A good answer might be:

The finished class is given below.

Complete MusicVideo Class

The show() method for MusicVideo can use super.show() where ever it needs to. It is the first statement (below) because that is where it makes the most sense.

class VideoTape
  // stuff ommitted here
  public void show()
    System.out.println( title + ", " + length + " min. available:" + avail );

class MusicVideo extends VideoTape
  String artist;
  String category;
  // constructor
  public MusicVideo ( String ttl, int len, String art, String cat )
    super( ttl, len );
    artist   = art;
    category = cat;
  public void show()
    System.out.println( "artist:" + artist + " style: " + category );


You may have noticed a major design flaw in the definitions of these classes — none has a rental price! Say that it was your job to fix this problem. What changes will you make?