Array = List

An ARRAY is a list of data.  For example, you could make a list of all the students who are absent from school today - similar to writing them on a sheet of paper.  Like paper lists, an ARRAY has numbered "lines".  Of course the numbering starts at 0, like all other computer stuff.  Here is a sample program that contains a list of food items that could be ordered - like a menu.

import java.awt.*;

public class Meals extends EasyApp
{  public static void main(String[] args)
   {  new Meals();  }
   Button bOrder = addButton("Order Item",50,50,100,30,this);
   String[] foods = { "Hamburger","Pommes","Sandwich","Salad" } ;
   public void actions(Object source,String command)
      if (source == bOrder)
      {  order();  }
   public void order()
      String order = input("What do you want?");
      boolean ok = false;
      for (int x = 0; x < 4; x = x + 1)
         if ( order.equals( foods[x] ) )
         {  ok = true;  }
      if (ok == true)
      {  output("You order will be served soon."); }
      {  output("Sorry, we don't serve that - no food for you!"); }

The following command declares an ARRAY of String values.

   String[] foods = { "Hamburger","Pommes","Sandwich","Salad"} ;

The square brackets [ ] mean this is an array.  
The list of names is in curly braces { } .

An ARRAY is a NUMBERED LIST, like this:

      0 : "Hamburger"
      1 : "Pommes"
      2 : "Sandwich"
      3 : "Salad"

This means that there are actually 4 variables.
The command is the same as writing:

      foods[0] = "Hamburger";
      foods[1] = "Pommes";
      foods[2] = "Sandwich";
      foods[3] = "Salad";

The following command would display all 4 foods at once:

  output(foods[0] + "," + foods[1] + "," + foods[2] + "," + foods[3]);

Another possibility is to use a loop:

   for(int x = 0; x < 4; x = x + 1)
   {  output( foods[x] );  }

The loop version displays only one food at a time.

(1) Add two more foods to the list :  "Ice cream" , "Soup"
    Make all necessary changes so the program still works correctly.
(2) Change the SEARCH loop (where it is trying to match ORDER)
    so that the comparison is NOT case sensitive - e.g. "Hamburger"
    or "hamburger" or "HAMBURGER" should all work correctly.
(3) Make a new button called BUY TOY. This allows the user to
    order a toy, like "Barbie", "Ken", "Ball", ...
    Make up 8 toys and put them in an array called TOYS.
(4) Add an array called PRICES that contains the prices for the FOODS.
    This must be a double[] array.  Change the order() method so that
    wehn it finds foods[x] matching order, then it displays prices[x].
(5) Make two arrays called goodFoods and badFoods.  When the user
    places an order, the program should respond with
    one of the following:
       That is a GOOD food.
       That is a BAD food.
       We don't serve that food.