A good answer might be:

The blanks are filled below.

Search Loop

The type String[] of the formal parameter array says that an array of strings is expected, but does not say how long the array is. Also notice how this static method is used in main().

Continue developing the program. The for-loop will look through the slots of the array one by one starting at slot 0. Fill in the first blank so that it does this.

class Searcher
  // seek target in the array of strings.
  // return the index where found, or -1 if not found.
  public static int search( String[] array, String target )
     for ( int j=0; j  ________ array.length; j++ )
       if ( array[j] ________ null )
         // do something here with a non-null slot

class SearchTester
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    . . . . . .
    int where = Searcher.search( strArray, "Peoria" );
    . . . . . .

However, unless it is full, not all slots of the array will contain a String reference. Slots that contain null must be skipped. Fill in the second blank to do this.


Fill in the blanks.