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Click here to download this programGraphics 800,600 ; sets the size of the drawing window Color 255,255,255 ; sets the drawing color to WHITE Rect 0,0,800,600 ; draws a rectangle filling the entire window Color 0,0,0 ; BLACK Line 50,150,450,150 ; horizontal line Line 450,150,450,350 ; vertical line Line 450,350,50,350 ; horiz. line Line 40,155,250,50 ; slanted line (roof) Line 300,50,460,155 ; slanted line Color 0,0,255 ; BLUE Rect 100,180,150,100 ; Rectangle - Window Line 300,250,300,350 ; Left side of door Line 300,250,350,250 ; Top of door Line 350,250,350,350 ; Right side of door Color 128,128,128 ; GREY Rect 500,300,200,70 ; car Line 530,300,560,250 ; Line 560,250,620,250 Line 620,250,640,300 Color 0,0,0 ; BLACK Oval 520,320,80,80 ; Tire Oval 620,320,80,80 ; Other Tire Color 128,128,128 ; GREY Oval 540,340,40,40 ; Hub Cap Color 255,255,0 ; YELLOW Oval 600,100,100,100 ; Sun Line 590,150,540,150 Line 600,180,560,200 Color 128,255,128 For g=1 To 500 x = Rnd(800) y = 400 + Rnd(50) Line x,y,x,y+30 Next Color 0,0,0 titlefont = LoadFont("Arial",28,True,True,False) ; Arial font, BOLD, Italic SetFont titlefont ; Use the font Text 10,20,"Home Sweet Home",False,False ; print some text While Not KeyDown(1) ; Wait for the ESCape key to be pressed Wend ;============================================================================= ; Questions ; (1) What color is made by each of the following commands? ; Color 0,0,255 Color 0,255,0 Color 255,0,0 ; Color 255,255,0 Color 255,0,255 Color 0,255,255 ; Color 0,0,0 Color 255,255,255 Color 128,128,128 ; ; (2) The left side of the house is missing. ; Add a LINE command to draw the left side of the house ; ; (3) The top of the roof has a hole in it. Change the LINE commands ; for the roof so that the lines meet properly at the top. ; ; (4) Change the color of the BLUE house-window to GRAY. ; ; (5) The door of the house should be red, should be bigger, ; and should be made with a colored-in Rectangle. Fix this. ; ; (6) The SUN should be up at the top of the window. ; Move it up further. Make sure the sunshine rays move with it. ; ; (7) Change the color of the grass to bright green. ; ; (8) The car is pretty ugly - looks more like a tractor. ; (a) Change the color of the car's body to RED. ; (b) Make the body a bit thinner and longer. ; (c) Make the tires smaller. ; (d) Add a hub-cap for the all-black tire. ; (e) Make the roof a bit more attractive. ; ; (9) Add 6 more sun-rays, all around the sun. ; ; (10) Change the RND commands in the grass so there is grass all the ; way down to the bottom of the screen. ; ; (11) Put a couple of "birds" on top of the house. ; Make a bird by drawing a small circle for the head, ; and two lines for the wings, like this: \o/ ; But the birds must be "sitting" on the roof of the house. ; ; (12) Add a dog to the picture. Don't make it "perfect" - ; e.g. use rectangles for the body and the legs, and an Oval for the head ; But the color must be BROWN.