More Loops Practice - Fri 27 Oct 2008

Copy this program, run it, and try to answer the green questions.

If you want to read a bit more about binary, try this :

public class LoopPractice
   public static void main(String[] args)
   {  new LoopPractice(); }

   public LoopPractice()   
      int choice ;
      { choice = inputInt("Choose 1-9 (0 to quit):");
         if (choice == 1) first();
         if (choice == 2) second();
         if (choice == 3) third();
         if (choice == 4) fourth();
         if (choice == 5) fifth();
         if (choice == 6) sixth();
         if (choice == 7) seventh();
         if (choice == 8) eighth();
         if (choice == 9) ninth();
      }  while (choice > 0);        
   public void first()
      for (int x = 0; x > 10; x = x + 1)
      {   output(x); }
      // Explain why this prints nothing.
      // Fix it so that it prints 0,1,2,3,4...,9
      // Change it to print 0, 10, 20, 30, ... 100
      // What is a different command that means the same as  x = x + 1 ?

   public void second()
      for (int x = 10; x > 0; x = x + 1000000)
      {   output(x); }
      //  Why does this print so many numbers?
      //  Why does it stop at 2147000010 ?

   public void third()
   {  double t = 0;
      for (double x = 0; x < 1.001; x = x + 0.001)
      {   output(x); t = t+x; }
      //  Why does this print such strange numbers?
      //  Change it to ADD UP the numbers 0.01 + 0.02 + 0.03 + ... + 0.99 + 1.00
      //     The correct answer is  50.5   
      //     Your answer might be off by a tiny amount.
      //  Change it to add up  0.001 + 0.002 + 0.003 + .... + 0.999 + 1.000
      //     The correct answer is 500.500
      //  Without running the program, predict the answer for:
      //     0.0000001 + 0.0000002 + 0.0000003 + .... + 0.9999999 + 1.00000000
      //  Then change the program and run it to check your answer

   public void fourth()
   {  double max = inputDouble("Max value for counting:");
      double t = 0;
      for (double x = 2; x <= max; x = x + 1)
          t = t + 1.0/x;
      //  Why does it say 1.0 instead of simply 1 ?
      //  What is the total when max = 10 ?
      //  What is the total when max = 100?
      //  What is the total when max = 1000000?
      //  Find the biggest MAX you can add up in under 1 minute.
      //  Do you think the total will every be larger than 100 ?

   public void fifth()
      double t = 0;
      for (int x = 1; x <= 10; x = x + 1)
         double p = Math.pow(x,2);
         t = t + p;
         output(x + "  \t  " + p + "  \t  " + t);
      // Explain what Math.pow(x,2) means.
      // Change this to add up the following numbers:
      //    1 + 8 + 27 + 64 + ... + 729 + 1000
      // Change this to add up all the SQUARE-ROOTS of the numbers 1,2,...10
      //    The correct answer is :  22.468....
      // Explain the purpose of " \t "

   public void sixth()
   {  int num = inputInt("Type a whole number (integer):");
      for (int x = 1; x <= num/2 ; x = x + 1)
         int r = num % x;
         output(num + " mod " + x + " = " + r);         
      // Explain what (num % x) means.      
      // Run the program and type the number 20.
      // Explain how you can use this loop to see the FACTORS of a number.
      // Add an IF command so the program ONLY prints numbers
      //    which are factors (divide evenly) of num.

   public void seventh()
   {  int t = 0;
      int num = 1;
      int count = inputInt("How many numbers do you want to add up?");
      for (int x = 0; x < count; x = x + 1)
         t = t + num;
         num = num * 2;
      output("Total = " + t);
      // Run the loop and type in 10.
      //   What is the total?
      // Run again and type in 15.
      // What is the total.
      // PREDICT the total for 20 powers of 2, then run the program and check.

   public void eighth()
      int biggest = 1000;
      int num = (int)(Math.random()*biggest);
      output("I have a secret number under " + biggest);

      for (int x = 0; x < 10; x = x + 1)
         output("You have " + (10-x) +  " more guesses");
         int guess = inputInt("Guess the number:");
         if (guess == num)
         { output("Good Guess!");
         else if (guess > num)
         { output("Too big"); }
         { output("Too small"); }
      output("You used up 10 guesses - you lose.");
      output("The number was : " + num);
      // Play this game a couple times.  Try to guess the number in 20 tries.
      //   You might need a pencil and paper.  Were you successful?
      //   It is theoretically possible to ALWAYS WIN this game if you are careful.
      // Change the program so you only get 5 guesses.
      //   Then it should choose a smaller number.  What is the BIGGEST number
      //   that is fair so you can always win in 5 guesses?  If you are not sure,
      //   start with 2 guesses.  Can you guess any number between 1 and 10,
      //   or would you need more guesses?  What about 3 guesses?9

   public void ninth()
      int x = 1 + 2 + 32 + 64;
      // This shows how to add up POWERS OF 2 to get 99 (decimal).
      // It is always possible to get any decimal number by
      //   adding up just powers of 2.  For example:
      // int y = 512 + 256 + 128 + 64 + 32 + 4 + 2 + 1 ===> 999
      // Find a way to write each of the following numbers
      //   by adding up powers of 2 :
      //  50 =
      //  123 =
      //  444 =

// IBIO Standard Input and Output
//  These methods must be copied into your program(s).

   static void output(String info)
   { System.out.println(info);   }

   static void output(char info)
   { System.out.println(info);   }

   static void output(byte info)
   { System.out.println(info);   }

   static void output(int info)
   { System.out.println(info);   }

   static void output(long info)
   { System.out.println(info);   }

   static void output(double info)
   { System.out.println(info);   }

   static void output(boolean info)
   { System.out.println(info);   }

   static String input(String prompt)
   {  String inputLine = "";
      {inputLine = (new
      catch (Exception e)
      { String err = e.toString();
      inputLine = "";
      return inputLine;

   static String inputString(String prompt)
   { return input(prompt);   }

   static String input()
   { return input("");       }

   static int inputInt()
   {  return inputInt(""); }

   static double inputDouble()
   { return inputDouble(""); }

   static char inputChar(String prompt)
   {  char result=(char)0;
      catch (Exception e){result = (char)0;}
      return result;

   static byte inputByte(String prompt)
   {  byte result=0;
      catch (Exception e){result = 0;}
      return result;

   static int inputInt(String prompt)
   {  int result=0;
      catch (Exception e){result = 0;}
      return result;

   static long inputLong(String prompt)
   {  long result=0;
      catch (Exception e){result = 0;}
      return result;

   static double inputDouble(String prompt)
   {  double result=0;
      catch (Exception e){result = 0;}
      return result;

   static boolean inputBoolean(String prompt)
   {  boolean result=false;
      catch (Exception e){result = false;}
      return result;
//=========== end IBIO ===========================================//