IB Comp Sci yr 2
- Frankfurt International School - Dave_Mulkey@fis.edu - exams 2018
[[ %"background:#ddeeff" Links: \
Java Tutorial
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Notes and Review Page 2018
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Case Study
% ]] [[ %"background:pink" ''Next Graded Assignment :'' % ]] %"background:#AAFFAA"
Review Suggestions (short version): ~review/ReviewSuggestions2018.html~
% ###Last Practice Paper - 18-19 Apr 2018 \ We will discuss Nov 2015 Paper 1 : ~https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bxd0A7EZupd2NTRsLWV5WFE0Nms~ ###More Vocabulary - 17 Apr 2018 \ SL - You might find this vocabulary list useful - ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/275979/ibcomp/review/oldReview/vocabHTML/plan.html~ Just glance through the list to find words that you are unsure about, and read the explanations. Read the notes on the review page: ~review/ReviewSuggestions2018.html~ HL - Case Study Review Convolutional Neural Networks video intro: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRhxdVk_sIs~ Long Explanation: ~http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/~ You can also spend some time reading Case Study Vocabulary: ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jNMCF2PDJiOMnmipvbFvEeIINFoezSb29VM5pIZBHjg/edit#heading=h.lwer7lup6sx~ ###Some More OOP Practice - 12 Apr 2018 \ We will discuss some of the items in the Guide, especially D.1.4: ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PyXPuF2gA0t-MeJdeo3vVBhlDxg3Tzq83GUV6cLMlIs/edit#heading=h.5jfkxc2yy3af~ Then we will discuss an old Paper 2 Mock Exam from 2013: ~MockDec2017/mockP2-2013javaOOP.pdf~ ''= = Homework = ='' Standard Level - write a solution to #3(c) on the 2013 Mock paper 2 Higher Level - write answers to #4 on the 2013 Mock paper 2 ###Scenarios and Vocabulary Practice - 11 Apr 2018 \ When faced with a SCENARIO, you should automatically think about: - inputs - outputs - processing - data (storage) Domicopter: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CYT4PFV_Hs~ BBC Click News: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsQk4L_Nip0~ Continue Practicing Vocabularyy: ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/275979/ibcomp/review/oldReview/vocabPractice.zip~ ###[HL] Case Study Questions - 10 Apr 2018 \ Our Google Doc Vocab Page ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jNMCF2PDJiOMnmipvbFvEeIINFoezSb29VM5pIZBHjg/edit#heading=h.lwer7lup6sx~ End-to-End - what does this mean? ~https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/self-driving-cars/hd-mapping/~ Brute Force - what does this mean? ~https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-introduces-drive-constellation-simulation-system-to-safely-drive-autonomous-vehicles-billions-of-miles-in-virtual-reality~ Practice Questions (from other teachers) ~CaseStudy2018/CaseStudyPracApr10.pdf~ ###Vocabulary - 9 Apr 2018 \ Google Doc for Vocab in OOP now contains answers: ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/13UDeo6LoEPANWv4UQKhsS5KDme3XQUXi22mCg_xyr_g/edit?usp=sharing~ Review Suggestions (short version): ~review/ReviewSuggestions2018.html~ Try this today: ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/275979/ibcomp/review/oldReview/vocabPractice.zip~ ###OOP Vocabulary - 23 Mar 2018 \ Google Doc for Vocab in OOP: ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/13UDeo6LoEPANWv4UQKhsS5KDme3XQUXi22mCg_xyr_g/edit?usp=sharing~ The Machines are Coming for Your Jobs: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU~ We will make a list of OOP Vocabulary to review after the vacation. Review Suggestions (short version): ~review/ReviewSuggestions2018.html~ Try this today: ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/275979/ibcomp/review/oldReview/vocabPractice.zip~ HL Students - how a self-driving car's sensors could fail: ~https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimmcpherson/2018/03/20/uber-autonomous-crash-death/#1fbc8d17fbee~ ###OOP Review - 22 Mar 2018 \ We will look at these OOP notes: ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PyXPuF2gA0t-MeJdeo3vVBhlDxg3Tzq83GUV6cLMlIs/edit~ We may discuss Nov 2015 Paper 2: ~https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bxd0A7EZupd2NTRsLWV5WFE0Nms~ ###Caps and Gowns Photos - 20 Mar 2018 \ = = = SL and HL = = = Humans Need Not Apply: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU~ How we will get to work: ~http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20180319-ditch-the-traffic-jam-is-this-the-commute-of-the-future~ = = = HL Students (Case Study) = = = Here is an ETHICAL ISSUE about Self-Driving Taxis: ~http://money.cnn.com/2018/03/19/technology/uber-autonomous-car-fatal-crash/index.html~ Segway Balancd (topic 6) ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmlg5QkusFQ~ Haptic Feedback: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIGy6K-vjpA~ ###Continue on Nov 2016 Paper 1 - 19 Mar 2018 \ We will continue discussing Nov 2016 Paper 1 exam. Bring your written practice (from Friday) to class today. ###Practice Exam - 16 Mar 2018 \ Do as many of the questions on this exam as you can manage in 50 min (you already have a printed copy): HL : ~https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10hx9mcbjMtvnhtdBmpewArXXEGrUgNRZ~ SL : ~https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10hx9mcbjMtvnhtdBmpewArXXEGrUgNRZ~ Use a pen and paper and write answers quickly. It's PRACTICE - it will make you faster and more productive. ### HL Topic 5 - 15 Mar 2018 \ Towers of Hanoi ~https://www.mathsisfun.com/games/towerofhanoi.html~ We will discuss these notes about topic 5 (thanks to Mr Brookes): ~https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=14PRvITUaxWxuHn2ZjcnKvIOjh_CkIqO0XH1XWWo4_Do~ We will discuss some sample problems from Nov 2016 HL Paper 1: ~https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10hx9mcbjMtvnhtdBmpewArXXEGrUgNRZ~ ### Collections in Pseudocode - 14 Mar 2018 \ Answers from yesterday's sequences: ~basics/sequences.txt~ We will continue Topic 4, specifically COLLECTIONS and some example Pseudocode programs. ###Past Paper 1 Nov 16 - 12-13 Mar 2018 \ HL : ~https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10hx9mcbjMtvnhtdBmpewArXXEGrUgNRZ~ SL : ~https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10hx9mcbjMtvnhtdBmpewArXXEGrUgNRZ~ We will continue Topic 4 ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/17RMZvLXWnTBVgKWeVVXPuyCv6YVefJJ0h3tuZHfzLFo/edit~ We will look at some past exam questions at: ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/275979/ibcomp/review/TSM2006PcodeAlgs.pdf~ Practice with SEQUENCES and SERIES in Pseudocode Write a pseucode algorithm for each sequence: - 1+3+5+7+...+N - 0+1+3+6+10+15+... ten terms (including 0) - 1+2+4+8+16+32+...+2^N - 0.1+0.2+0.3+0.4+...+0.9+1.0 - 1+-2+3+-4+5+-6+... 99 A harder problem: Study the following equations. Then figure out the next equation in the sequence. 3*3 + 4*4 = 5*5 10*10 + 11*11 + 12*12 = 13*13 + 14*14 21*21 + 22*22 + 23*23 + 24*24 = 25*25 + 26*26 + 27*27 ????????????????????? Use the Pseudocode emulator to check each equation. At the end of class, the teacher will reveal the "secret" of this patter. Then you need to write an algorithm to print the numbers in equation #10. ###Compilers and Interpreters - 8 Mar 2018 \ Read section 9.2 in your textbook. We will finish question 9 from yesterday. We will discuss Language Constructs. You might want to read about this in section 9.4 in the book, but that's probably not necessary - only if you think you need it. These constructs are basically required in EVERY general purpose programming languages. You can try a variety of general purpose programming languages at: ~https://repl.it/~ You can also try some embedded languages at: ~http://www.wolframalpha.com/~ ~http://www.google.com~ ==> SIRI !!! A few questions: - Is Google's search engine a Programming Language? Why or why not? - Does a graphing calculator contain a COMPLETE Programming Language? Why or why not? - Are some languages faster or more effiecient than others? ###Topic 4.1 - 6-7 Mar 2018 \ We will discuss Topic 4.1 and its connection to other topics. ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/17RMZvLXWnTBVgKWeVVXPuyCv6YVefJJ0h3tuZHfzLFo/edit~ Nov 2016 HL Paper 1 #9 ~https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10hx9mcbjMtvnhtdBmpewArXXEGrUgNRZ~ ###Topic 7 - 5 Mar 2018 \ Distributed vs Centralized Control: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k31Mife1XM0~ Autonomous Agents ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5w7NP6nmcxc~ Smart Power Grid: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUN8aSM-wwA~ Internet of Things: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzy84Vb_Gxk~ ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgMG7zRrcPk~ Complete Notes for Topic 7 (read ALL of this) ~https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1t51tJpMiITOdkjf5IAvjw4juErErFIl0Xzlq32D1HAc~ ###Topic 7 + Nov 2016 Paper 1 #10 - 2 Mar 2018 \ We will discuss quesiton 10 on Nov 2016 HL Paper 1: ~https://doc-0c-70-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.com/viewer/secure/pdf/8rdb96cl2duvahskop5r38if32n1vlt2/rucghmstuobdge1ambd8cnov03l6iu8o/1519982175000/drive/16129818348379322268/ACFrOgDuHoiFiv7TEn6vQOCGyCKfrJ9IQ8j9ksPvdg2pDashLDRZ_T21QfXEm0CXqekaxwQTn8A1V2BI1FlGfYcPr4i-MQ7rDaBwLyAcPv0_AsBt3RWAjfTYQAGRAAA=?print=true~ ###Topic 7 - 1 Mar 2018 \ Some useful notes about feedback in electric motor controls: ~https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/systems/closed-loop-system.html~ Complete Notes for Topic 7 (read ALL of this) ~https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1t51tJpMiITOdkjf5IAvjw4juErErFIl0Xzlq32D1HAc~ ###Feedback in Embedded Control Systems[HL] - 28 Feb 2018 \ HL students will discuss question 16 on HL Paper 1 May 2018: ~https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bxd0A7EZupd2WFQtVHNYdDNlTjA~ SL students should work on finishing up their IA Projects. ''= = Feeback Notes = ='' Questions: When a YouTube video "goes viral", is that Positive Feedback, Negative Feedback, or Neither? Do flying drones need Positive Feedback, Negative Feeback, or Neither? ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CYT4PFV_Hs~ Does a thermostat use Positive or Negative feedback, or Neither? When students are leaving a classroom, does this involve Positive Feeback, Negative Feedback, or Neither? During an atomic bomb explosion, is it Positive Feeback, Negative Feedback, or Neither? When you do math homework, does it involve Positive Feeback, Negative Feedback, or Neither? Negative Feedback Explained (read as much as you need) ~https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_feedback~ Positive Feedback Explaines (read as much as you need) ~https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_feedback~ Some useful notes about feedback in electric motor controls: ~https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/systems/closed-loop-system.html~ Complete Notes for Topic 7 (read ALL of this) ~https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1t51tJpMiITOdkjf5IAvjw4juErErFIl0Xzlq32D1HAc~ ###Last Class Working Period - 26 Feb 2018 \ Last working class period for IA Project. Last chance to get help during class. If you still have last minute problems or questions, come to room 615 after school on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Turn in your finished project on a USB Stick (not in Haiku)
no later than 16:00 on Friday 2 March.
\ You need to store all your files in the Documents folder of the Forms folder, which is copied onto the USB stick. All your files must be .PDF format. You also need to copy your entire Java program into the Product folder inside the Forms folder. You also need to EDIT the CoverPage.html document. It is possible to edit this with NotePad or TextEdit, but probably easier to use a proper Web-page editor like SeaMonkey or BlueGriffon. If you don't know how to do this, please ask for help. It's not difficult, but don't waste time trying to "figure it out". ###Finishing Projects - 13-16 Feb 2018 \ Work on your IA Project.
