DHTML with EzAction Library for JavaScript
Downloads : EzAction Library
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Web-Builder : to update
WebBuilder, copy the folder from drive Y:(Lab329) to drive D:
Examples and Practice
Finding your way around a new city is not easy. New IT developments like Google Earth, http://www.viamichelin.com, and GPS Navigation Systems make it easy to get a map, but the maps aren't always easy to read. The Fading (Map) makes it easier to find things, thanks to buttons and animation. New students and parents at FIS would appreciate some animated maps of the local cities, Germany, Europe, the school building, etc.
Textbooks contain diagrams - parts of the human body, scientific experiment setups, math graphs, etc. The diagrams usually only contain words, or perhaps arrows pointing to explanations. But they are stuck on paper so they are not easily distributed. With a web-page, we can add more information, plus useful links, as well as making the diagrams easier to distribute and retrieve. Look at this page about the Internet: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/internet-infrastructure.htm/printable
Vocabulary Help
Much of what students learn in school is connected with vocabulary for the subject. In textbooks, important words are often highlighted with bold print. But that doesn't explain the word. If you put the mouse over one of the words below, you will see an explanation pop-up:
Web-pages can be enhanced by the use of DHTML techniques.
A web-page with active text highlights can be more effective than a "dead" paper page.
Create web pages (more than one) to present a topic (or topics) from a school course and enhance the page(s) using DHTML techniques. You should choose a topic that you understand. This could be a topic for much younger students (middle school or elementary). If grade 7 students learn about German history, and you feel confident that you understand what they are learning, you could make web-pages containing a labelled map of Germany, with links to related web-pages, pop-up help on vocabulary, etc. Your presentation could contain several maps from different years showing how borders changed, and these could fade in and out. Your site must contain quiz pages, using drag and near to check the answers. Use information from textbooks - don't make up too much yourself, as the information needs to be correct.
If you don't wish to do something educational, you can create a vacation guide. This will include annotated maps, possibly photographs, links to web-sites that describe vacation destinations, and hints/suggestions that you write yourself. Of course this must involve a location that you have visited. This could be about locations in Frankfurt if you wish (so not necessarily a "vacation" spot - but recreation). A quiz would probably be inappropriate, but you will need to find a good use for the drag command.
Suggestion - Our school needs a good on-line map of the classrooms, showing room numbers and teachers' names. This would be very useful for parents and new students. It should include teachers' names, room numbers and e-mail addresses - these are all available from Mr. Mulkey. Two students could work on this project. This should include a map of Oberursel showing directions for reaching the school.
Techniques - Your web-site should use all the following techniques:
Teamwork - students may work in pairs (no larger teams), but then they must produce twice as much as students who are working alone.
Due Date >> Monday, 6 Feb 2005 (3 weeks) <<
Turning it in
Publish your pages into your folder in : Y:\graphics\helppages
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