Web Builder for Web-Pages
We will be using Web-Builder to create web-pages. 

Web-Builder is a totally WYSIWYG tool - What You See Is What You Get.  That means you can easily design complex and attractive pages, mixing text and graphics.

You will find Web-Builder on drive D: . 

As a first assignment, to prepare for further work, do the following:

(1) Collect the addresses of some of your favorite web-sites.

(2) Write these links into a Web-Builder document, like this:

      http://www.google.com - more than just a search engine

      http://www.download.com - Lots of free software
      http://www.cnn.com  -  News

      http://www.bored.com  -  Find something amusing to do
(3) For each web-site, find a small picture to represent it, like the pictures on the left.

(4) Eventually we will make pages with roll-over links, but you don't need to do that
      on the first day.
Pablo Software Solutions