Travel Advertisement in Flash Banner

Goal  :   Make a Flash Banner Movie to serve as a Travel Ad for a specific country.

Due  :    Monday 16 Oct, at the end of the period (you can work on it during class0


  1. Collect a few nice pictures that are representative of the country.
    Resize all the images so they will fit inside the banner - e.g. 100 pixels high.
  2. Make a Flash project that is 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels high.
  3. Insert one of the pictures you made (a 100 pixel picture).
  4. Insert some text on the other side of the frame.
    Make it fade or zoom in using a Motion Script.
    You will need to duplicate several frames so the text has enough time to appear.
  5. Alternate text fading in, a picture fading out, text fading out, picture fading in, etc.
    Be creative, but try to make things fit together in a sensible way.  For example,
    the text should be connected to the corresponding picture.
  6. Make sure the fading in and out is synchronized and lasts an appropriate time.
  7. It is recommended to alternate the appearance of frames - the first frame has the picture on the left,
    the second  frame has the picture on the right, third frame is a big picture and small text,
    fourth frame is two small pictures with text in between, etc.  You don't need to do EXACTLY
    what is described here, but do alternate the appearance of the frames, to avoid boredom.
  8. Try to make something as good or better than the Canada example.  It should last 20 or 30 seconds,
    so it would have at least 40 frames.


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