start at 1, count upward by 2's, quite when count exceeds 10
sequence ____, ____, ____, ____, ____,
code for ( count=______; count ______ _____; _____)