Geocities Free Web-space

You can get 15 Megabytes of free web-space at Geocities.  If you know a better place, fine.  Geocities has one big advantage - it has been around a long time, and will probably continue, so it won't suddenly disappear and take your web-site with it.

Sign Up

>  Go for the free account at  .  
>  If you decide you need more POWER, you can upgrade later.

Type Personal Data

Choose an ID, a password, and type information about yourself.  You can type anything you like,
but you must choose an ID which doesn't already exist.  It may be simpler to check first,
by looking at (or whatever ID you want).  If no web-page
appears, then the ID is probably free.  Simple IDs like "JohnSmith" are likely to be taken already.

While you're at it, why not get free e-mail too?  
Yahoo mail gets a lot less spam and has fewer restrictions than Hotmail,
and has lots of interesting extra features.



Your Account



Normally you will sign in at

Building a Site

Use the File Manager to make folders and upload files.  You might try the PageBuilder - the Wizards are pretty useless.


File Manager

Use the File Manager to create folders and Upload files.


The file  index.htm  is automatically displayed whenever someone views your site.
If you want "visitors" to see your page, you must make your own "index.htm", or upload a file.