A good answer might be:

Before: 27
After: 27

Notice that the zero() method did not change the value held in the main() method's variable.

Action Details

The program: Full description of the action:
// Review Program
class Alteration
  void zero ( int x )
    x = 0;

class AlterTest
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    Alteration alt = new Alteration();
    int value = 27;
    System.out.println( "Before:" + value );
    alt.zero( value );
    System.out.println( "After:"  + value );
  1. The program starts running with the static main() method.
  2. An Alteration object is constructed.
    • The default constructor is used, since the class Alteration did not define a constructor.
    • The Alteration object contains the zero() method.
  3. The primitive int variable value is initialized to 27.
  4. The number currently held in value is printed out.
    • Before: 27 is printed
  5. The zero() method is called with value as a parameter.
    • The number held in value (27) is copied to the formal parameter x.
    • The zero() method changes x to zero.
    • Control returns to the caller; value has not been altered.
  6. The number currently held in value is printed out.
    • After: 27 is printed.


What is the name of the parameter passing mechanism that Java uses?