We have been practicing with some simple graphics effects for attractive, interesting web-links. Now you will put these techniques together and build a web-page with lots of links to other web-pages. (1) Choose a single topic for your web-page, e.g. tennis, a music group, Santa Claus, etc. (2) Find interesting web-sites about your topic, and collect the web-addresses. (3) Use Web-Builder to create your web page. (4) Make links to all of your interesting sites. (5) Use as many interesting effects as possible, chosen from the list at the right. Look back at these sample pages if you need help:
Your page should include: Text Title(s) Interesting Colors Normal Text Links Image with Link Rollover Pop-up text (.alt) Advanced Text with JS link (location) Image Button with JS link (location) Pictures appearing in a box (.src) Thumbnails (small pictures with actions) Buttons with actions Hiding pictures (visibility = "hidden") Showing pictures (visibililty = "visible")
Due: Thursday 26 Sept 2006
Collecting Web-Links
Rollovers and JavaScript Intro
Showing Pictures
Hide and Show
How to Turn It In for Grading