Advertisement in Flash Banner

More examples

Goal  :   Make a Flash Banner Movie to serve as an Ad for a specific product or activity
             For example, you could make an ad for our basketball team, the choir,
              for computers, or a specific film - important is to keep the ADVERTISEMENT idea

Due  :    Wednesday 18 Nov 2009, at the end of the period


  1. Collect a few nice pictures that are representative of the product
    Resize all the images so they will fit inside the banner - e.g. 100 pixels high.
  2. Make a Flash project that is 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels high (approximately)
  3. Make pictures fade in and out, or move around on the screen
  4. Add some text about the product - it should be positive and/or exciting
    Adjectives are good (e.g. GREAT, HAPPY, COOL, VALUABLE, etc)
  5. Make the text move around - use a Motion Script
  6.  Add more pictures and more text.  It is better if things FADE OUT
    rather than simply disappearing
  7. Make the whole thing last 20-30 seconds, then repeat.


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