A good answer might be:

Since buttonDemo2 implements the ActionListener interface, it must define each method in the interface.

Implementing an Interface

For the ActionListener interface, there is only one method: actionPerformed(). Here is the program with several blanks:

public class ButtonDemo2 extends JFrame implements _________________
  JButton bChange ;

  // constructor   
  public buttonDemo2() 
    getContentPane().setLayout( new FlowLayout() );  
    bChange = new JButton("Click Me!"); 
    getContentPane().__________( bChange ); 
  // listener method required by the interface
  public void ________________( ActionEvent evt)
     . . . . . .

  public static void main ( String[] args )
    ButtonDemo2 frm = new ButtonDemo2();
      . . . . .


Fill in the blue blanks. Don't fill in the ". . . . . "