It is due on 2 March 2018.
Don't forget the following: - ''Record of Tasks'' This must be completed with the standard form and submitted as a separate PDF file (part of Stage B) The last column [Criterion] should contain A,B,C,D or E, which is the Stage you were working on. Dates are only approximate, but should be the correct month, e.g. "5-10 Oct" could very well involve 2 or 3 weeks - ''Testing'' The last page(s) of Stage B is a complete Test Plan. It must address ALL the Criteria for Success (goals) stated at the end of Stage A. - ''Stage C'' is the Java program ''PLUS DOCUMENTATION''. This must clearly EXPLAIN and/or SHOW the DIFFICULT parts of the program, as this is the basis for awarding marks to reward ''COMPLEXITY and INGENUITY''. - ''Stage E'' must outline the success of ''ALL the Criteria (goals)'' stated in Stage A. It must include confirmation that the finished program was discussed with the client, and present some client feedback. Then it must describe REASONABLE suggestions for future improvements. Here is a complete "official" ''check-list'': ~http://xmltwo.ibo.org/publications/DP/Group4/d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2/word/checklistStudents_en.doc~ The check-list is too long and detailed. It is probably more useful to read the ''ASSESSMENT CRITERIA'': ~https://ibpublishing.ibo.org/live-exist/rest/app/tsm.xql?doc=d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_1_e&part=4&chapter=5~ DON'T leave anything out - that incurs substantial penalties. ###More Recursion - Fibonacci Sequence - 12 Feb 2018 \ HL will discuss: May 2016 HL p1 #15 SL students work on IA Projects. ###More Recursion - QuickSort Algorithm - 9 Feb 2018 \ Mr Mulkey is sick. All students shoulld work on their IA Project. If you prefer, you may do work for another course. ###Recursion for [HL] - 7 Feb 2018 \ HL students will learn about Recursion. SL students should continue working on their IA Projects. HL students wrote this RECURSIVE BINARY SEARCH: public int binarySearch(int target, int first, int last) { int mid = (first+last)/2; if( target > nums[mid] ) { if(last >= mid+1) { return binarySearch(target,mid+1,last); } else { return -999; } } else if( target < nums[mid]) { if( first <= mid-1) { return binarySearch(target,first,mid-1); } else { return -999; } } else { return mid; } } ###Searching and Sorting - 6 Feb 2018 \ We will discuss INSERTING into a LinkedList. ~netBeans/StudentList.zip~ ###Pseudocode Practice - 5 Feb 2018 \ Nov 2014 SL Paper 1 #11 ~https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bxd0A7EZupd2QzI4cmJ0eXFDcGc~ ###[HL] 2D Arrays in Pseudocode - 2 Feb 2018 \ Nov 2014 HL Paper 1 # 11 - Magic Squares ###Mock Exams and Stage D - 1 Feb 2018 \ We will discuss the Mock Exam results, as well as the rest of the IA Project. ###IA Project Programming Stage C - due 31 Jan 2018 \ Jan 31, 2018 - Stage C : Development Look at examples ~https://ibpublishing.ibo.org/live-exist/rest/app/tsm.xql?doc=d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2_e&part=4&chapter=7~ Example 8 Computer Science for Kids in Java Example 4 Mancala Game in Scratch Example 3 4-Color Map in Python By 31 Jan, you "must" have a finished, working Java program. You may have started on the Stage C documentation, but that is not due on the 31st and can be finished during February (at home). If your program is "finished" early, you can go ahead and start on the written documentation. Better yet, try making the video (stage D). When you do this, you are likely to find some small deficiencies in your program. Then go ahead and fix the program. So making the video will probably help you get the program working properly. Then you can write the stage C documentation when the program is really finished. ###Last Day before Mocks - 1 Dec \ HL Students - Case Study Test SL Students - Watch this video about software engineering disasters. ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGI371ht1N8~ Choose one of these engineering disasters and suggest how better software engineering practices could have prevented the disaster. You should write 2 or 3 paragraphs. You may discuss this with other students, but you should still write your own answer. E-MAIL your written answer to: Dave_Mulkey@fis.edu Due Date = 1 Dec 2017 at 18:00 ###Continue Past Paper 1 - 30 Nov \ ~https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxd0A7EZupd2WjI1Y2JmUHJDN3M/view~ ### Busses vs Taxis and Paths - 29 Nov 2017 \ The human issues of the Case Study - page 8 ~https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxd0A7EZupd2NDVRTWhoaWd1ZUU/view~ We will also talk about Shortest Paths, e.g. Dijkstra's algorithm: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9Raj6rAqqs~ ### More Review - 28 Nov 2017 \ We will discuss this past paper: ~https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxd0A7EZupd2WjI1Y2JmUHJDN3M/view~ SL students should ignore questions 8, 12 and 13. HL Students - we will have a 50 min test on Friday 1 Dec, during class. The test is about the Case Study, as there is no scheduled time for Paper 3 during the Mock exams. Since the test is done in class, it will be included in the semester grade like any other test. Here is a solution to the last problem - copying non-duplicates from an array into a LinkedList. This needs to be a bit more complex in the exam answer, because the allCodes[] array contains objects, not Strings. But the basic logic is correct, and you can actually test this in NetBeans. [[ import java.util.*; public class NoDups { String[] allCodes = new String[]{"Atlanta","Berlin","Chicago","Berlin","Atlanta"}; LinkedList
better = new LinkedList
(); public NoDups() { for(int start = 0; start < allCodes.length; start++) { if(!allCodes[start].equals("")) { better.add(allCodes[start]); // now wipe out the duplicates for(int d=start+1; d
That shows the following: - data members (variables/properties) of each object - method members of each object - BasicPart and CompoundPart both EXTENDl (isA) Part - CompoundPart must CONTAIN (hasA) 2 or more parts Here is another simple example:
Here is one more example - you are unlikely to have so many classes:
Notice that this only has class boxes, without arrows. This is sufficient for an IB IA Project. ###System Design - Charts and Data-structures - 23-24 Oct 2017 \ ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/275979/ibcomp/review/DesignOOP2.pdf~ ###Self-Driving Cars - Ethics - 20 Oct 2017 \ We will discuss this article: ~https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/10/the-ethics-of-autonomous-cars/280360/~ Self-Driving Taxis in Singapore: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnEHnmeIf1E~ ###Self-Driving Car Ethics - 19 Oct 2017 \ HL students should read the following article and be prepared to discuss self-driving car ethics tomorrow. ~https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/10/the-ethics-of-autonomous-cars/280360/~ Also, bring some questions that you found while watching the videos from last HL class. Today in class the SL students (and HL if you have time) should continue working on Stage B. Keep in mind that a FIRST DRAFT of this is due on Tues 31 Oct, so you really do need to make progress. ###Starting Stage B - 17-18 Oct 2017 \ Here are some notes about Stage B: ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/275979/ibcomp/ia2017/projects/StageBSteps.html~ OOP Ideas ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/datastrucs/discoverData.html~ ###Pseudocode - 13 Oct 2017 \ ''Pseudocode for Exams'' ~../275979/ibcomp/iboDocs/Pseudocode.pdf~ ''Pseudocode Explained'' ~../275979/ibcomp/iboDocs/PseudocodeExplained.pdf~ ''Pseudocode Practice Tool'' ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/pseudocode/pcode.html~ ''Sample Stage B with Pseudocode'' ~http://xmltwo.ibo.org/publications/DP/Group4/d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2/IA3en/Crit_B_Design03_en.pdf~ ###Flowcharts - 11-12 Oct 2017 \ Here are the official IBO Documents about Pseudocode and Flowcharts: Read these notes about Flowcharts. ~projects/flowcharts.pdf~ ''=== HOMEWORK ==='' Trace the LAST flowchart in the document above, and predict the value of SUM at the end. ###[HL] Case Study - 10 Oct 2017 \ What are the questions? ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L0TKZQcUtA~ End-to-End Car Learning Dave2 : ~https://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/deep-learning-self-driving-cars/~ Machine learning Wine/Beer : ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKW8Ndu7Mjw~ ###Starting Stage B - 9 Oct 2017 \ For your Internal Assessment Project, you are required to keep a journal of all your work. This is called the "Record of Tasks". You will find this in the Documents folder in the following link; ~http://xmltwo.ibo.org/publications/DP/Group4/d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2/word/Forms.zip~ You need to copy the standard from provided by the IBO, and then fill in AT LEAST ONE ENTRY PER WEEK describing your work. Have a look at a sample project to see how this should look. ~http://xmltwo.ibo.org/publications/DP/Group4/d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2/IA8en/Documentation/Crit_B_Record_of_tasks.pdf~ This document receives NO MARKS, but it is a requirement for Stage B of your project. To start (today), write down everything you have done so far. These dates only need to be approximate, starting last May. Keep this as a document on your computer, and add an entry each Monday. ###IA Project - Stage A - 25 Sep 2017 \ Please note that you must turn in: - one document containing the EXPLANATIONS and GOALS including pictures and sample data if appropriate - the APPENDIX document containing at least the Client interview, and possibly User Stories ###IA Project - Stage A - 21-28 Sep 2017 \ It is time to write the first OFFICIAL part of the IA Project - Stage A. We have fallen a bit behind, due to other topics, so this will now be due on ''Stage A : due on Thu 28 Sep at 22:00'' This is the easiest part of the IA Project. Don't turn it into something difficult. It is 500 words - e.g. less than 2 pages. The teacher will show you examples and outline what pieces are needed. Read these notes: ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/275979/ibcomp/projects2014/SoftwareDesign.html~ For Stage A, focus on : - Choose a CLIENT and TALK TO THEM - Put notes from your CLIENT interview in the APPENDIX - If you want, put USER STORIES in the APPENDIX - DEFINE the problem by : - referring to specific User Stories and Client Requests - show SAMPLE DATA and/or PICTURES of current solutions - include your VISUAL PROTOTYPE in the appendix if you wish - EXPLAIN the REASONS for your proposed solution, especially - a picture of your VISUAL PROTOTYPE - AUTOMATION that will make things better for the client - REQUIREMENTS and/or LIMITATIONS (more on this in the goals) - write GOALS (Criteria for Success) that are: - clear - precise - testable - complete - written as a BULETTED LIST - keep the total word-count under 500 words, keeping in mind that a BULLETTED LIST does NOT count in the word count Here is a good example that would receive 6/6 marks for Stage A: ~https://ibpublishing.ibo.org/live-exist/rest/app/tsm.xql?doc=d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2_e&part=4&chapter=15~ Look at the Student Work - Planning You can IMITATE this, but do NOT COPY IT exactly For example, if you write reasons for choosing Java, don't write the same reasons that the author wrote. Here are two more examples: ~http://xmltwo.ibo.org/publications/DP/Group4/d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2/IA4en/Crit_A_Planning04_en.pdf~ ~http://xmltwo.ibo.org/publications/DP/Group4/d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2/IA3en/Crit_A_Planning03_en.pdf~ You may wish to look at the Assessment Criteria: ~https://ibpublishing.ibo.org/live-exist/rest/app/tsm.xql?doc=d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2_e&part=4&chapter=5~ This CHECKLIST might also be useful: ~http://xmltwo.ibo.org/publications/DP/Group4/d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2/word/checklistStudents_en.doc~ ###Case Study Self-Driving Taxis - 20 Sep 2017 \ ~https://drive.google.com/a/fis.edu/file/d/0Bxd0A7EZupd2NDVRTWhoaWd1ZUU/view?usp=sharing~ Here is a link from the