Ethiopia of history
Ethiopia is one of the oldest kingdoms in the world and also the earliest of all the independent states on the continent of Africa. There is a story that its rulers are descended from the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. Ethiopian has been out of touch with the rest of Africa, because of its geographical position. Most of the country is high and mountainous and round its borders there are many deep valleys and towering cliffs. Ethiopia to the east lie mile of hot and arid desert. Ethiopian Kingdom had links with Egypt. It was from Egypt that the Christian religion was brought to the country in A.D.330. There are many different people and 82 languages within the borders of Ethiopia. The most popular language is Amharic. The ruling people are the Amharas most of live in the central highlands and also in the south there many Muslims. Ras Tafari developed the medical services of Ethiopia and made possible the opening of many new hospitals. He was born in 1892. He was educated first at mission school. His father was one of Menelik’s generals sent him to the Emperor’s school in Addis Ababa. He did so well. When he was seventeen, the Emperor made him governor of province. He also started a system of taxing all good imported into the country. He cares for education. He encouraged the starting of many more school and provided scholarships for promising young men to study abroad. When the empress died 1930 Ras Tafari took the name Haile Selassie. He made of Ethiopian known by his travels abroad. He called the foreign experts and attached them to the ministries of his government. In 1946 Haile Selassie set up Ethiopian Airlines. He was a very successful man and very intelligent man.

what do you know about Ethiopia? I want to tell you about Ethiopia just in case if you want to go there one day.