Hide + Show = Magic
You can make things appear and disappear - just like a magician -
using JavaScript. In an informational web-page, this might make instructions or other useful information "pop-up".
The links below demonstrate some of these techniqes.
Click on a link to see something, then click on the picture to hide it.
and JavaScript
joke.onclick = function()
.. address = "http://www.shannonburns.com/Toon701+.gif"
.. window.open(address,"_blank","width=600,height=400")
germanmap.style.visibility = "hidden"
germany.onclick = function()
.. germanmap.style.visibility = "visible"
germanmap.onclick = function()
.. germanmap.style.visibility = "hidden"
merkel.style.visibility = "hidden"
mouth.alt = "Do you recognize this mouth?"
mouth.onclick = function()
.. merkel.style.visibility = "visible"
merkel.alt = "Angela Merkel, Chancelor of Germany"
merkel.onclick = function()
.. merkel.style.visibility = "hidden"
The joke button opens a pop-up window.
The Germany button is an [Advanced ] button, with the Style changed
to make a blue background and black border.
When you click on it, the germanmap appears. At the very beginning,
the germanmap is set to hidden . It can be hidden again by clicking on it.
The mouth is an [Image Button ]. When you hold the mouse over it,
some text appears - this is created by the .alt command.
Note that the .alt command does not work with the [Advanced] box.
When you click on the mouth, a picture appears showing the whole face.
This picture covers up the mouth (which would be too large for the picture).
The face disappears when you click on it.
All the JavaScript commands are shown in the box at the right.