Case Study (it was broken): ~https://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21696925-building-highly-detailed-maps-robotic-vehicles-autonomous-cars-reality~ We need to make a shared Google Doc to define all the Vocabulary shown on the last page of the Case Study. ''Homework Before Next B-day HL Meeting (October)'' (1) Read the Case Study THOROUGHLY (2) Highlight concepts that seem IMPORTANT but UNCLEAR (3) Class creates a Google Doc to share Vocabulary ideas (4) Find ONE VIDEO (e.g. YouTube) to share next class ###Questions about Networks - 15-18 Sep 2017 \ ''***** TEST TOMORROW *****'' Have a look at these specifications for iPhone X: ~http://www.gsmarena.com/apple_iphone_x-8858.php~ We will work on the questions at the end of these notes: ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LdJ_b-1S3NNz5NXmw7WLeAkKza9NhWxqqrd6ItTRoro/edit~ ###Slow Servers and other Vocabulary - 13 Sep 2017 \ Here is an interesting news story about Venezuela: ~https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/05/25/venezuela_increases_censorship_surveillance/~ IB Notes : Topic 3 - Network Basics with brief explanations and questions ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LdJ_b-1S3NNz5NXmw7WLeAkKza9NhWxqqrd6ItTRoro/edit~ Learn all the vocabulary above. More importantly, we will discuss the QUESTIONS on Friday and Monday. We will have a TEST about networks next Tuesday, 19 Sep. ###Data Transmission - 11-12 Sep 2017 \ Follow the Data ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/binary/followdata_files/frame.htm~ How does the Internet work? ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5oe63pOhLI~ ''===HOMEWORK==='' Find out the MEANING (including examples) of each of the following terms. This will be on your quiz tomorrow. - PEERING - DECENTRALIZED - SINGLE-POINT-OF-FAILURE - PACKET - PROTOCOL ### Network Security - 31 Aug 2017 \ Today we will discuss DNS, URLs and Security in networks. Videos: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUxUUarTRW4~ ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfuZJVpNWR4~ ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKAzA82Xf-4~ ''Vocabulary:'' Firewall Encryption https Password User ID Authentication PIN URL DNS Dark Web Malware Virus Phishing DDOS Fail-over ### Networks - Section 3 in IB Syllabus - 24-29 Aug 2017 \ A good overview in a Video: ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCxfp1iUbqw~ Reading : Read Chapter 15 in your textbook Computer Science Illuminated ~https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B2t-Tmujl-IbTHlDbGl6MnZFTlU~ IB Notes : Topic 3 - Network Basics with brief explanations and questions ~https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LdJ_b-1S3NNz5NXmw7WLeAkKza9NhWxqqrd6ItTRoro/edit~ ### Turning in Functional Prototype - 22 Aug 2017 \ Your Functional Protype is a Java program. You need to: - find the folder containing the program - compress the folder, producing one single .zip archive - open Haiku, open the Functional Prototype assignment, and upload (attach) your .zip archive This is due on 24 Aug, but we will not be working on it in class after today. Thursday we must start studying Networks. ### Starting Functional Prototype - 16-23 Aug 2017 \ In case you forgot, here is a sample NetBeans project that demonstrates Tabs and Tables: ~http://ibcomp.fis.edu/275979/ibcomp/netbeans/DataFiles.zip~ Sometime this week, read this article about self-driving cars: ~https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/aug/18/uber-riders-self-driving-cars~ ''Functional Prototype''
Notes about Functional Prototype
We will work on the functional prototype assignment during class this week. Students should ask questions and get help if they are unsure what is required. Here are some examples:
Here is a VISUAL prototype for TicTacToe.
Here is a FUNCTIONAL prototype for TicTacToe
Here is a VISUAL prototype for adding numbers
Here is a FUNCTIONAL prototype for adding numbers
The assignment is due on 24 Aug 2017. We will also discuss fractals. Here are some notes: ~http://natureofcode.com/book/chapter-8-fractals/~