Try to avoid rounding your back: imagine you are being lifted by a string fixed to the top of your head
try to avoid hunching your shoulders and tensing your neck when stressed
wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes - high heels put pressure on your lower back
Standing properly
Stand in front of a full-length mirror in your bare feet. Put your feet bout 2 feet apart and
make sure they’re facing forward. Lift your chin. Loosen the tension from your shoulders
by lifting them up and letting them fall back in place. Shake your arms to encourage a
natural drop from your shoulders. Try to stretch your body higher without moving your
feet. Pull in your hips. You should now look relaxed and natural.
Good posture is not simply a matter of standing tall. Here-->
is a simple way of finding your correct standing posture.
1. Stand one foot away from the wall.
2. Now sit against the wall, bending knees slightly. Tighten abdominal and buttock muscles. This will tilt the pelvis back and flatten the lower spine. 3. Holding this position, inch up the wall to the standing position by slowly straightening your legs.
4. Now walk around the room maintaining the same posture. Place your back against the wall and see if you have maintained the posture.
In Theatre Arts, posture is very important. It adds to your performance and presentation of your character!
Here are some tips on how to create and maintain a good posture,before going on stage.
The best way of preparing yourself for a strainous performance is streching! Make sure you have done plenty of streching before you perform. It will get you motivated, relieve stress and therefore let you concentrate on your performing better.
Here are some simple streching excercises: