IB Computer Science year 1 - Frankfurt International School - Dave_Mulkey@fis.edu - 2013-14
 Next graded assignment : Test on System Implementation - Mon 12 May 2014
 Links : Java Stuff   IB Comp Sci  Text PPT Slides
            IB Syllabus Guide  Glossary of Computing Terms
            IA Project  Web Science

Last 4 Classes of Spring 2014 - 12-17 June 2014


Thur 12 June and Mon 16 June - 

Work on any of the following:

Friday 13 June

Tuesday 17 June

Starting IA Project and Final Exams - 11 June 2014

Here are some Simple Start Prototypes for projects.

Here are copies of the Final Exam and "correct" answers.
In many cases, other answers are also acceptable.
The goal is to write clear, sensible answers that actually answer the question.
The answers shown here are correct and concise.
Being concise will save time during exams.

Final Exam June 2014    Answers (with help from George)

Starting the Internal Assessment Project - 10 June 2014

We will use the last few days of class to start the IA Project.

Keep Studying - 27 May 2014

Here is a working link to the Logic Simulator
that we used back in October.

In case that doesn't work, here is another Logic Gate Simulator -
the old one seems to be broken.


When you are writing programming code (Java or Javascript)
-  start on a page with plenty of empty space
-  write your solution on every second line - skipping a line each command -
   so that you have space to make additions and corrections

Review the entire year.  For large topics, where we spent lots of time,
like the box packing program, spend a little more time than
on the smaller topics, like Linux.  But there probably will be at
least one question about Linux, since we never had a test or
a quiz about it.

Study with a friend - you will both help each other,
even if one is asking more questions and the other has more answers.

Keep Studying - 23 May 2014

HL students - we will continue with recursion AFTER the exams,
so there will not be any recursion questions (or questions about
the towers of Hanoi) on the Final Exam.  However, there will
be questions about all the OTHER HL topics that we studied
this year.

Both SL and HL must expect questions about Operating Systems
on the final exam.

Keep studying!  Keep practicing writing!

List of Review Topics - 22 May 2014

Looking back through the class BLOG, and thinking about what we did,
it seems the following topics are significant and will probably
be included in the EYE (End of Year Exam):

Java Programming
-  Strings - substring, indexOf, charAt, length, toUpperCase, equals, parsing, etc.
-  Numbers - int, double, float, division & truncation, bits, bytes, binary, hexadecimal
-  if.. commands -  == , != , && , ||
-  loops -  for , while
-  methods - parameters, return values
-  Arrays - .length, loops for searching, nested loops for sorting,
    various algorithms like counting, finding highest/lowest,  matching items, inserting, deleting
    simulations with random numbers, simulating games
-  Parallel arrays - names and numbers
-  algorithms - search (linear/sequential), sorting (Bubble sort, Selection sort), Big O Efficiency

Computer Systems
- Input - processing - storage - output
- Hardware+Software+Meatware
- Binary storage, system monitor, hex editor
- Processors (CPU) - speed, machine language, Fetch-decode-execute-store
- Memory (RAM, ROM) and Storage - files, disk drives
- Motherboard, data-bus, CPU-Cache-RAM, data-flow, transmission speed
- Operating Systems - times, dates, multitasking
- Logic circuits and logic gates -  AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, NOR

- GUI Components - button, textfield, textarea
- Parsing with .split and other String commands
- all the same concepts from JAVA can be transferred here as well

System Implementation and Operating Systems
- incompatibilities, business problems, business choices
- dates, languages, time zones, etc
- comparing Windows, Mac OS, Linux

When you are practicing programming, to prepare for the final exam,
try to do it like this:
(1) choose a task, like sorting an array
(2) write a solution on paper (quickly)
(3) type your solution into the editor
(4) test and debug your solution
(5) write the working solution on paper


EYE Review - 21 May 2014

Begin reviewing for your End of Year Exam (EYE).
We haven't done much programming lately, so that's probably a good place to start.
Make sure you know how to program in Java and Javascript,
and especially how to manipulate Strings and Arrays.

HL students will do some recursive programming tomorrow,
but today just refresh your memory about Java and Javascript.

Keep in mind that in the exam, you will be writing algorithms
without a computer, on a sheet of paper.

[HL] Hard OS Questions and Recursion - 20 May 2014

We will review student answers to these questions.

  1. Name 6 commonly sold and commonly used Operating Systems.
     Don't include different versions - like Windows 7 and Windows 8 -
     and don't include different brands of Linux - like Ubuntu and RedHat.
  2. For each OS in #1, describe a situation where it is popular and useful.
    A "situation" could involve specific hardware configurations OR
    specific usage OR specific people or some other situation descriptor.
  3. Give an approximate number of users for each operating system.
    This answer could be given as a percent if you wish.
  4. Which operating system is best for games?
    If you start your answer with "it depends...", then you will
    need to list ALL if the things that it depends on.  This will be
    very difficult.  A much better answer is something like:
    "The ------ OS is best for games because ..."
    Then you only have to outline a few advantages.
  5. Which operating system is best for "low specification" hardware?
    That might be old, slow PCs, or it might be Smartphones,
    or it might be a purposely designed simple and cheap laptop.
    Again, a good answer is "The ---- OS is best for ---- because ..."
  6. Describe 3 significant changes that have occurred in OS design
    over the past 30 years - e.g. between 1984 and 2014.  You might
    want to ask Google "what were operating systems like in 1984".
  7. Describe 3 significant changes that MAY happen in OS design
    in the relatively near future, say in the next 10 years.
    Try not to be "clever" and "invent" your own ideas.  Find out
    what EXPERTS are expecting.

You should search for answers by:
- watching videos
    for example : http://www.cnet.com/videos/reporters-roundtable-chrome-os-and-the-future-of-operating-systems/
- doing Google searches
    for example : [which operating systems are most popular]
- reading articles
    for example : http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Dejan_Milojicic/OS.pdf


We will start discussing RECURSION, using this example:

or use this one with a nicer interface.

Or consider the problem of making a Sierpinski triangle.

Or consider recursive algorithms for drawing a tree.

Here are some notes about recursion that you should read.

Practice with Java Cross Platform - 19 May 2014

Java was first created between 1991 and 1994 by a group of programmers at Sun Microsystems.  Their goal was to create a modern Object Oriented Language that would run on many platforms.  Cross-platform software was possible before then, but always required a special executable program that would run on a specific platform - so every program ended up with many different versions on various OSs.  The Java programmers decided on creating a Virtual Machine for each platform - those would be different and "target" specific requirements on the platform - and then create ONE finished Java program that would run on any JVM (Java Virtual Machine).  So it should be possible to simply copy a Java program onto any computer and it will run.  In actual fact, it isn't quite that perfect, but it comes very close.

If you write a Java program in Processing, you can use Export Application to create an EXECUTABLE program (that means it runs without installing Processing), and you can target Linux, Windows or Mac OS, or all three.  Then you can copy the result to the corresponding OS and it should run the same on all platforms.  If you are very careful, it actually is possible to create one single target file (a .jar file) that will run on multiple platforms - but this is not as simple as we would like.  Still, the JVM concept has indeed made Java a very popular language for producing applications that run on many platforms - Mac OS, Windows, Linux, Android (sort of - see JavaEmulator.com for Android) and others.  Apparently it does not run in iOS (iPad, iPhone).  Steve Jobs said: "Java's not worth building in.  Nobody uses Java anymore.  It's this big heavyweight ball and chain." (www.theipadguide.com)  That might make us wonder why it runs on MacBooks. 

You should try this out today.

Look at another Linux Distro - 16 May 2014

The teacher will show another Linux distro - Ubuntu.
This has a different user interface.  We will talk a bit
about future improvements in OS design, like:

- What could/should be added to a Smartphone
   to improve usability?

- What could/should be added to a desktop operating system
   to improve security - something beyond passwords?

- How does Java provide cross-platform software compatibility?

- How else could cross-platform compatibility for software
   be improved?

- What are some new hardware that might become common
   in the new feature and require new driver support?

More Questions - 15 May 2014

In the notes about Operating Systems (below), one very important OS responsibility was left out.  What is it?

Watch the teacher demonstrate Linux running on a machine where
it is actually installed.  Why is the Virtual Box version so much slower?

Continue investigating Linux and comparing it to Mac OS and Windows.

LINUX and Operating Systems - 13 May 2014

Read these notes about Operating Systems and Investigating Linux.

Here are some comparison notes you might like to read:

Linux vs Mac OS    Linux vs Windows    Mac OS vs Windows

When investigating Operating Systems, you should think
in MODULAR terms, as illustrated here:


Practice Questions - 9 May 2014

We will have a test on Monday 12 May.
The test will cover sections 1.1.1 - 1.1.10 of the syllabus.
Here are some study questions that you can discuss with other students.

Teacher's Answers Here

(1) In September our school has recently installed Haiku to replace Studywiz.
     Teachers started posting assignments in Haiku, but they will
     continue to use Studywiz for collecting assignments - until
     Haiku was functioning well and we are certain it would work.
  (a) Was this a Direct Changeover, a Phased Implementation, or Parallel Running?
  (b) The school offered little Haiku training for teachers and students.
       Describe likely consequences of not offering extensive training.
  (c) Describe who was in charge of the change management for this implementation.
  (d) Describe some underlying technology required for Haiku to function.

(2) Describe a situation when legacy data formats might cause problems
      when implementing a new computer system.

(3)  Outline some compatibility issues that are likely to occur when
     a British company merges with an American company.  These should
     be issues that would probably not occur when a single British company
     implements a new computer system only for itself.

(4) Assume that an insurance company has a local email server.
     They wish to change to using GMail, which runs on Google's servers.
     (a) Decide whether this would be an example of Software-as-a-Service.
     (b) Outline 2 compatibility issues that might occur during this implementation.
     (c) Outline one advantage and one disadvantage of making this change.

(5) Describe a situation where data migration is not easy.

(6) (a)  Describe 3 different types of software testing involved in developing
      and selling a computer system.
     (b) Outline the type of testing that should be performed by a company
       before they convert completely from one system to a new system.

(7) Outline 4 incompatibilities existing in TIME and DATE data in 2 different countries.

(8) (a) Describe a situation that you experienced when a computer system
       did not function as it should, and you discovered that you could
       fix the problem but using the system differently.

     (b) Describe a situation when a computer system did not work correctly
      and you suspected that it was caused by a "bug" in the software.

(9) Explain why commercial software companies - like Microsoft and Apple -
       sell and distribute software that still contains "bugs".

[HL] Class - Operating Systems - 8 May 2014

Here are some questions to answer.

  1. Name 6 commonly sold and commonly used Operating Systems.
     Don't include different versions - like Windows 7 and Windows 8 -
     and don't include different brands of Linux - like Ubuntu and RedHat.
  2. For each OS in #1, describe a situation where it is popular and useful.
    A "situation" could involve specific hardware configurations OR
    specific usage OR specific people or some other situation descriptor.
  3. Give an approximate number of users for each operating system.
    This answer could be given as a percent if you wish.
  4. Which operating system is best for games?
    If you start your answer with "it depends...", then you will
    need to list ALL if the things that it depends on.  This will be
    very difficult.  A much better answer is something like:
    "The ------ OS is best for games because ..."
    Then you only have to outline a few advantages.
  5. Which operating system is best for "low specification" hardware?
    That might be old, slow PCs, or it might be Smartphones,
    or it might be a purposely designed simple and cheap laptop.
    Again, a good answer is "The ---- OS is best for ---- because ..."
  6. Describe 3 significant changes that have occurred in OS design
    over the past 30 years - e.g. between 1984 and 2014.  You might
    want to ask Google "what were operating systems like in 1984".
  7. Describe 3 significant changes that MAY happen in OS design
    in the relatively near future, say in the next 10 years.
    Try not to be "clever" and "invent" your own ideas.  Find out
    what EXPERTS are expecting.

You should search for answers by:
- watching videos
    for example : http://www.cnet.com/videos/reporters-roundtable-chrome-os-and-the-future-of-operating-systems/
- doing Google searches
    for example : [which operating systems are most popular]
- reading articles
    for example : http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Dejan_Milojicic/OS.pdf

You should have answers and be prepared to discuss your answers
when you come to our next HL meeting.  Students who missed class
for a field trip must also find answers to these questions.

You may WORK TOGETHER with other students if you wish - but keep in mind
that the other students may produce inappropriate or incorrect answers.
Still, splitting up the searching might save time.

Testing and Documentation - 7 May 2014

Questions - Why does "professional" software contain "bugs"?

    What is a "bug" anyway?  We need to think of some examples.

    Why is Javascript likely to contain more bugs that Java?

We will discuss Syllabus section 1.1.7-1.1.9.

Date/Time Functions - 5 May 2014

Here are some Date/Time notes at W3schools.

Here are some examples about Date/Time Functions.

We will discuss Syllabus section 1.1.6.

Internationalization - 16 Apr 2014

Here are some notes about internationalization in Javascript:




== Practice ==
All these require AUTOMATED solutions - unless it says to "ask the user".
You might want to use Google to find solutions.

Continue with System Implementation - 14-15 Apr 2014

Notes about System Implementation

[HL] Topic 6 = Resource Management - 11 Apr 2014

IB Syllabus Guide - Topic 6 = Resource Management

We will discuss standard values for various resources,
as well as how these fit into designing a new computer system.

Homework (before next HL meeting)

(1) Read this page : some notes about various computer types.

(2) Think of a type of computer that was NOT listed on the page above

Starting the IB Comp Sci Syllabus - 10 Apr 2014

Topic 1 = System Implementation

You might wish to glance over the following notes:
Notes about System Implementation

Here are some study questions that you can discuss with other students.

(1) Our school has recently installed Haiku to replace Studywiz.
     Teachers will start posting assignments in Haiku, but they will
     continue to use Studywiz for collecting assignments - until
     Haiku is functioning well and we are certain it will work.
  (a) Is this a Direct Changeover, a Phased Implementation, or Parallel Running?
  (b) The school has offered little Haiku training for teachers and students.
       Describe likely consequences of not offering extensive training.
  (c) Describe who is in charge of the change management for this implementation.
  (d) Describe some underlying technology required for Haiku to function.

(2) Describe a situation when legacy data formats might cause problems
      when implementing a new computer system.

(3)  Outline some compatibility issues that are likely to occur when
     a British company merges with an American company.  These should
     be issues that would probably not occur when a single British company
     implements a new computer system.

(4) Assume that an insurance company has a local email server.
     They wish to change to using GMail, which runs on Google's servers.
     (a) Decide whether this would be an example of Software-as-a-Service.
     (b) Outline 2 compatibility issues that might occur during this implementation.
     (c) Outline one advantage and one disadvantage of making this change.

(5) Describe a situation where data migration is not easy.

(6) Describe 3 different types of software testing involved in developing
      and selling a computer system.

(7) Outline a typical backup strategy that is used by personal computer owners,
      but which would probably not be used by a large corporation.

(8) (a) Explain two reasons that a business might NOT accept automatic
          software updates.
     (b) Describe two disadvantages of not accepting automatic software updates.

Vocabulary Words - 8 Apr 2014

*** Here is a solution to the SATvocabulary web-page below ***
*** You might want to review this before your test tomorrow ***

Here is a web-site with a very useful list of SAT vocabulary words.

The words are in an Excel spreadsheet file.  We cannot copy the words
directly from the Excel file to a web-page.  Instead, we must
export the Excel file into a .CSV file (Comma Separated Values).
Here is the resulting text file.

The basic format of the file is:

    word , importance number, another number, definition

Eventually, we would like to SORT the words in order of IMPORTANCE -
hence placing the largest importance numbers at the top,
and the smallest numbers at the bottom.  But we will do that later.

Today, we have a simpler problem -
(1) find the largest IMPORTANCE value
(2) display all the words that have that value

Now this file is a bit of a mess, because the export function
did not do exactly what we expected.  That doesn't matter so much,
but we may have some ERRORS while searching through the list.

Here is a starting web-page that just prints the first 10 words
together with the definition.  There are instructions for more tasks.

More BIG DATA - 4 Apr 2014

Here is a solution to yesterday's homework.

Here are two web-sites with links to LOTS of BIG data sets.



Morer and Bigger DATA - 3 Apr 2014

Here is a solution to yesterday's homework.
We will continue making this program page better.

Test Announcement - We will have a 45 min
test on Wed 9 Apr
(during period 3).
The test will focus on data-processing and
String methods (especially .split).
It will be a written test - no computers, no notes.

(1)  Add the LOWEST Temperature and the HIGHEST Precipitation to the [Hi's and Low's] Button
(2)  Add a [FIND COUNTRY] Button that inputs the name of a country and outputs the Abbreviation,
     OR inputs the Abbreviation and outputs the Country.  If you use .indexOf, these can
     both be accomplished by the same function.
(3)  Improve the [Hi's and Low's] output so that it automatically FINDS the country name
     corresponding to an Abbreviation and prints the country name in the output box.

More Big Data - 2 Apr 2014

Here is a solution to Monday's homework:


We will study this program : weather.html

Do at least 2 of these 3 exercises:

(1) Add a Precipitation BUTTON that works like the [Search Temperatures] BUTTON

(2) Add a button (and function) to find the DRIEST COUNTRY (smallest total)

(3) We need a LIST that shows what all the abbreviations are (find a web-site)

This data is from the World Bank's web-site, at

This is an Excel spreadsheet file, containing 4 spreadsheet tables.
The data was first converted to Comma-Separated-Files (CSV).
These are text files with one row of data per line, data items separated by commas.
Then two of the text files were copied into <textarea> elements in the HTML file.
Finally, a Javascript function is used to extract the data from the <textarea>,
and to search for a specific country code.

We will add further features to this program page.
For example, a function that finds a country and prints the highest and lowest temperatures.

[HL] Data Tables - 1 Apr 2014

We will have a look at these data tables :


Then we will write a program (a web-page)
to analyze some temperature data.

Tic-Tac-Toe Quiz

BIG Data - 31 Mar 2014

We will discuss these notes : Data Analysis Notes

Here is a web-page containing some data.

Homework - In the web-page above, write a method that does the following:
- use .innerHTML to get all the data from the TopTenCountries textarea
- use .split to take apart the data into single lines and store these in an array
- use a loop to count through all 10 countries
- at each country, use  .split  to chop the line into 3 pieces, like   "3." , "China", "3,456,789"
    separating at the TAB (\t) character
- take the area number and .split it into 3 pieces, splitting at the COMMAS ","
- take the 3 pieces of numbers, e.g.  "3" , "456" , "789" and use
    concatenation (+) to stick them back together into a single String
- use parseInt() to change this long String, containing a big number, into an actual number
- check whether the number is smaller than 2 million.  If so, display (alert) the name of the country.
We will discuss this Homework on Wednesday.

HL students - finish your Tic-Tac-Toe program and bring it to class on Tuesday.

BIG Data - Data Collection and Analysis - 28 Mar 2014

Data Analysis Notes
Homework : Read these notes for general concepts.  We will NOT
be writing a Java program, but rather using Javascript,
so don't bother downloading the Java program(s).

Just for Fun - Google Whacking -
Do a Google search that returns EXACTLY ONE RESULT.
If you succeed, try to succeed with fewer words.

Turn in your Word Game - 27 Mar 2014

You must turn in your ePortfolio - including the Word Game - TODAY.
If your game isn't finished, or it is not working, please write A NOTE
in Haiku describing the problem(s) - but you still need to turn in your work TODAY.

If you finish early, you can ask another student to TEST your page,
and you can test theirs.  How?  Figure something out.

*a***a* Clues - 25 Mar 2014

Here is another idea for clues for your game.
You can make lots more buttons, but don't just let the user
click any button they like - that will make it too easy.
Maybe allow them to click two buttons, then make them
all disappear.

Continue Working on Your Word Game - 24 Mar 2014

Deadline - you will turn in your Word Game on Thursday 27 March, before 18:00. 
You must turn in your entire ePortfolio, so your Word Game must be
in a sub-folder in IBWORK, with a link in the Log.html file.

Continue working on your Word Game.

Here are some more ideas for hints:

Notice that these hints can be given several times. 

Longer Lists of Words - 21 Mar 2014

Here is a sample word-game page that shows how you
can include longer lists of words - and many lists -
in your word-game.

[HL] More More More Tic Tac Toe - 20 Mar 2014

We will discuss this new version of our Tic-Tac-Toe program.

Homework :
Finish the part that checks for a winner.  Then you should have
a complete and functional Tic-Tac-Toe game for 2 players.
If you can cleverly use loops for to check all 3 rows or all 3 columns,
please do.  But that is very tricky.  You will probably find it easier
to simply write 2 IF commands for each row -
one for the X's and another for the O's -
then 2 IF commands for each column,
and 2 IF commands for each diagonal.

Finish this before NEXT HL class, so that you
are prepared for the QUIZ that you will have
about the Tic-Tac-Toe program.

Continue Making a Javascript Word Game - 19 Mar 2014

Things to add:

We will continue working on this game for about a week.
Do as much as you can each day, but don't spend many hours at home.
Spend 30 minutes at home each day - that is enough.

Use your time in class productively - this is your chance to get
help from the teacher, especially if your program is "broken".

Making a Javascript Word Game - 18 Mar 2014

ePortfolio Check -
Compress your IBWORK folder into a .ZIP archive
and upload it to Haiku before 18:00 today.

- Making a Javascript Word Game -

We will make a Javascript Word Game. 
In the game, the user must guess a secret word.
They will receive hints.  When they try to guess the word,
the computer will tell them whether they are correct or not.

If the program always has the same secret word,
then the game will not be interesting for very long.
So we need a LIST of words, and the computer
must choose a word at RANDOM from this list.

The simple way to make a list is to use an ARRAY, like this:

   var words = ["computer","teacher","student","book","document"] ;

Now we can choose a random word like this:

   var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*5) ;
   var secret = words[num] ;

Now the program must give hints, for example:

   alert("The secret word has " + secret.length + " letters" ) ;
   alert("The first letter of the word is " + secret.charAt(0) ) ;
   alert("The letter 'e' occurs in position " + secret.indexOf("e") ) ;

... or something like that.  The commands above might be incorrect -
they have not been tested - but they are at least CLOSE to correct.

For more information about STRING methods,
try this link at W3Schools.

IB CS ePortfolio - 17 Mar 2014

ePortfolio Notes

- Today's Practice -

(1) Create the IBWORK folder on your hard-disk -
      use this template 

(2) In the template folder, you will find JOKESPAGE.HTML
     Make the following improvements:

     (a) Change the green DIV to a white (invisible) DIV with white text
          Then put the DIV somewhere else.  It should still work correctly
           for freezing the jumping button.

     (b) Make 3 more buttons.  These must be clicked in a SPECIFIC ORDER.
           If clicked in the right order, each button disappears
            and after the last button disappears, it says "success" in an ALERT dialog.
          If the buttons are clicked in the wrong order,
           they all reappear and the user must start over again.  

(3)  On Tuesday (not earlier) you must compress your IBWORK folder
      into a .ZIP archive and upload it to HAIKU.

Preparing for the Internal Assessment Project  -  14 Mar 2014

Homework - before class on Monday, make sure that you
have a working account for either of the following (or both is even better):

-  Dropbox at http://www.dropbox.com 

-  Weebly at  http://education.weebly.com

Read about an artificial heart

More about Objects in HTML Pages - 13 Mar 2014

Solutions to yesterday's practice (dates2.html)

We will discuss the IA Project which is due next March.

Dates - 12 Mar 2014

Read the notes on this page

[HL]  Tic-Tac-Toe - 10 Mar 2014

We will start making a Tic-Tac-Toe game in Javascript,
starting with this page:


Here is a better version that uses a FUNCTION to create each button.


Before next HL class, make the following improvements:

(1) Change the Javascript to use a LOOP instead of 3 MakeButton commands.

(2) Add 2 more loops to make the next 2 rows of buttons.

(3) Try to change this so that it has NESTED loops instead of 3 separate loops.

(4) Change the nested loops to make 5 rows of 5 columns - a 5x5 board.

More Javascript - 7 Mar 2014

Read the first half of Chapter 4 in Eloquent Javascript.
You can stop at Ex. 4.2 . 

For each example [code in a box] you should:
- read the preceding explanation
- read the code in the box
- predict what will happen when the code runs
- click on the little [=] text icon at the right
   and then [RUN] the code and check your answer
- if your prediction was incorrect,
   read the code again.  Then try changing something
   and running it again, until you understand the code.
   If you don't understand it within a few minutes,
   you need to write down a question and bring it to class.
- if your prediction was correct, continue reading and learning.

Variables and OBJECTS in Javascript - 6 Mar 2014

The teacher will explain how variables and objects work in Javascript.
Then we will continue making the web-page we started yesterday.
In case you finished all the work yesterday, here are some more things to try:

We will discuss ACTUAL Dates tomorrow.

MAKE a Web-Page - 5 Mar 2014

Use Komodo (or some other editor) to create a web-page as follows:

Start with a NEW page and type your own HTML and Javascript.  Don't start with a page that the teacher created - you need lots of practice TYPING the code, not just copying.

First Real Web-page - 3 Mar 2014

Read these notes about Web Basics.

We will look at this web-page carefully, to start learning
how to write HTML and JavaScript, to create a "Web-App".

You will need a good text editor, like Komodo.
Download and install Komodo before our next class.

Your Own Web Server - 21 Feb 2014

The following exercises were created at a time when it was possible
for student laptops to communicate with each other.  This seems to
have been disabled.  So we will modify the instructions slightly.
Your lab partner will be the TEACHER'S laptop.  So you need to
talk to the teacher.  If, by some odd chance, you can succeed
in accessing the web-servers on other students' laptops, then
please do carry on with a student as a lab partner.
We will start class by connecting your web-servers to the teacher's PC.

You need an installed copy of ABYSS WEB SERVER (X1)
or any other web-server program that will run on your laptop.
Then do the following exercises.

Once you have completed all these exercises successfully, you have homework.

Homework -
You and your lab partner must attempt to "see" or "visit"
each other's web-server from one house to another.  This is not
actually more difficult due to distance - indeed, it SHOULDN'T even matter
if you are on a different continent.  However, it might fail due to

You need to agree on a time to do this, and you need to exchange
IP addresses - by phone or eMail or .... no, please don't use Facebook.

You do NOT need to succeed, but you must ATTEMPT to connect.
If you spend more than 15 minutes on this you can give up.
Bring stories about your experience to class on Monday 3 March.

Internet Vocabulary - 20 Feb 2014

PowerPoint for Chapter 15

Homework - start reading chapter 15 in your textbook Computer Science Illuminated
                       read section 15.1 before class tomorrow

    Also, download and install ABYSS WEB SERVER (X1).

Questions and Experiments

Here is Wikipedia's explanation of IPv6

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the latest revision of the Internet Protocol (IP), the communications protocol that provides an identification and location system for computers on networks and routes traffic across the Internet. IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPv4 address exhaustion.

IPv6 is intended to replace IPv4, which still carries the vast majority of Internet traffic as of 2013.[1] As of February 2014, the percentage of users reaching Google services over IPv6 surpassed 3% for the first time.[2]

Every device on the Internet must be assigned an IP address in order to communicate with other devices. With the ever-increasing number of new devices being connected to the Internet, the need arose for more addresses than IPv4 is able to accommodate. IPv6 uses a 128-bit address, allowing 2128, or approximately 3.4×1038 addresses, or more than 7.9×1028 times as many as IPv4, which uses 32-bit addresses. IPv4 allows only approximately 4.3 billion addresses. The two protocols are not designed to be interoperable, complicating the transition to IPv6.

IPv6 addresses are represented as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by colons, for example 2001:0db8:85a3:0042:1000:8a2e:0370:7334, but methods of abbreviation of this full notation exist.

[HL] Exponential Web Growth - 19 Feb 2014

5 min start - What is a browser? (watch the video)

Question:  Which is correct?
"Less than 8%"  or  "Fewer than 8%"
If you are not sure, how can you find out?

Future Web Growth and its Consequences for Web Search Architectures

Student Questions
  • The way back machine what is it?
  • Why did they predict one web page per Internet user by 2050?
  • Why did mean html page size shrink after 2009?
  • Why is the number of useful web-pages decreasing?
  • Is it true or false that we can package up / contain the WWW by 2030?
    Is it possible to (1) download the WWW once, (2) keep it SYNCHRONIZED?
    Or isn't that a waste of space?  Can we be selective?  Only download
    the stuff you WANT or NEED? ===  SEMANTIC WEB and META DATA ===
  • What SEARCH ALGORITHMS would be used in a local copy of WWW?

Questions about Kurzweil Video - 18 Feb 2014

Five Minutes Start - watch this video about nano-scale storage

Bring any questions you wish to ask about the Kurzweil video.

Todays Lecture = Questions and some answers

Homework -

HL Students - start reading this document:
Future Web Growth and its Consequences for Web Search Architectures
You must read ALL THE CHARTS (graphs).  Write questions
to bring to HL class on Wednesday.  If you also want to read
some of the text, please feel free to do so.  We will discuss
the various charts during class on Wednesday.

SL Students - start reading the IB Syllabus Guide
. . . Section C = Web Science Option
Find 3 vocabulary words that you DO understand.
Find 3 vocabulary words that you DO NOT understand.
Bring questions to class on Thursday.

Exponential Growth - 17 Feb 2014

You watched Michio Kaku's speech about exponential growth as homework. 

Today in class we will watch Ray Kurzweil's TED speech on the same subject.

Homework -

SL Students
- watch the Ray Kurzweil video again
and write down questions - especially if there
there are words that you don't understand.

HL Students - start reading this document:
Future Web Growth and its Consequences for Web Search Architectures
You must read ALL THE CHARTS (graphs).  Write questions
to bring to HL class on Wednesday.  If you also want to read
some of the text, please feel free to do so.  But we will discuss
various charts during class on Wednesday.

Algorithm Efficiency Test - 14 Feb 2014

You have 50 minutes for the test.

Homework - 

Watch this video:  Michio Kaku - The World in 2030 (start at 5:30 - it lasts one hour)

We will have another video to watch in class on Monday.

*** Next Week ***

The two videos - Michio Kaku and Ray Kurzweil - will launch
our investigation of BIG DATA, EXPONENTIAL GROWTH and

HL students will discuss the following paper in depth:

    Future Web Growth and its Consequences for Web Search Architectures

You might wish to begin reading this.  You need to read
all the pages with graphs (charts) before class on Wednesday. 
You will receive a printed copy on Monday.
But if you are a slow reader, perhaps you want
to start reading during the weekend.

Searching Algorithms - 12 Feb 2014

Here is the finished program LotsOfWords,
with a TEST button and all 3 Search algorithms.
You might want to study it, do some experiments, etc.

Friday's test will include questions about the EFFICIENCY (speed)
of various algorithms, including sorting and searching in an
array of integers, and Packing Boxes, as well as searching in an array of Strings.
You do not need to memorize the methods for a Binary Search
or a Dictionary Search, but you should be able to write
the method for a Sequential Search.

String Algorithms - 11 Feb 2014

String Algorithms

Homework :
Download the program above.  Run it.  Load the words, but DON'T show them.
Use the TEST button to find the word "potato".  Use any algorithm/system
that you wish.  Then write the code for a Sequential Search -
that is a simple loop that examines all the words, looking for the requested word.


We will discuss the future of computer systems next week,
starting with a video of Ray Kurzweil discussing
"The Singularity is Near".  Meanwhile, you might be
interested in some articles about the future of
Hard Disk storage:

- 60 TB Disk Drives Could Be a Reality in 2016

- The Future of Computing Power

- Massive Increase in Hard Drive Storage in 3-5 Years

Algorithm Efficiency and Big O - 10 Feb 2014

Read these notes about Algorithm Efficiency.

Make sure you understand the three types of search:

and understand the different EFFICIENCIES of these searches.

** TEST **
Plan on a test on Friday 14 Feb about Algorithm Efficiency.

[HL] No More Kings - 7 Feb 2014

Here is the final version of Kings.  Give it a try.
You can try changing MAXI to 7 - that is simpler.

We spent enough time investigating Kings.
Time for a more problem.

Traveling Salesman Problem

Read about the TSP here:

Traveling Salesman

Imagine a salesman must start in Paris, and fly to 4 cities ( London, Berlin, Rome, and Athens).  What is the shortest route he can take?  This is a famous problem which cannot be solved efficiently.  The straightforward method is to examine all possible route, calculate the length of each trip, and choose the smallest.  Here is the list of all of the 24 possible trips (he always starts and finishes in Paris):


Why are there 24 possibilities?  There are 4 choices for the first city, then 3 choices for the next, then 2 choices for the next, then 1 choice left for the last city.  So the number of possible trips is 4*3*2*1 = 4! (factorial)

If the salesmen must visit 10 cities, there are 10! = 3,628,800 - over 3 million trips to examine.

The number of trips grows very fast as the number of cities grows.  

    The efficiency of the Travelling Salesman algorithm is  O( N ! )

The Travelling Salesman problem is an example of a problem desperately in need of a more efficient algorithm. Although some clever programs have been written for this problem, the programs only guarantee to get a good result, not necessarily the best result.  This remains an unsolved problem in Computer Science.

Wikipedia has some interesting demo applets.

This is a very famous Computer Science problem.
So you can search in Google and find lots more information if you wish,
probably including some simulator programs that "solve" the problem.

Homework : Start with the TSP program that you received on paper.
     You can copy the text from here.

Add any code that would be useful in solving the TSP problem,
especially answering the questions at the top of the page.

Real World

In reality, a salesman faces a different kind of problem
than the theoretical TSP.  For example, what is the SHORTEST ROUTE
to get from one place in a city to another place in the city?
This is the GPS (navigation) problem.

Read about how a GPS finds the shortest route.

Here is an Applet showing Dijkstra's algorithm in practice.

Here is a video explaining Dijkstra's algorithm.

Running Algorithms on Large Data Sets - 6 Feb 2014

We will use the programs that you did for homework.
We will test how FAST an algorithm can find a solution.

How fast (efficient) is the Bubble Sort?
O(n^2) in the worst case scenario, also the average case
     O(n) in the best case
not linear =
    for example 1 sec for 10000, won't take 2 sec for 20000
I ran it on 4000 numbers, took 20 sec
I ran it again, and it took 0.1 sec -I think they were already sorted

How did this happen?
    P … 0 to N
        X … 0 to N
            if…     this happens  N*N times  
              On the order of N^2  =     O(N^2)

Bubble sort can stop early IF
  it makes ONE ENTIRE PASS with NO SWAPS  O(N)
    in the BEST CASE SCENARIO (already sorted)

50000 in 2 minutes  (50 000^2)* constant
100000    (100 000 ^ 2 ) * constant
        N^2    (2N)^2 = 4 N^2  = 4 times as long for 2 x numbers

100000 took 8 min
1 000 000 = 10 * 100 000 =  10^2 times as long = 100 times as long

Random Triples
   Best case = O(1)
   Average case = O(1000 seconds) = constant
   Worst case = number of repetitions (never)

AI Hint =  sorts, takes 1st number and looks for a match
      if not, takes 1st and last
   O(N^2) to sort
Straightforward analysis of all the algorithms in the PACKING program 
We did 3 (above) - you do the other 3 for homework
Use your computer to check, but also make predictions/explanations

Algorithm Efficiency - 5 Feb 2014

How good are our Packing algorithms?
Do they work for bigger lists?
What about bigger numbers and bigger boxes?
Are they RELIABLE?
Are they CORRECT?
Are they EFFICIENT (fast)?

Last Try with Packing Boxes - 4 Feb 2014

Here is a "final" version of the Packing Boxes program.

Here are some NOTES about ALGORITHMS for the Packing Problem.

Homework :

(1)  Download the program above
(2)  Familiarize yourself with all the buttons in the program
(3)  Improve the RECURSIVE solution so that it always
       prints a solution, even when it cannot find 50 or 49 or 48 -
       write a LOOP that checks for all numbers, down to 1

AI for Packing Boxes - 31 Jan 2014

This new version of PackBoxes contains our first attempt at Artificial Intelligence (AI) -
the computer makes a HINT of which two items could be packed together.
It is not very good.  You can quickly invent a better ALGORITHM than this one.
Download the program and improve the HINT method.  Choose a reasonable goal,
like "Don't always try the first item."  Then improve it more with any even
better, but more difficult, idea.


What is an algorithm?  Definition? Explanation? Examples? Counter-examples?
Try this from Webopedia: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/A/algorithm.html 

"... set of steps for solving a particular problem. To be an algorithm, a set of rules must be unambiguous and have a clear stopping point. Algorithms can be expressed in any language, from natural languages like English or French to programming languages like FORTRAN" ... and of course Java

Notice that the concept of an algorithm is not only limited to computers.
While human algorithms (a set of steps for a person to follow)
are interesting and instructive, the goal in Computer Science
is to construct a computational algorithm - that means it
can be executed (followed) by a computer system.
Automation and reliability
are significant issues in Computational Algorithms.

The level of detail is different for computers and human beings.
We can tell a human being to buy lunch as follows:

For a robot, the commands might be more detailed:

So what is an algorithm for solving the Packing Problem?

Packing Boxes Problem - 29 Jan 2014

Read these notes about the Packing (aka Knapsack) problem.

[HL] Last Kings Day - 28 Jan 2014

Here is a new version of Kings that contains a BoardFull method,
and it displays a message when the human or the computer wins.

Discussion Question : How can we make the computer "think ahead"
so that it chooses the BEST possible move, rather than a random move?

HOMEWORK - work on SOME of the following problems:
To Do List:
- When computer wins, display it's last move before the message
- If computer plays first, should always take the middle
   ?? even boards ???  4 in the middle
- Add more for the computer -
  it should choose the square that's the mirror image of the human
- Do you have a better idea?
- What about EVEN boards?  How does MIRRORING work there?


Algorithms Test - 27 Jan 2014

After you finish the test (35 minutes) you can start reading
about famous Cyber Attacks.

Sorting Algorithm EFFICIENCY - 24 Jan 2014

Here is a .zip archive for NetBeans containing some Sorting Test Algorithms.

*** In case this doesn't run (heap error), you will need to             ***
*** change the size of the nums[] array to 1 million or 10 million. ***
*** It is currently 100 million, which may exceed memory             ***
*** capacity on some computers.                                                 ***

We will study the EFFICIENCY (speed) of these algorithms.

To prepare for your Test on Monday, study the following algorithms:

   Sorting and Other Algorithms for an Array of ints

*** Remember : Test on Monday (35 minutes) ***
*** about ALGORITHMS like :                         ***
***    Sorting an array                                    ***
***    Reversing an array                                ***
***    Inserting in a sorted array                      ***
***    Counting specific items                         ***
***      etc                                                    ***
***    The test will ONLY involve algorithms     ***
***    for one array containing integers.          ***
***    There will be no questions about            ***
***     Parallel arrays, nor about pseudocode.   ***
***    But you must be able to read and write  ***
***    Java methods for array algorithms.        ***

First Sorting Algorithm - MYSTERY Sort - 23 Jan 2014

Here is a .zip archive containing a NetBeans program with a Sorting method.

We will investigate this.

You can use the program from the .zip archive (above),
or use either of the following demonstration sites:

- demo with Java source :    http://www.solidware.com/sort/

- demo with "bars" but no Java :  http://math.hws.edu/TMCM/java/xSortLab/

Inserting into an Array - 21 Jan 2014

Homework :
Write a method that REVERSES the numbers in an array.

Notes from NetBeans

    private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                        
        int temp = nums[0];
        nums[0] = nums[numsSize-1];
        nums[numsSize-1] = temp;

    private void insert(int nn)
        int temp = 0;
        while(nn>=nums[temp] && temp<numsSize)
            temp = temp+1;
        for(int x=numsSize-1; x >= temp ; x=x-1)
            nums[x+1] = nums[x];
        nums[temp] = nn;
        numsSize = numsSize+1;

Here is a Pseudocode Algorithm that inserts a new element
into an array at position [0].

// Move all the elements in an array up one position
// and then write a new element into position [0]

NUMS = [3,5,7,11]
SIZE = 4

NN = 2      // New Number

loop C from 1 to SIZE
end loop
NUMS[0] = NN

SIZE = 5

output "Size = " , SIZE

loop C from 0 to SIZE-1
   output NUMS[C]
end loop
Now we can modify this to insert a new element at any position,
and then further modify it to insert a new element in the
correct position in a sorted list.

Sorting Algorithms - 20 Jan 2014

Here are solutions for the searching methods from Friday (below):

Today we will discuss SORTING.
We will start with SINGLE arrays (not parallel arrays).
Eventually we will see how we can also sort PARALLEL arrays.

Here is a Java Applet animation that demonstrates several Sorting ALGORITHMS,
as well as showing Java source code for the algorithms.

Here is another Java Applet that is similar, but without Java source code.

Notes about Sorting

Imagine you have homework to do for several different classes.
You might start with your favorite class, because that is fun and easy.
Then again, you might start with the SHORTEST (fastest) assignment
so that you have something finished.

A server has a similar problem when processing tasks.  It could
just process "jobs" in the order that they arrive (First In First Out).
But if the first Job is very long, this could make all the other
jobs wait for a long time.  So some server processes are designed
to assign a PRIORITY according to the size of the job - e.g. shortest first.

Servers process lots of work for lots of users.  So it might not be obvious
what the shortest job is.  For example, in a list of 100 numbers,
it is not always "simple" to see the smallest number.

There are several possible ALGORITHMS for finding the smallest number in a list:

We will write methods for these 3 algorithms.


Looking ahead, we see that the IB Comp Sci syllabus requires students
to write PSEUDOCODE solutions in exam Paper 1, which counts twice
as much as exam paper 2.  So we not only need to learn to write ALGORITHMS,
and write them in Java, but also to write them in PSEUDOCODE.

One of the IB Computer Science teachers has been kind enough
to create a Pseudocode Practice Tool that we can use to practice.

Here is a Pseudocode algorithm that finds the smallest number in an array:

NUMS = [3,8,5,2,6,8,7,4,9];

loop X from 0 to 8
   if NUMS[X] < SMALLEST then
   end if
end loop


Now copy this into the Pseudocode Practice Tool
and check that it works correctly.

Multiple Results from Searches - 17 Jan 2014

Search methods generally RETURN a single value.
How is it possible to return multiple results?

Today, practice programming with PARALLEL ARRAYS
(using the same arrays from Wednesday) - People.zip
Write methods for as many of the following as you can:

(1) findEmail(name)
(2) findAge(name)
(3) findLargestAge()
(4) findName(email)
(5) calcAverageAge()
(6) findStrangeGrades() .... such as 37, then print out the name
(7) findFamily(last name) ... print all names matching the last name
(8) countPeople(grade) ... count the number of people in a specific grade
(9) allData(name) ... find all the data for a specific name

On Monday, we will be learning to write SORTING methods.

[HL] Kings with Rules - 16 Jan 2014

Here is a new version of Kings, using graphics
and with rules that prevent illegal moves.

Homework - using this new version of Kings,
add a method:  checkBoardFull()
and use this in ComputerChooses()
so the computer will know if it wins -
after it makes a move, it does checkBoardFull()
and says "I win" if the board is full.

Saving Data in Parallel Arrays - 15 Jan 2014

Rather than saving a RECORD as a single STRING containing several FIELDS,
we can save separate FIELDS in separate ARRAYS -
we call these PARALLEL ARRAYS.  For example:

Full Name
  Grade eMail
0 2345 Lee, Kim 15 10 KimLee@live.com
1 1978 Anderson, Alice 16 10 AliceAnderson@yahoo.de
2 1111 Farkel, Fred 15 9 FF99@supermail.mx
3 2222 Simpson, Homer 56 37 phonydude@nothing
4 2999 Sinatra, Frank 127 0 Frankie@forestlawn.us
5 2500 Simpson, Prince 44 0 unknown
6 1234 Madonna 44 0 ciccone@gmail.uk
.... .... .... .... .... ....

Now we need 5 arrays, like this:

 int[]  ids = {2354,1978,1111,2222,2999,2500,1234};
 String[] names = {"Lee, Kim","Anderson, Alice","Farkel, Fred",....};
 int[] ages = {15,16,15,56,127,44,44};
 int[] grades = {10,10,9,...};
 String[] emails = {"KimLee@live.com",...};

Then we can search for an email address like this:

 public String findEmail(String name)
    for(int x=0; x < names.length; x = x+1)
       {  return emails[x]; }
    return "Not found";

Hopefully the findEmail method is correct.  If not, find the mistake.

Now we can write lots of useful methods, for example:
(1) findEmail(name)
(2) findAge(name)
(3) findLargestAge()
(4) findName(email)
(5) calcAverageAge()
(6) findStrangeGrades() .... such as 37, then print out the name
(7) findFamily(last name) ... print all names matching the last name
(8) countPeople(grade) ... count the number of people in a specific grade
(9) allData(name) ... find all the data for a specific name
(10) SORT ages
(11) SORT names

Homework - Before class on Friday:

1 - make a new NetBeans project
2 - create the parallel arrays as shown above
3 - write one of the FIND methods described above

Parsing Files - 14 Jan 2014

Today we will see how to PARSE the Country Name from each data file,
as well as how to REVEAL WHITE SPACE in NetBeans.

At the end of the period, we will have a 5 minute quiz.

Rankings for One Country - 13 Jan 2014

Here are the vocabulary notes from today's lecture:


Information (data) is generally stored in multiple FILES
- in our sample program, we have 10 text files
- the CIA Factbook has a few hundred files.

A FILE is broken into RECORDS - one line in a text file

Each RECORD is broken into FIELDS - one data item
For example:

   97      Germany   $    1,234,567,890

Is the GDP file Sorted?  Yes, sorted by:
-- GDP highest to lowest
-- by RANKING, from 1 to 250

In each RECORD (line) FIELDS can be separated by DELIMITERS - slashes, tabs, etc.
Fields could also be FIXED WIDTH, occupying a specific number of characters

We can use WHITE SPACE (spaces, tabs) to line things up

Data is generally NOT WELL organized = not PERFECTLY organized
For example, Tuvalu does not appear in every file,
and "United States" is sometimes contained in other names

We must learn how to PARSE text files = take data files apart into pieces

Our first example of PARSING is getting the RANK number
out of a record and turning into an int value.

Here is the code for finding the data and adding up rankings
for a single country from 10 text files.  It contains a getRanking method,
which starts with a String S and extracts the Ranking field
at the beginning of the String.

        String[] filenames =
        { "2001-GDP.txt","2002-PopulationGrowth.txt",
            "2153-InternetUsers.txt","2254-CarbonEmissions.txt"};   // don't bother
        String country = IBIO.input("Country");
        int total = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for(int c=0; c < 10; c = c+1)
            String filename = filenames[c];
            dataCount = loadFileIntoArray(filename,data);
            for(int x=0; x < dataCount; x = x+1)
                String s = data[x];
                    int ranking = getRanking(s);
                    count = count + 1;
                    total = total + ranking;
        IBIO.output("Total rankings = " + total + "    count = " + count); 
        // SCOPE = where can a variable or method be used

    public int getRanking(String s)   // parameter
        // Find the end of the numbers
        // - find the TAB character = code 9
        // Get the substring up to the TAB
        // Change it to an int with Integer.parseInt
        int p = s.indexOf(9);        // finds the TAB character
        String nums = s.substring(0,p);    // gets the digits
        int answer = Integer.parseInt(nums);     // changes to an int
        return answer;       // return the int value of the ranking field

CIA Program - 7-9 Jan 2014

Here is a NetBeans program that inputs and displays data from
text files that have been downloaded from the CIA Factbook.

Here are some notes about the program.


Make the button (and method) for finding 10 results for 1 country.
It needs to do ALL 10 files - you complete the names in the filenames array.
Then improve this method so that it ADDS UP the 10 ranking results.
For each result, it needs to:
 -  use SUBSTRING to extract the number at the beginning
 -  use Integer.parseInt to change this to an actual number
 -  add the number to the total with  total = total + number

Finish this before class on Monday so that you are
prepared for the QUIZ that we will have.

Here is the method we wrote in class to collect data about Germany.
You need to type it into your copy of the original CIA program.


[HL] More Kings Programming - 6 Dec 2014

We will do some of the programming exercises for the KINGS puzzle.

This is done in Processing. 

Homework (due at the next HL class)

   (4) Change moving (in setup()) so it prevents illegal moves
          that would be next to a King or on top of a King.

         It needs some IF.. commands similar to these:

         if (board[row][col] == 'K')   { bad = true; }
         if (board[row+1][col] == 'K') { bad = true; }
         if (board[row][col-1] == 'K') { bad = true; }
       Be careful that you don't check [row+1] when row == 4,
       and don't check [row-1] when row == 0.  Same for col = 0 or 4.

Investigate the CIA World Factbook - 13 Dec 2013

Quiz - 10 minute limit

After finishing the quiz, investigate the CIA Factbook.

For example, try to answer the following questions:

(1) Where do people earn the most money :
      The USA        Germany      Japan      Some other idea?

(2)  Which country has the longest life-expectancy?

(3)  In which country is Internet access most available?

(4)  Which country is the most "livable" - that is, in which country
      are various aspects of living the best?  Which criteria do
      you think are most significant?

After the break, we will write a Java program that automatically
answers questions like these.

L..O..N..G Lists in BIG Arrays - 12 Dec 2013

Here is a good attempt at a solution for the "Oldest CD" problem:

        int oldest = 2013;
     for(int x=0; x < years.length; x = x+1)
        if(years[x] < oldest)
           oldest = years[x];
           IBIO.output(years[x] + " - " + titles[x]);

Here is a Processing program that contains a very long list of words.
Download this program and open it in Processing.

Here are some practice exercises - do these in Processing
so you can concentrate on the actual mehods.  Do as many
as time permits. 

(1) Print the words in locations 5000,10000,15000,20000,...45000.
     Use a LOOP to do this.

(2) Make a countLetters method that inputs one single letter, like 's',
     and then COUNTS how many words begin with that letter.

(3) Print the first word in the list that is exactly 3 letters long.
     The word might be "ace", but that is uncertain.

(4) Change the search() method so that it will display the
     first word it finds that STARTS with the letters the user types.
     For example, if the user types "tot", then the search()
     method displays "total" .  It should not print any more words,
     like "totter".

(5) Change the search() method so that it uses a BOOLEAN FLAG
     to keep track of whether it found the word or did not find it.
     If the word is NOT found, it should try again.  This time it
     should search for the first word that CONTAINS the user's request.
     For example, if the user types "wkw", then search() prints "awkward".

(6) ADD UP the LENGTHS of all the words, then divide by the total
      number of words to find the AVERAGE length of a word in the list.

(7)  Make (or get) a new text file called NAMES.TXT .
       Use TextEdit or Notepad to create the file, typing
       one name on each line in the file.  Then copy the
       file into the DATA folder in your processing program folder.
       Check that all your methods above still function correctly
        using this different text file.

Parallel Arrays - 11 Dec 2013

The first version of the CDList program had a list of titles, like this:

String[] titles =
                 {"Beatles White Album - 1970",
                   "Valtari - 2003",
                   "Nature One - 2005",
                   "James Taylor - 1971",
                   "Netsky - 2003",
                   "DJ Kicks - 2011",
                   "Cher's Hits - 1999"

The data shown above is a bad idea, because:
- it mixes two different kinds of data together in one String -
     a TITLE and a YEAR
- the YEAR is no longer in a number format, so it is difficult
     to do calculations or comparisons

We will fix these problems today.
Here is a new version of CDListVersion2.

This contains 2 separate PARALLEL ARRAYS - titles[] and years[] .
Parallel Arrays are two arrays that contain connected lists of data.

String[] titles =
  {"Okay","Valtari","Nature One","James Taylor"....,"Madonna"};

int[] years =
  { 1970,   2003,    2005,   1971,  ............... ,1999  };

Now titles[3] contains a title (James Taylor),
and years[3] contains the corresponding year (1970).

This means that it's possible to manipulate the years as actual numbers -
for example, to check whether a year is between 1970 and 1980, like this:

     if( years[x] >= 1970  &&  years[x] <= 1980 )
     {   output( titles[x] ); }

So whenever the years[x] value matches the criteria,
we display the corresponding titles[x] .

Version 2 of the CDList program contains a method to search for a specific year.
The teacher will explain how the [Search Years] method works.

(1) Download Version 2
(2) Change the Search Years
     method to search BETWEEN
     two years, e.g. 1970-1980
(3) Make a button to COUNT
     all the "new" CDs - like after 2009
     It should say a NUMBER, like 3
(4) Make a BUTTON that automatically
      finds the OLDEST CD - that would
      be the White Album.  It needs to
      examine the years[ ] array and find
      the smallest number.

Searching in an Array - 9 Dec 2013

Here is a simple program that searches for a String
in an array of Strings :


Here is the Processing version - just for reading the notes.

Homework :

Make a really good SEARCH method that can
- search for a CD name
- search for part of a CD name
- can even find a year like 1970

More Dice Simulation - 5 Dec 2013

More work on DiceSimulation -
here is Version 2 to download.

Now the program has been simplified to display
the rolls and totals in one List box, and all the
statistics in a second List box.  There is also
a new button that rolls the dice 1000 times.
Now it will be easier to "study" the simulation.

Now add buttons and write methods to answer
the following questions:

  1. Add a button that counts how many times
    ODD and EVEN totals appear, and display the
    results in the Statistics List. 
  2. Change the program to roll 3 dice instead of 2.
    Now change the [Stats] Button so that it counts
    all the different possible totals - from 3 up to 18.
    Write the results in the Statistics List as percents.
  3. Change the ODD/EVEN Button so that it
    correctly counts ODD and EVEN for 3 dice.
  4. Make another Button that counts how often
    all 3 dice match : 1+1+1 or 2+2+2 or... 6+6+6.
  5. Make a new Button that counts PAIRS -
    that is whenever 2 dice match, for example:
    1+2+1 , 3+3+4 , 2+5+5 ...
    You can also include all 3 dice matching.
  6. Now do 4 dice. 
    There is hopefully a clever way to do the PAIRS,
    rather than writing lots and lots of IF commands.

Today's Vocabulary

              can easily be made BIGGER

RELIABILITY : works in ALL (or at least many)

SYSTEMATIC : reliable due to repetition and
             dependable actions

REUSABILITY : use METHODS - NOT copy and paste

AUTOMATION : the computer does things
             without being prompted(often loops)

[HL] 2D Arrays - 4 Dec 2013

How do calendars work?
How can we store a calendar in Java?

How do board games work?
How can we store Tic-Tac-Toe or Mine Sweeper or KINGS in Java?

Here is a game (simulation) to explore:   KINGS

HL Homework -
Before next HL meeting, become a KINGS expert -
analyze the game and develop a winning STRATEGY.

Quick Array Practice - 3 Dec 2013

Here is the dice program so far (you need to create the GUI controls):

    int[] dice1 = new int[10000];
    int[] dice2 = new int[10000];
    int[] totals= new int[10000];
    int c = 0;
    private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                        

      int d1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.random()*6 + 1);
      int d2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.random()*6 + 1);
      dice1[c] = d1;
      dice2[c] = d2;
      totals[c] = d1+d2;
      c = c+1;

    private void t1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                  
        // TODO add your handling code here:

    private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                        
        double tens = 0;
        for(int x=0; x < c; x = x+1)
                tens = tens+1;
        tc10.setText(  String.format(java.util.Locale.US  ,"%.2f",(tens/c)*100)   );
        IBIO.output(String.format(java.util.Locale.US  ,"%.2f %n is a good thing",(tens/c)*100));

Before continuing on the significant problems below (2 Dec),
do the following quick exercises:

- predict what will be printed by this algorithm:

    for(int d = 0; d < 5; d = d+1)
        System.out.println( dice1[d] );

-  predict what will be printed by this algorithm:

     if( dice1[2] == dice2[2])
     {  System.out.println("yes"); }
     {  System.out.println("no"); }

-  predict what will be printed by this algorithm:

     for(int d=0; d < 2 ; d=d+1)
          System.out.println( dice1[d] * dice2[d] );

Now spend the period writing as many of the methods
as you can that are listed below in 2 Dec 2013.

Quiz tomorrow - like the problems above

Lots More Dice Rolls - 2 Dec 2013

Homework -
Download this NetBeans project.
-  Add a text field that shows the COUNT of the number of dice rolls
    This is the variable C in the program
-  Fix the [Count 10s] so that it counts the number of 10 totals
    and then divides by the COUNT (c) to produce a percentage
-  Use String.format("%.2f", value)  to display the 10's percent
    nicely with 2 decimal places
-  Choose any of the tasks below and program one of them

We will do all the tasks below, plus a few, during classes this week.

There are lots of problems to solve.
We need to write Java methods for all of these:

- count the number of times that a 6 appears on Die1
  Express the answer as a percent.
  This should be 16.666% of the time.  

- Calculate the percent of rolls that 1 appears, that 2 appears,
   and 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Die1.  Express each as a percent.
   Put the answers in a set of TextField boxes.

- Round the answers (the percents) to a whole number,
   e.g.  17% rather than 0.166666...
   Try using this: String.format("%.2f", num*100)
   Try reading this:  http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/java/java_formatted_strings.html
   Here is a quick summary about String.format
   Or read this longer, clear explanation:  Learning Java p.315-320

- Calculate the percent of times that 7 is the total.

- Calculate percents for all totals: 2,3,4,5,...,10,11,12

- Calculate percents for the number of times that a PAIR
   is rolled - that is when dice1[x] and dice2[x] are equal.

- Calculate the percent of rolls that produce an EVEN total,
   as well as the percent that produce an ODD total.

- add 3 more dice, so there is a total of 5 dice.
   Change the TOTALS so that it reflects 5 dice.
   Your methods above (like even and odd totals)
   should still work correctly.

Dice Rolls - 29 Nov 2013

1.  Do your quiz
2.  If you finish early, you can start creating this program in NetBeans:

private void jButton1ActionPerformed
           (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                        

   int d1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.random()*6 + 1);
   int d2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.random()*6 + 1);    

We will expand this program to study probability in dice rolls.

More Arrays Practice - 27 Nov 2013

Here is a solution for yesterday's homework:

    // This also needs IBIO class in the project

    double[] prices = new double[10000];

    int c = 0;
    private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)

        double money = IBIO.inputDouble("Money");
        prices[c] = money;
        c = c+1;

    private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
        double sum = 0;
        for(int x=0; x < c; x = x+1 )
            sum = sum + prices[x];       
        double ave = sum / c;

    private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
// finding BIGGEST price
        double biggest = 0;
        for(int x = 0; x < c; x=x+1)
             if(prices[x] > biggest)
                 biggest = prices[x];
        jTextField3.setText(biggest + "");

    public void showAllPrices()
        for(int x = 0; x <= c; x=x+1)
            list1.add(prices[x]+""); // index variable

More Practice -
Predict what each of the following methods will do
and explain the purpose (why it is useful):

-  output(prices[c-1]);

-  output( c );

-  int howMany = 0;
   for(int x = 0; x < c ; x = x+1)
       if( prices[x] < 1.00 )
       {  howMany = howMany + 1; }
   output( howMany + " prices found");

- list1.removeAll();
   for(int x = 0; x < c; x = x+2)
       list1.add( prices[x] + "");

Write a METHOD (and possibly add a Button) for each of these:
- find the smallest number in PRICES[]
- display (in the list box) all PRICES that are below 2.00
- COUNT the number of BIG prices - those over 10.00
- input a LIMIT, and count all the prices that are BELOW that LIMIT
- Make a DISCOUNT button
  This inputs a price, subtracts 0.50 as a discount, and saves the discounted price
- Make a CORRECTION button.
  When this is pressed, the LAST price (the one at position C-1)
   is removed from the list.  This must subtract 1 from C.
  This is useful if a wrong price is typed, or a customer
   does not have enough money to pay.

Plan on a QUIZ (about 15 minutes) next class, with questions
similar to the practice above.

Collecting Data in an Array - 26 Nov 2013

The very simple example of the Counselor Appointments
is not the normal way to use arrays - but it is very simple
to understand when you are just starting.

The more normal way to use arrays is to collect data,
in such a way that the actual position in the array is unimportant.
For example, the cafeteria can collect a list of all the transactions
(money collected) that occurs on one day, like this:

.... more data ...

At the end of each day, the total amount collected is calculated.
The cafeteria staff may want some other information.
For example:
- what is the largest amount collected from one customer?
- what is the average amount collected?
- how many transactions were less than 1.50?

Each time a price is typed in, it needs to be saved in the array.
But each time, it needs to be saved in the NEXT POSITION
in the array.  Here is a simple solution that doesn't quite do
everything we want:

     double[]  data = new double[1000000];


     for(int c = 0; c < 1000000; c = c+1)
          double price = IBIO.inputDouble("Price");
          data[c] = price;

This needs to run all day long.  After each price is entered,
another inputDouble box pops up on the screen.  It never stops
(at least not before 1 million prices have been entered)
so there is no way to see the total at the end of the day.

Here is a better solution:

     double[] data = new double[1000000];
     int count = 0;

     public void jButton1ActionPerformed(......)

          double price = IBIO.inputDouble("Price");
          data[count] = price;
          count = count + 1;     

     public void jButton2ActionPerformed(....)

The cashier needs to click Button1 for each customer and type a price.
Then they need to click Button2 at the end of the day
(or any other time they wish).  We still need to write
the methods that calculate all the statistics.

An even better solution would be calculating all the statistics
after each price is entered, and display these on the screen continually.

Homework :
- write the program that the teacher did in class
- add an AVERAGE button
- add a [BIGGEST] button for the largest price in the array

Using ARRAYS to Store Lists of Data - 25 Nov 2013

Counselor Appointments Stored in an Array

Homework -
create the same program (above) that the teacher showed in class
- read section 8.1 in this chapter about arrays

[HL] Continue Hardware Fundamentals - 20 Nov 2013

Syllabus Topic 6 - Resource Management (p 37-39)

Hardware and History Notes

More OOP - 19 Nov 2013

Programming TRIANGLE problems (trigonometry)

OOP - Using IBIO - 18 Nov 2013

IBIO JETS Standard Input/Output

We can use IBIO Input/Output commands in NetBeans, by adding the IBIO class to a project.  
Then you can use input/output commands like this:

 IBIO io = new IBIO();

 void example()
    int x = io.inputInt("Type a number");
    int y = io.inputInt("Another number");
    if( x == y )
       io.output("You are not very creative");
       io.output("The sum is " + (x+y) );

Practice -
In NetBeans, create a new Project.
Add a BUTTON for each of the following tasks,
and use the IBIO methods for input and output:
- input 2 numbers and output the SUM and the PRODUCT
- input 3 numbers, decide which is the largest
   and output that number
- input a "user name" and a "password",
   then output "correct" if the user name and the password
   contain the same number of letters, e.g. :
       "fred" and "magic" ==> wrong
       "Bobby" and "magic" ==> correct
- find one of the problems we did earlier in the year
   on this page of sample programs.
   Choose one of the programs and implement this in NetBeans.

GUI Friday - 15 Nov 2013

This is our last day to discuss GUI programming.
We will spend a bit more time discussing LIST boxes,
and write a program that removes a name from
one LIST box and copies it into another LIST box.

We created a JFrame Form with a Button and 2 AWT List boxes.
Then we added this code:

    private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                        
        list1.add("Jung Woo");
    private void list1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                     
       String name = list1.getSelectedItem();

    private void list2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                     
       String name = list2.getSelectedItem();

Now when the user double-clicks on the first List box (the one containing names),
the name is moved from List1 into List2.  When the user double-clicks on List2,
the name moves from List2 into List1.

Controls and OOP - 13 Nov 2013

A solution to yesterday's homework:

How to do RadioButtons - a clear and complete tutorial:
This is part of a COMPLETE Java tutorial based on NetBeans. 
If you want to learn more on your own, this is a good resource.

Today's Discussion -
   GUI Controls (Swing and AWT) and OOP (Object Oriented Programming)

Homework -
  Do ONE of the following tutorials - read it and create the corresponding program:  

37. Lesson 37: Working with GUI controls: Label and Text field

38. Lesson 38: Working with GUI controls: Command buttons

39. Lesson 39: Working with GUI controls: Combo box

40. Lesson 40: Working with GUI controls: Check box & Text area

41. Lesson 41: Working with GUI controls: Radio buttons

42. Lesson 42: Working with GUI controls: Java Menus

This set of tutorials is just the right level for IB students, and covers pretty
much exactly what you need to learn.  It is clear, complete and straightforward.

If you prefer a reference site, here is a good one:
This covers all the basics and many advanced features.
It's not really a tutorial, but it's a good place to find lists of methods.
For example, here is a summary of String methods:

If you prefer learning from a book, there are many available for free online,
for example:

(beginner)  Java : A Beginner's Guide
(intermediate) Java Notes by David Eck   Schmidt Java Course
(advanced) Learning Java by Niemeyer and Knudsen

Code Snippets and How To's are bits of code that tell you how
to program for a specific task.  For example: "How can I change
the background color of a button when the mouse rolls-over it?"
Here are a few "snippet" sites:

(basic) Fluffy Cat
(advanced) Real's How To (click on [Java])

Math Sequences - 12 Nov 2013

Homework :
  Make a program with a [Sequence] button.
  When the Button is clicked, it displays an Arithmetic Progression (AP)
    inside a List box.
  Start with a very simple sequence like  5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , ... , 50
  Then make your AP more flexible - it can start with any number
     and count by any number.
  Then make a GP button (Geometric Progression) like  2 , 4 , 8 , 16 ... 1024
  Then make the GP button more flexible.

Also try to find out how to use a RadioButtonGroup to properly
group several RadioButtons together.

Make a Calculator with Statistics - 11 Nov 2013

Calculator Videos

Homework Practice -
- Create the Data List
- Make a TextField with an [Enter] event
   that adds data to the Data List
- Make a Button that adds up all the
   numbers in the Data List

[HL] Hardware Fundamentals - 8 Nov

Syllabus Topic 6 - Resource Management (p 37-39)

Hardware and History Notes

NetBeans - GUI IDE - 6-7 Nov 2013

NetBeans is a GUI IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
It contains:
- an Editor for typing Java programs
- "intellisense" instant pop-up syntax help
- a GUI form designer for designing a Graphical User Interface

We will use NetBeans to make a simple calculator,
similar to the sample Processing program from last class.

Here are clear, complete notes for a beginner :

Here is a good introductory video for NetBeans -

Here is another Quick Start Tutorial.

Homework :
You can download NetBeans from https://netbeans.org/downloads/ .
Install NetBeans on your laptop before class tomorrow.
Once you have NetBeans installed, make a program with 3 TextFields and
one Button, that can add 2 numbers together and write the answer
in the 3rd TextField.


Here is the [ADD] code that we typed in class:

GUI Programming - 5 Nov 2013

Modern Operation Systems use a GUI (Graphical User Inteface) for most programs. 
We can create GUI programs in Java by using AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) controls.

Here is a sample program with a GUI interface.

Homework :
- Download the sample program (calc)
- Run the program
- Remove the SUB and DIV radio buttons
   You will need to change the ACTION method accordingly
- Add a third TextField for a 3rd number input
- Change the CALCULATION commands
   so that it ADDS or MULTIPLIES all 3 numbers

Test - 31 Oct 2013

Test on Computer Organization.


Test Review - 30 Oct 2013

The test is postponed one day, until Thursday 31 Oct.
We will review all the topics we covered in the past 3 weeks,
starting on 9 Oct.

What does this picture represent?

More Practice with Circuits - 29 Oct 2013

NAND Gates


#5 - For each Boolean Expression:
   (a) create a Truth Table with 1's and 0's
   (b) draw an equivalent circuit in the Circuit Emulator
   (c) check that the output(s) of the circuit correctly matches your Truth Table

#6 - Your goal is part (d) - to construct an appropriate circuit,
      using only NAND gates

[HL] Resource Management - 28 Oct 2013

Syllabus Topic 6 - Resource Management (p 37-39)

APU = Advanced Processing Unit

How to Install a Graphics Card and Disable Onboard Video

How Graphics Cards Work (optional)

More Practice with Circuits - 25 Oct 2013

Circuit Simulator

Circuit Excercises

For these charts:
- make a prediction of the values that belong in the chart
- use the Circuit Simulator to check whether your predictions were correct
- for the complex chart, write down the circuit that you created (draw it)

Introduction to Circuits - 24 Oct 2013

Circuit Simulator

Circuit Excercises

Homework: Reference Reading
Computer Science Illuminated p. 92-103 (here is an old version)

Machine Code - 23 Oct 2013

Pippin CPU Simulator(1 acc)
Homework :
Using the Pippin CPU Simulator, type in the Machine Language program
shown below and run it.  WARNING!! The MUL command causes an
error, which might freeze your browser.  If you want to avoid this
stop the program before it executes that command.

Fetch-Decode-Execute-Store - 21 Oct 2013

Homework:  Watch each of these videos:
Motherboard and Expansion Video
What's Inside a PC? Video
The Data BUS Video
Fetch-Decode-Execute-Store Video
For next lesson
Pippin CPU Simulator(1 acc)
Multi-Register CPU Simulator
GCSE CPU Overview
Review (if you need it)
Binary and Hexadecimal

Computer Organization - 18 Oct 2013

Computer Organization - IB Syllabus Section 2 (p 22-24) for overview

Homework :  In Computer Science Illuminated, read p. 119-133 about circuits and gates (reference)

CPU Emulator : http://ivanzuzak.info/FRISCjs/webapp/

More Binary and Hex - 17 Oct 2013

Binary and Hexadecimal Notes

Learn to use your computer's calculator to convert BIN to HEX to DECIMAL.

[HL] Resource Management - 16 Oct 2013

Class cancelled for PSAT test

Syllabus Topic 6 - Resource Management (p 37-39)

Hex-editor - 14-15 Oct 2013

Hexadecimal and hex-editors

Operating Systems and the System Monitor - 9 Oct 2013

You will need to:
- TASK MANAGER (Windows) press Ctrl-Alt-Delete
- ACTIVITY MONITOR (Mac) open Apps/Utilities
to do some practice exercises.

System Monitor Investigation

Introductory Slideshow about How Computers Store Data

Homework : download and install a Hex Editor
Today and tomorrow we will discuss the following:
Binary Storage Examples

Quiz and Reading - 8 Oct 2013

After finishing the quiz, do the following reading:
Computer Science Illuminated Textbook - sections 10.1 and 10.2

Times and Dates in Strings - 7 Oct 2013

We will discuss these notes : More Notes About Times

Here is a starting solution for the Elapsed Time program:

// Elapsed Time Solution

Hex viewer/editor

//   first = 11:30 , se3cond = 12:15 --> Elapsed Time = 45 min

   void setup()
      String first = input("First time");
      String second = input("Second time");
      if( validTime(first) == true && validTime(second) == true )
         int elapsed = difference(first,second);
         output(elapsed + " minutes");
   int difference(String first, String second)
      int m1 = Integer.parseInt(first.substring(3,5)) +
      int m2 = Integer.parseInt(second.substring(3,5)) +
      return m2 - m1;           
   public boolean validTime(String time)
      boolean okay = true;
      if(time.length() != 5)
         okay = false;
      if( !time.substring(2,3).equals(":") )
         okay = false;
      char ha = time.charAt(0);
      char hb = time.charAt(1);
      char ma = time.charAt(3);
      char mb = time.charAt(4);
      if(mb < '0' || mb > '9')
      {  okay = false; }
      if(ma < '0' || ma > '5')
      {  okay = false; }
      if(ha < '0' || ha > '2')
      {  okay = false; }
      if(ha == '2' && hb > '3')
      {  okay = false; }
      return okay;

public void output(String message)
{  javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,message);  }

public String input(String prompt)
{  return javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,prompt);  }

[HL] More About Encryption - 25 Sep 2013

1.  We will discuss the reading from last time.

Ceaser Cipher

Keyword Cipher

Code Breaking Video  

The Turing Game

Too Much Information about Cryptology

2.  We will look at this encryption/decryption program.

More About Times - 24 Sep 2013

More Notes About Times

Homework :
1 - Read the notes above
2 - Write a program that does the following:
    - Inputs two times as Strings, in the format  08:32
    - REJECT the input if it does NOT match the required format (hh:mm)
        If input is rejected, the program should end (terminate!)
    - Changes the HOURS digits (two characters) to an int, using:  int h  =  Integer.parseInt(hours);
    - Changes the MINUTES digits (two characters) to an int
    - Calculate  h*60+m  to get the number of minutes after midnight for each time
    - Check which time is earlier, e.g.   if(first < second){ .... }
    - Subtract the later time minus the earlier time to get the ELAPSED number of minutes

For example:
-  Input first time :       15:10
-  Input second time:    14:45
.....  first = 15*60+10 = 910 minutes after midnight
.....  second = 14*60+45 = 885 minutes after midnight
.....  first - second= 910-885 = 25 minutes elapsed

-  Input first time:   8:32
 .... REJECTED!  the colon (:) is in the wrong place, there are only 4 characters ... BAD!

On Tuesday 8 Oct we will have a quiz about this program (as well as some other ideas).
On Monday 7 Oct we will discuss your solution(s).

More String Programs - 23 Sep 2013

1.  Discuss the Word-Guess game from Friday
2.  Discuss this program that calculates Elapsed Time

Guessing a Word - 20 Sep 2013

1.  Do your quiz
2.  We will work on this program:

Parsing Stings for Real - 18 Sep 2013

1.  Parsing Strings

2.  Homework :  Parsing Strings #3 - Email Validation
     Do the 3 tasks listed, plus one more of your choosing.
     This can be any rule that is required for email addresses,
      for example the period (dot) cannot be at the end of the address.

    E-Mail your program to Dave_Mulkey@fis.edu
      BEFORE class on Friday.

String Methods - 17 Sep 2013

Homework - In the reading (Savitch) try out
all the String methods on pages 38-41.

Parsing Strings - 16 Sep 2013

1.  Questions from Savitch Chapter 1 Getting Started

2.  Parsing Strings

3.  Homework :  Parsing Strings #3 - Email Validation

4.  Quiz tomorrow - a 10 minute written quiz about Java Strings

[HL] Encryption = Secret Codes - 13 Sep 2013

Ceaser Cipher

Keyword Cipher

Code Breaking Video  

The Turing Game

Too Much Information about Cryptology

The next Higher Level meeting will be on 25 Sep.
Before then, do the following homework:
- Watch the
Code Breaking Video  (20 min)
- Choose one of the chapters in
Too Much Information about Cryptology
   and read that chapter.  Keep track of ideas that you do NOT understand.
- Come to class on 25 Sep and be prepared to ask QUESTIONS
   about what you saw and read.

Parsing and Compiling - 12 Sep 2013

The quiz is postponed until Tuesday 17 Sept 2013.

What happens INSIDE Processing when you click the [Run] button?

What are some SYNTAX RULES that Java programmers must obey?

Homework : Look through (don't read entirely) the handout from Savitch.
                   Find 5 things that you already knew about Java.
                   Find 1 thing that is new to you and sounds important or useful.

More Strings - 11 Sep 2013

HOMEWORK : Type (or copy) the following code into Processing
                       (you will also need the IBIO input and output methods):

void setup(){char symbol = 0x00BC;output(symbol + "");println(symbol);}

This will run correctly and print 1/4.

Then try pressing the [Enter] key at various places in that line.

Find out where it's okay to split the line, and where it is not okay.

Strings - 10 Sep 2013

The computer can also store and manipulate words -
we need to use String variables for this task.

We will start our investigation of Strings with this sample program:

void setup()     // the program starts here
   String word = input("Type a German word");
   {  output("help"); }
   {  output("eat"); }
   {  output("money"); } 

//====== IBIO Input and Output Commands ===========
// You are not required to understand the code below
// but you do need to be able to USE Input and Output commands.

public void output(String message)
{  javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,message);  }

public String input(String prompt)
{  return javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,prompt);  }

//====== Use BIG FONTS in IBIO ====================
// The following just makes all the Fonts bigger.
// It's really only necessary for the teacher when
// he presents something on the board.

Object big = bigFonts();

public Object bigFonts()
    new javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource(new java.awt.Font("Verdana", java.awt.Font.BOLD, 24))

    new javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource(new java.awt.Font("Verdana", java.awt.Font.BOLD, 24))

    new javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource(new java.awt.Font("Verdana", java.awt.Font.BOLD, 24))

  return null;

This contains numerous new words. 
The teacher will explain what it all means.
Then we will turn this into a useful program.

[HL] Embedded Processors for Automation - 3 Sep 2013

Background Reading : Automation

Homework (complete before HL class on Friday 13 Sep):
- read all the notes (in Automation above), watch all the videos,
  and investigate some SENSORS in some real devices,
   especially your toaster at home.  How does the toaster "know"
   when the toast is done and should "pop up".


IB Syllabus 7.1.1 : Discuss a range of control systems.

A variety of control systems should be examined such as automatic
doors, heating systems , taxi meters, elevators,
washing machines, process control, device drivers,
domestic robots, GPS systems, traffic lights
and other common devices.

Technical knowledge of specific systems is not expected but
students should be able to analyze a specified system.
IB Computer Science Course Guide p.39

We will study some sample control systems.
In each case, consider the following questions:

  1. What input devices (sensors) must exist in the system?
  2. What output devices (actuators/transducers or motors) must exist?
  3. What processing must occur to make the system
    function correctly (input-processing-output)?
  4. What rules must be implemented as decisions
    in the embedded controller?
You might want to think about processing first,
and then think about inputs and outputs.
For the most part, there is littl storage in embedded controllers,
or at least nothing interesting.

Test and Reading - 2 Sep 2013

After completing your test, you can start on your homework reading (handout).
You need to read sections 3.3-3.6 before our next class on Tuesday 10 Sept.

Programming Practice - 30 Aug 2013

Practice Programming:
Car Trip   Ski Trip

Monday's test will be about programming and binary.

Solving Math Equations - 29 Aug 2013

Solving Math Equations

More About Binary Numbers + Variables - 27 Aug 2013

Storing numbers in variables and calculating with variables.
We will start with this program : Bake Sale

Binary Number Storage and Accuracy - 26 Aug 2013

We will discuss how numbers are stored in binary inside a computer,
and how this affects the accuracy of arithmetic operations.

Homework :
(1) Find the largest value that can be calculated by:  Math.pow(10,123);
       by changing 123 to larger numbers

(2) Memorize the powers of 2 up to 1024:
       1  2  4  8  16  32  64  128  256  512  1024

(3) Read section 2.2.2 in this textbook : http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/c2/s2.html

Numbers - 23 Aug 2013

Look at this Java program : Calculations + - * /
We will run this program, alter it, study it,
and then discuss how binary affects the calculations.

Robots [HL] - 22 Aug 2013

We will discuss last year's Mars Curiosity landing, as well as other robots.

Here are some useful links for the discussion:



Robots for Elderly People

All about robots

We want to answer the following questions:

Test - 21 Aug 2013

If you finish the test early, you may start on your homework.

Homework -
 read about binary

 Download and install Processing
  - you must bring a computer with a working version of Processing to class on Friday

System Monitor Investigation - 20 Aug 2013

System Monitor Investigation

Future PCs Scenario - 19 Aug 2013

We will discuss the Future PCs Scenario
at the end of these notes Computer Systems Notes .

Scenario Discussions - 15 Aug 2013

We will continue discussing the two scenarios
at the end of these notes Computer Systems Notes .

First Day - 14 Aug 2013

Today's Assignment
How do we define the term computer?
We will discuss these notes Computer Systems Notes .

Read chapter 1.1 in your textbook.

==== Read the information below as time permits ====

Welcome to IB Computer Science

In IB Comp Sci we will be writing programs in Java, as well as learning technical concepts and vocabulary about computer systems   .. more ..

Daily Work - Computers Required - Bring Your Computer Every Day

Each student needs a computer for class every day  .. more ..
